Saturday, December 28, 2019

Construction And Environmental Performance Of A Typical...

The Similarities and Differences Between the Design, Construction and Environmental Performance of a Typical Mesopotamian ‘Courtyard’ House and a Roman ‘Peristyle’ House. To consider the similarities and differences of the aforementioned aspects of the house types, it necessitates first to define the terms under which the comparisons are made. Considering the era in question, 10000BC until 550AD, it seems incomprehensible, whilst appreciating similarities due to influence of climate, geographical location and peoples of the area, not to expect differences in the design. Here I use the definition of design as an image created to communicate the appearance and function of a building, due to the advancement of civilization in that time, and the increase in material want. Likewise, advances in skill and technology (even at a very basic pre BC level, was huge, influencing the construction; Construction I would define as - the action of building something, for example a building or large structure. Lastly over time, the ancient civilizations would have become increasingly aware of the potential and viability of adapting their buildings to reap the benefits of environmental factors whilst at the same time and over time, incorporating environmental performance; that is how the building reacts to its geographical location and clima te. Placing both houses in a historical context, the Mesopotamian ‘courtyard’ house dates more specifically to the time 10000BC to 600BC, whilst the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Anonymous Solves a Rape Case - 968 Words

Anonymous can seem like a strange or unsettling concept to some who may fear that someone or something mysterious exists behind a screen that has the power to destroy anyone or anything in a matter of minutes. In this particular case, anonymous shows their true power and potential by solving a two year cold rape case in under two hours. This Canadian rape case involved a young girl, Rehtaeh Parsons, who attended a party where alcohol was present and was gang raped by four of her male classmates. These four males took pictures of the gang sexual assault and then proceeded to share and send these photos to everyone in the school. Two years passed by that Parsons was brutally bullied and assaulted every day. Parsons eventually attempted suicide by hanging herself, and died a few days after when she was taken off life support. The Parsons family attempts at getting justice for their daughter against the four classmates failed when the police did not think enough evidence existed to charge anyone of the crime. The case was given up on due to lack of evidence and no relief or justice was served from the police. Anonymous was allegedly able to confirm the identities of the rapists in just two hours. People close to the perpetrators contacted Anonymous and flooded anonymous accounts with stories and testimonies. Anonymous said they would restrain from making the names public in hopes of forcing official investigators to re-open the case and review the evidence again.Show MoreRelatedA Perfect Example Of Civic Hacking1001 Words   |  5 PagesBigApps, sponsored by the New York City Economic Development Commission, is designed to foster civic hackers’ ideas to solve specific problems each year (â€Å"BigApps NYC 2015†). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Accounting Information System for Cash Flow System

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Information System for Cash Flow System. Answer: Introduction The report explains the risk analysis of cash flow system of JK Saddlery. The risk assessment shows the factors for risk in cash flow system (Li 2014.). The cashiering system in JK Saddlery has to undergo risk management for assessing the risk factor of their commercial operations. According to Chen et al. (2012), the control plan made in the report would help in decreasing the effect of risk in factor. Part A: Systems Documentation Context Level DFD Figure 1: Context Level DFD of JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Context Level DFD of JK Saddlery The context DFD of JK Saddlery shows a single process flow. The customers and the cashiers are the main elements of the context diagram. The operations of data flow diagram are, Customer places the sales order Cashier notes down the order details Cashier create receipts/invoices for the sales Customer collects the payment/Invoice receipt Level 0 DFD Figure 2: Level 0 DFD of JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Level 0 DFD of JK Saddlery Sales person is responsible for preparing the sales order in the sale process. The cashier collects the sales order. Cashier makes the invoice receipt for the customers. The customers make the payment to the cashier by cash, cheque or credit card. The cahier again is responsible for the collecting the cash from the bank. Process Map of JK Saddlery Figure 3: Process Map for JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Process Map for JK Saddlery The process diagram for JK Saddlery has shown that there are three levels of operations. Cashier is responsible for maintainsing all the major operations in the system of JK Saddlery. The operations include Checking and maintaining sales record and emails, payment procedure and invoicing system, and reporting of all the processes. The customer and sales person are also the part of the process system. Part B: Analysis Narrative Risk factors and consequence in JK Saddlery According to Guerron-Quintana (2012), any business operations consist of risk and uncertainty. The cash flow system of JK Saddlery also have various risk factors for information and cash management. According to Schneider et al. (2012), these include theft and misplacing of money, dishonesty of employee, inadequate separation of activities in JK Saddlery, and error of the cash management. Theft or misplace of money: the money collected at the cash counter could be stolen or misplaced or even stolen if proper attention is given (Brushwood et al. 2014). Manual cash system has the major risk factor of cash being misplaced or lost. It has been seen many times that the cash from the locker may get lost. Sometimes, the burglars or thieves get into the shop for stealing the money by force. It is a very common risk factor that has been noticed in the retail shops and stores. Dishonesty of Employee: Since only one employee is responsible for maintaining the cash and credit card transaction there is always a probability for error (Jehn and Scott 2015). The risk factor of dishonesty of employee would have serious offense on the cash flow transaction of the company. JK Saddlery may have to face problems like cash or product lost due to dishonesty of the employee. The employee may take or use some money for personal gain and it would cause negative effect on the business operations of the JK Saddlery. Inadequate separation: The pressure of keeping track of all the information and money may lead to miss of information storage (Tubaldi Barbato and Ghazizadeh 2012). The employee might miss track of any commodity. As the data entry is not automatic, the information has to be stored manually in the operations of JK Saddlery. It would cause storing the information with any error of fault. Hence there is a risk of storage of data and information. The data and information storage would cause in diluting the chances of steady flow because the data is maintained by single authority. Error in cash flow management: The risk factor can affect the data management of the JK Saddlery. The management and maintenance of operations in sales invoicing of the JK Saddlery can be helpful for sorting this error (Shah et al. 2016). The lack of information system can largely effect the process of managing the data and information about cash maintenance. However for JK Saddlery, the information has to be manually maintained, which may result in occurrence of error. The employee and the managers of JK Saddlery would have to manage the situation of faults that may arise from the errors in management of cash flow operations. Control plan for managing the risks of JK Saddlery The control plan for managing the risk factors of JK Saddlery can be managed by the implementation of integrated information system management (Satyadi 2014). It would help in forming a system that would be capable of maintaining the information system in JK Saddlery. It would enhance the system management of sales invoice of JK Saddlery. There are 5 principles that could be implemented for managing the cash handling system of JK Saddlery. Record and document the transactions: the transactions of the JK Saddlery should be managed by recording and documenting of the day to day transactions (Rault and Loughman 2013). Hence, the chances of the loss of data by any means could be stopped. The JK Saddlery can manage the transactions by the implementation of information system. Authorization in transaction management: the authorization feature would prevent the theft of cash or information (Ginter et al. 2013). The data and information system of the JK Saddlery can be managed by the use of information system. The problems faced by the theft of information could be easily stopped by implementing the authorization function available in information system. Reviewing the Documents: The reviewing and verification of the documents can be easily implemented by the information system management (Wang et al. 2012). It would be helpful for sorting out the errors in management of invoice system. The billing and invoice system had been managed solely by an employee in JK Saddlery. However, if information system is implemented, the system would be faster and accurate for managing the cash flow system of JK Saddlery. Segregate Duties: The duties and responsibilities of information system management could be managed by implementing the information system over the operations of billing and invoicing of JK Saddlery (Svrakic et al. 2013). The managers and the employees are responsible for managing the information and cash system of JK Saddlery. But being a human they are liable for making mistakes and errors. However, the information system is fault free mechanism and there is no scope for errors. Time Saving: The information system perform all the operations without any errors and faults (Kallhoff and Byrne 2015). The time taken for storing the information on the information system would be comparably less that manual entry. Hence, it would save much time of operations. The JK Saddlery would require less time for forming the information database of the sales invoice and cash flow. Conclusion The report had stated the risk assessment of manual cash system in JK Saddlery. It has resulted in forming the errors by the risk factors like theft and misplacing of money, dishonesty of employee, inadequate separation of activities in JK Saddlery, and error of the cash management. These risk factors have resulted in causing problems and issues in cash flow system of JK Saddlery. However, the five principles such as record and document the transactions, authorization in transaction management, reviewing the documents, segregate duties, and time saving. References Brushwood, J.D., Dhaliwal, D.S., Fairhurst, D.J. and Serfling, M.A., 2014.Property theft and the cost of equity capital. Working Paper, The University of Arizona. Retrieved from https://aaahq. org/AM2014/display. cfm. Chen, C.W., Tseng, C.P., Hsu, W.K. and Chiang, W.L., 2012. A novel strategy to determine the insurance and risk control plan for natural disaster risk management.Natural Hazards,64(2), pp.1391-1403. Ginter, K.L., Shear, V.H., Spahn, F.J. and Van Wie, D.M., Intertrust Technologies Corporation, 2013.System and methods for secure transaction management and electronics rights protection. U.S. Patent 8,543,842. Guerron-Quintana, P., 2012. Risk and uncertainty.Business Review, (Q1), pp.9-18. Jehn, K.A. and Scott, E.D., 2015. Lies in the Sky: Effects of Employee Dishonesty on Organizational Reputation in the Airline Industry.Business and Society Review,120(1), pp.115-136. Kallhoff, K.S. and Byrne, P., 2015. The College and Career Ready System: Time Saving Tool Used to Identify Potential At-Risk Students. Li, W., 2014.Risk assessment of power systems: models, methods, and applications. John Wiley Sons. Rault, D.F. and Loughman, R.P., 2013. The OMPS Limb Profiler environmental data record algorithm theoretical basis document and expected performance.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,51(5), pp.2505-2527. Satyadi, C., 2014. Improving Patient Safety: Proficiency Testing Management Utilizing Ishikawa/Fishbone Methodology and Risk Management System (RMS) in Alignment to Internal Quality Control Plan (IQCP).American Journal of Clinical Pathology,142(suppl 1), pp.A142-A142. Schneider, S., Peters, J., Bromberg, U., Brassen, S., Miedl, S.F., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Conrod, P., Flor, H., Garavan, H. and Heinz, A., 2012. Risk taking and the adolescent reward system: a potential common link to substance abuse.American Journal of Psychiatry. Shah, D., Kumar, V., Kim, K.H. and Choi, J.B., 2016. Linking Customer Behaviors to Cash Flow Level Volatility: Implications for Marketing Practices.Journal of Marketing Research. Svrakic, D.M., Zorumski, C.F., Svrakic, N.M., Zwir, I. and Cloninger, C.R., 2013. Risk architecture of schizophrenia: the role of epigenetics.Current opinion in psychiatry,26(2), pp.188-195. Tubaldi, E., Barbato, M. and Ghazizadeh, S., 2012. A probabilistic performance-based risk assessment approach for seismic pounding with efficient application to linear systems.Structural Safety,36, pp.14-22. Wang, L., Ricart, G., Thompson, C.A., Wishon, K. and Laube, S., Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp, 2012.System and method for comparing and reviewing documents. U.S. Patent 8,196,030

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Surgical Wound Care Essay Sample free essay sample

Types of Wounds* Harmonizing to how they are acquired* Abrasion. laceration. cut/incision. injury* Harmonizing to the grade of lesion taint* Dependent for how the is the lesion. if there is any antibiotic. other interventions* Harmonizing to deepness* Dermis. cuticle. hypodermic. musculusAim* Promote lesion healing* To advance optimum status Factors impacting lesion healing* Developmental considerations* Nutrition* Lifestyle* Medicines* Infections Complications of Wound Care Healing* Bleeding* Hypovolemic Shock* Hematoma* Infection* Dehiscence with possible evisceration Types of Dressing* Gauze* Synthetic Dressings* Hydrocolloids* Foams* Alginates* Hydrogels Manners of Using the Drain* Dry to dry* Use clean gauze* Pat prohibitionist inner to outer* Wet to dry* Use the unfertile bowl* Place sterile gauze* Put NSS to the gauze at the unfertile bowl* Prepare another unfertile gauze. Keep it dry.* Use 2 forceps. Catch the terminal of the gauze with forcep A. so another terminal with forcep B * Pigain ng Hindi gumagamit nanogram kamay. Merely turn overing the forceps * Place the moisture gauze at the lesion site * Then cover the wet gauze with a dry gauze. We will write a custom essay sample on Surgical Wound Care Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Wet to muffle* Wet to wet Kinds of Wound Drainage* Serous exudation* Clear in colour* Purulent exudation* Yellow* Might need the swab* You do non necessitate to clean the country when you are traveling to acquire a sample / civilization * Sanguineous exudation Wound Drains* To egest extra fluids and promote healing* Jackson Pratts* Do non crimp when run outing* Penrose drain* To run out extra fluids* Pin – to keep in topographic point* Serve a stopper* T-Tube* Hemovac* Gomco Suction Device Change of Dressing* First 24 hours. station op dressing do non touch because it is a force per unit area dressing * For preventative steps* Type depends upon the type of lesion that you patient has. * Principle: CLEAN TO DIRTY* Inscision site is the cleanest country* Sterile prohibitionist dressing* Use of antiseptic and so use dry gauze* Before you change the dressing. look into first status of the patient * Post op site is worse. name the doctorMethods* Sterile technique* Clean Technique Abdominal Binder* For station op abdominal surgery* Scultetus Binder* Cloth merely* OB Case – top to bottom ( involution )* Post Abdominal Surgery – underside to exceed ( to fasten the abdominal musculuss ) Care of the Unconscious* Eye Care* Make a mitten ( to avoid the trickle of the extra fluids of the patient. to forestall in drying easy of the washrag. inner to outer ) * Moisten the muta foremost before taking it* Unconscious client = diminished winking automatic apply eyepad * In using oculus trickles hyperextend the cervix to decrease winking automatic * Non dominant to take down the conjunction. dominant manus to squash the oculus bead * After puting the solution. state the patient to shut the eyes gently. revolve the orbs * Eye unction inner to outer canthus * Ophthalmic solution foremost so oculus unction* Oral Care* Toothette* Position of patient* Conscious = semi Fowlers* Unconscious = side lying. level or supine while the caput is on the side ( to advance drainage of secernments ) * Place the towel on the thorax* Patient has unreal dental plates* Use the cushioned lingua depressor or toothette ( merely foam ) * Dip on the H2O so imperativeness on the side* Use as a tooth coppice* Artificial dental plates* Brush it* Conscious patient* Semi Fowlers* Place kidney basin at the chin portion* Unconscious* Do non put the unreal dental plates* Dentures = topographic point in an opaque container with H2O ( to maintain it humidify. maintain from waterlessness ) * Make sure non to bury the suction machine is ever available at bedside * Can use crude oil jelly * Nasal Care* Use cotton buds* Can wash with salinase* Treatment of Pressure Ulcers* Stage 1* Reddened. difficult* Stage 2* Stage 3* Stage 4* Apply antiseptic solutions. antibiotics* flushing* Pinakamadumi Air National Guard interpolation site kapag draigage – so inner to outer Psoriasis* Use of K permanganate* Use baseball mitts* Has drying consequence* Use pat H2O. so topographic point little spots of K permanganate ( will turn violet. but it should be light pink ) Post Mortem Care Signs of Absolute Death* CBF ( Cerebral Blood Flow )* Normal intellectual blood flow survey demoing cranial infinite filled with blood * Flat EEG* Cerebral blood flow study demoing no blood come ining the encephalon Body Changes after Death* Algor Mortis* Rigor Mortis* Livor mortis Post Mortem Care* Talk to it even when it is already dead* Give some clip to grief* After some clip. state the household that you have to fix the patient * Accomplish the corpse signifier* Time of decease* Give it a bath* Oral attention* Nasal attention* If for necropsy* Cut all the tubings. do non take* It non for necropsy* Remove all Death related Rituals and Funerals of selected spiritual groups * Muslim* Diing individual must squeal wickednesss and inquire forgiveness in presence of household. household washes and prepares organic structure and turns organic structure towards Mecca * Judaism* Body ceremonially washes by members of ritual burial society ; burial every bit shortly as possible * Lutheran. Methodist. Presbyterian* Roman Catholic

Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Last Duchess Cel Essay Example

My Last Duchess Cel Essay The text I have selected to discourse is My Last Duchess’ by Robert Browning. which was written in 1842. My Last Duchess is a dramatic soliloquy of one side of a conversation between a Duke and a Count’s courier who are negociating a matrimony to the Count’s girl. The Duke’s address about his Last Duchess’ reveals possibly more than he foremost intended to. The Duke shows the Count’s envoy a picture of his Last Duchess. ’ he talks lovingly of the picture and goes on to depict the Duchess. He describes her as beautiful. easy pleased and coquettish. The scene of this verse form is the sixteenth century. where adult females were considered mere ownerships. objects. kid carriers. –not people– and taught to obey orders without contradiction. which could be punishable by decease. In this essay I intend to discourse what I consider to be the poem’s intent and significance. In My Last Duchess the Duke appears to be a really proud. covetous. and good educated adult male. He complains that the Duchess treats his gift to her of a 900 twelvemonth old name as if it were of the same value as the bough of cherries and the white mule given to her by some officious’ sap. He is genitive and commanding. and it is his covetous nature that causes the duchess’s decease. It would non be just to state that the Duke ordered for the Duchess to be disposed of. merely because she flirted with other work forces. he gave her warning and she disobeyed him. In the sixteenth century this would hold been considered a great abuse. Womans were treated as slaves. and if they disobeyed their hubbies or male members of their household so they would be known as an embarrassment to their household and their hubbies. who would hold nil more to make with them. We will write a custom essay sample on My Last Duchess Cel specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on My Last Duchess Cel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on My Last Duchess Cel specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The duchess insults the duke. who is already covetous of her relationships’ with other work forces. who has given her warning. and who she has insulted and go an embarrassment to. the Duke feels he has no other pick but to dispose of her. The Duke chooses his words really carefully when discoursing the decease of the duchess with the minister plenipotentiary. dropping merely little intimations. but giving adequate grounds to take us to believe that did so get rid of her’ . Her decease would hold been quiet and discreet ; which I believe would hold been the Duke’s manner. no dither and no incommodiousness for the duke. Due to the rubric of the verse form. and how the duke describes the duchess as simply his last’ . doing it appear as though there has been many duchesses before her. She was his trophy married woman. and he prided himself on holding a beautiful. immature married woman. but was unable to command his green-eyed monster over those who besides appreciated her beauty. I think the duke has married many times to procure land. money and more significantly. power. The Duke craved power. money and wanted the perfect married woman. who was beautiful and followed his every bid. The Duke is covetous of the manner the Duchess treats other people. non because he loves her and wants all her love for himself. but because he wants her to admit his power over her. The Last Duchess’ was a immature miss when she married the Duke. she could hold been around 13 or 14 old ages old. At this age. although she is old plenty to cognize right from incorrect. and will non be every bit immature as a 10 or twelve twelvemonth old. it is dubious that she is old plenty to get by with so much duty. to be married to the duke for the remainder of her life and to avoid going an embarrassment to her household. To the reader. she may look as if she is simply smiling at other work forces. thanking them for their gifts and crimsoning at regards. Though. to the duke she is smiling at other work forces. the same manner she smiles at him. this causes him to worry that she is being unfaithful. She besides rates his gift of a nine-hundred-year old name the same as any other old gift. non genuinely understanding the value and importance that he believes his name to be. She blooms and smilings. when paid regards. naming that spot of joy into her cheek. of which the Duke is so genitive over. He besides comments that She had a heart—how shall I state? —too shortly made glad. excessively easy impressed ; she liked whate’er she looked on. and her expressions went everyplace. By stating this. he is connoting that she was excessively easy impressed. she liked anyone she seen. and she looked at everyone. The duchess. is immature and immature. she has been warned by the duke she must halt flirtation with other work forces. or face the effects. She sees the Duke’s weak topographic point. his green-eyed monster over her. and returns to tease him. possibly smiling at work forces when she knew she was being watched. this finally. is the cause of her death- her inability to halt smile. He says. Oh sir. she smiled. no uncertainty whene’er I passed her ; but who passed without much the same smiling? This grew ; I gave bids ; so all smilings stopped together. There she stands as if alive. The duchess still smiles at the duke. but besides at anyone else who passes. this annoys the Duke. who. when she disobeys him has decided that he can non take it any more. It all of a sudden dawns on the reader that the Duke has non stopped her from simply smiling. he has stopped her from take a breathing. it is a chilling disclosure. He has ordered her to be disposed of. and so he all of a sudden changes the subject back to the picture. about as if he can’t be bothered to discourse the affair any farther. I think the Duke and Duchess may hold had feelings for each other. and instead than appreciate the feelings of the Duke. she decides to ache them. to badger him. to do him covetous. demoing her immatureness and her naivete of disregarding his warnings. In the opening scene of the verse form. the Duke describes the picture. That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall. Looking as if she were alive. I call that piece a admiration. now. This could easy be mistaken for fancy of the duchess. but he is truly congratulating the picture. He casually tells us that it is his Last Duchess’ on the wall. non trouble oneselfing to call her. as if she were his ownership and refers to her as my. ’ He comments on the painter’s accomplishment and ability to paint her. doing her expression as if she were a existent individual in forepart of them. When the duchess was being painted by Fra pandolf’ . the painter pays her a compliment. which calls a spot of joy to her cheek. which the Duke feels should be reserved merely for himself. He is careful non to uncover his feelings towards the Duchess. although he does unwittingly through his green-eyed monster. He did care for the Duchess. possibly he did non love her. or possibly he thought of her as a ownership and was selfish. declining to portion her smiling with anyone else. but he did hold feelings for her. These feelings grew. and so did his green-eyed monster. the consequence of which unhappily ended in the Duchesses decease. The duke was. at first. lenient with the Duchess. leting her to chat up with other work forces. and when it becomes excessively much for him. warning her. and when she does non take attentiveness of his warning and he worries that his repute will be tarnished he has to move. and act he does. with the Duchess’s decease. Although. at the terminal of the verse form. he asks the minister plenipotentiary to lift. to run into the company that is waiting downstairs. they discuss the dowery which the Duke will have when he marries the Count’s girl. The count so moves on to discourse the statue of a walrus. which he describes the same as he did the picture . doing it look that he did so hold no particular feelings towards the Duchess. and he values the walrus. the same as the duchess. I believe that this verse form is set in the sixteenth century. in the Renaissance period. where the Italian nobility ruled Italy. the hapless had no say and the aristocracy at the clip treated adult females like slaves. In this period of clip. it was unacceptable for a adult female to demo her legs. excessively much of her weaponries. to be caught entirely with other work forces. whether they were guiltless or non. or to be unloyal to those who had taken attention of her. The verse form is set in the duke’s palatial’ house. there could be so be a party downstairs. perchance to compliment the Duke and the Count’s girls future nuptials. There will be many of import people invited. such as the Count. his girl and his tribunal every bit good as many other of import people of the clip. The minister plenipotentiary. after discoursing the dowery with the Duke. will return to the party. to speak to the Count and it will be decided the size of the dowery. and whether the nuptials will go on. This is an of import party for the Duke and he will desire to demo that he has wealths. wealth. power and influence to the Count. so that he will be acute for his girl to get married the Duke. The Duke’s house is large. and filled with art. he seems the type of individual to hold retainers who will be taking attention of the party downstairs. The chief subjects of this verse form are wealths. wealth. power. green-eyed monster and the male dominated society of the sixteenth century. Though there is no subject of love in this verse form. this is non grounds that the Duke did non love the Duchess. he may hold loved the duchess so much. that he could non bear to see the Duchess coquette with other people. The wealths. wealth and power are conveyed through the blue scene of this verse form. the people involved. such as the duke. the count. the duchess. the people who they consider to be below them. such as the minister plenipotentiary. the officious fool’ who gave the duchess a bough of cherries and a white mule that could non perchance compare with the duke’s 900 twelvemonth old name. There is a running subject of green-eyed monster throughout this verse form. and besides a sense of paranoia. the Duke sees the Duchess smiling at other work forces and the thought signifiers in his head that she is traveling to go forth him for anyone she smiles at. Therefore. in decision I have tried to demo what I consider to be the poem’s intent and significance. I have tried to demo how the duke was genitive over the duchess. how she tormented and teased him. how he eventually could non take any more. and she was disposed of. How he did hold feelings for her. but valued her every bit much as a statue of a walrus made out of bronze. How he discusses his Last Duchess’ and his hereafter duchess as if they were points. used for fiscal addition. The duke’s green-eyed monster is a running subject throughout the verse form. and he is unable to command it. or the duchess and he did non desire to lose face to the remainder of the nobility. The Renaissance was a clip when the violent death of adult females for the simplest of things was considered politically right. I have besides tried to demo that I consider this poem’s intent and significance to be about the Duke’s green-eyed monster and low ego regard to do him c onceive of that the Duchess is traveling to go forth for him for anyone and everyone.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Summary of King Richad essays

Summary of King Richad essays The novel opens with Johns recollection of his childhood. As the eldest son of his parents, everyone expected him to become a priest when he grew up. John also had started imagining himself in that role till his fourteenth birthday. Johns earliest memories are of Sunday mornings, when the whole house was in a flurry of activity. As the head of the family and minister of the church, his father would lead them to the church. Wearing clean clothes and cheerful in spirit, they would walk to the church. They would go past the hospital where his siblings were born. John remembers the times when his mother brought home the babies to make him feel estranged. Johns family would walk towards the church in a superior attitude, looking down on people who were enjoying the leisure of a Sunday morning. Reaching the temple of God, they would get separated to their seats in the respective parts of the church according to their age groups. John and his younger brother would be seated together along with other teenage boys and hear the sermon read out by the young and handsome Elisha. The priest of the church would always talk of virtues and sins. Once he had chastised Elisha for being friendly with a young female visitor to the church and warned him. Elisha and the girl had parted ways. At home, his father laid down rigid rules but Roy would always play truant. He would escape from the house or the church and return back late in the evening. His parents were worried about Roy and prayed to god for his safety. With John they were stricter. They wanted him to be good and virtuous. They wanted him to follow the path of god. Thus, they always kept a watch on his movements. John is disillusioned with religion and his life as ordained by his father. On his fourteenth birthday, he wakes up with rebellion in his heart. He hopes fondly that someone would wake him after wishing him a happy birthday but no one come...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Board of Governance Principles Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Board of Governance Principles - Case Study Example This is the manner, with which the Board ensures revenue for the shareholders' investments with consistent and regular review of long-term plans, decision-making achievements, and replacements for Board members and executive management personnel. At British Petroleum public limited company, the members of the Board entrust their decision-making management authority to the company's Group Chief Executive led by Tony Hayward, the Group Chief Executive, member of the BP board of directors, head of the BP executive management team, and steered by the Board of Governance Principles. Prior to efficient management, the company's Group Chief Executive Tony Hayward must have understood the business ethics of British Petroleum Plc prior understanding the company business, as theoretically, trade is directly related to ethics. In comparison, a good number of commercial executives recognize article of trade-based type of business ethics. This is well-liked by the communication industry, the courses offered in business schools, colloquiums, and educational prose. But, the other type of business ethics called sense-based has been overlooked by the majority in the industry. These two different types of business ethics are supposedly inseparable duo (Pava, 1999). ... Nonetheless, British Petroleum Plc Group Chief Executive Tony Hayward clearly implements article of trade-based and sense-based types of ethics as an indivisible pair which is clearly invoked in the Board of Governance Principles. "The power and success of business are ultimately dependent on manager's beliefs about life's meanings" (Pava, 1999) Corporate success then that is driven by moral code collectively practiced among managers, employees, and shareholders (Pava, 1999) seamlessly fits into these principles. At the British Petroleum Plc, corporate governance structure style is underpinned by the concept of the approach the company manages the business. First, the Board and the executive management of British Petroleum public limited company led by Peter Sutherland, the Chairman of the chairman's and the nomination committees benchmarked image of prominence as the driver of the primary aspiration of the British Petroleum Plc, together with the idea that the company has built through time market edge and asset for advancements. Second, the company is anchored on the conviction that its existence will assists in crafting better opportunities for the human race. For instance, the company will in some way lend a hand to humanity by providing access to heat, light, and transport. All these are achievable with low cost of ener gy production that is safe for mankind and ecosystem friendly (BP plc, 2009). This is being mindful of the chief responsibility of commerce to civilizations. While the business concerns are those of the material needs of a society of people, the corporate company likewise embraces what is beyond substantial wants and desires. In fact, this is the most significant aspect of the company. It is within this realm that company

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

W6 Asig HMO Information Delivery Framework and Data Warehousing Essay

W6 Asig HMO Information Delivery Framework and Data Warehousing - Essay Example herefore, the information delivery framework on an organization depends on the needs and demands for information of the organization, the users of information, as well as the tools which could be tapped to generate the needed data. As an end-user information delivery specialist, one would establish a framework for a health maintenance organization (HMO) through a comprehensive assessment of the information needs. The assessment necessitates identification of various users in the HMO. The HMO is defined as â€Å"an organization of hospitals, physicians, and health care providers who have joined to provide comprehensive health care services to its members† (Gitman, Joehnk, & Billingsley, 2013). As noted, HMO members include: doctors, diagnostic and laboratory technicians, nurses, administrative staff, executive management team, suppliers, clients (patients), and other health care providers. Therefore, the kind of information that would be gathered would be sourced through the various tools noted. As emphasized, â€Å"the principal class of tools comprises query and data access tools† (Ponniah, 2010, p. 360). Using the tool selection criteria and checklist, one could design the appropriate information delivery tools based on the most prominent and pressing concerns of the HMO: delivery of high quality health care and adherence to standards of safety required by health organizations. A bulk of the information to be solicited and gathered for the HMO would include current updates on health care, advances in medical technology and applications, health care regulations, standards for safety and high quality in the delivery of patient care, financial and human resources m anagement required to support and sustain operations of the HMO. Thus, using the above framework, a similar model for the HMO could be designed according to the stakeholders

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Hospitality Industry Questionnaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hospitality Industry Questionnaire - Essay Example Major role is to develop new ideas for creative events and recreational activities that would keep the customers interested and tempt him to experience events and go in for innovative recreational activities. Ensure safety and security for various stakeholders in the hospitality industry. Ensure that events and recreational activities are environment friendly and conducted within the parameter of defined government guidelines and ethics. They oversee the smooth front desk operation of hospitality industry and therefore, they should be of pleasant demeanor, well mannered and extrovert persons who can be trusted to act with discretion at all time. They should be highly motivated with good interpersonal and communication skills. They should exhibit exemplary leadership qualities and must possess innate sense of responsibility and accountability. F&B Manager must be knowledgeable, witty, enthusiastic, fun loving and creative. He or she should have leadership traits and ensure state of the art services in the field of F&B. They should also have strong organizational and communication skills. Degree in Hospitality Management with specialization in food and beverages is essential. Computer skills are also necessary. He should have minimum 2 years of experience in the F&B department of hospitality industry. He should have strong communication skills and managerial leadership qualities. He should also be tactful, patient and optimistic. His extrovert nature and persuasion skills should be extraordinary so that he is able to sell the various product and services of the hospitality industry. He should be used to working under stressful conditions and long

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Presidential Election Of 1976 Politics Essay

The Presidential Election Of 1976 Politics Essay In the year 1976, a very close race transpired between the former President Gerald Ford and an unexpected dark horse, Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter was an unknown former naval officer and one-term governor of Georgia who rose up to become the Democratic Presidential Candidate. Gerald R. Ford was just ending his term as President, which came about from a very corrupt situation. Following the Watergate scandal that consumed Nixon and shocked millions of Americans, Gerald R. Ford, as House Minority Leader, became President after the Vice-President Agnew resigned. While Ford was popular when he first became President, his popularity had slowly dwindled over the years. This being the first election after the Watergate scandal, it was a good time for the unknown Washington outsider, Jimmy Carter, to rise up and steal the presidency for himself. Starting back at the beginning, Jimmy Carters journey was not a nice walk in the park. He was not well known and was unlikely to even become the Democratic presidential candidate. Knowing hed have to spend a lot of time campaigning to get the attention of the voters, he decided to start campaigning more than a year before the election. At the end of 1974, he began to campaign and was the first candidate to do so. As the Democratic Convention approached, there was little hope that Carter would win. He was known as Jimmy who? and was running against other well-known politicians. All of a sudden, his luck changed at the Iowa Precinct Caucuses when he won more votes than all of the other candidates.6 Fortune continued with him at the New Hampshire primary in February, 1976, where he beat out five of his rivals. At the Democratic Party Convention, he won enough votes to beat out the California Governor, Jerry Brown, making him the official Democratic Presidential Candidate. President Gerald R. Ford also had a hard time of becoming a Candidate. Many people questioned him during this time because he became President without being voted on after the Watergate scandal. During the Republican Convention of 1976, his only competition came from Ronald Reagan. It was a very close vote between the two, but in the end Ford won and was again in the running for the Presidency. Another man running, named Eugine McCarthy, was the chairman of a third political party called the Independent Party and announced his candidacy on January 1975. This party came about because some people believed that the Democratic Party was too willing to compromise in order to get elected. McCarthys main agenda was to be very liberal and, as the season began, he did everything he could to keep his name in the paper. At the beginning of the election, McCarthy chose William C. Ford as his running mate. However, that didnt last because William Ford decided he wasnt going to run and bailed out. That made McCarthy mad. He decided that the office of vice president should be abolished and didnt choose another running mate. McCarthys campaign wasnt well known and he only got his name on four ballots.4 Unfortunately for McCarthy, he was never a competitive with the other two candidates because he wasnt allowed to participate in the Debates held between Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford. The final blow came when Jimmy Carters campaign started to challenge McCarthys campaign. Some of McCarthys supporters left him for Jimmy Carter in fear that Gerald Ford would win the election. In the end, McCarthy got about one percent of the popular vote and pretty much ended the Independent Party.4 Now that the two Candidates had been chosen, the different parties began to focus more heavily on their platforms. The Democratic Party Platform wanted to increase the amount of jobs available in the U.S. and cut down the unemployment rates by 3% by the time of the next election. They pledged to favor a tax reform and cut from the defense budget. On the social side of the platform, the Democrats declared that they would not create an antiabortion amendment. They did, however, want to regulate gun control and create a national health care insurance. For foreign affairs, the Democrats wanted to create a Panama Canal treaty that guarded U.S. interests while still supporting Latin America. Jimmy Carter wanted to continue to improve the relations with the Soviet Union, in the hopes that they could relax the Cold War tensions that still lingered. He hoped to spread the promotion of human Civil Rights throughout the world without using military force.2 The Republican Party Platform was almost the complete opposite of the Democratic Party Platform. Economically, the Republican Party promised to lower tax rates and create more jobs so people could get jobs easier and be able to pay taxes, while increasing the government funding. Another key point of the Republican Party Platform was the opposition to a national health care. Their main argument against this was that it would increase government spending by seventy billion dollars in the first year alone. Some other parts of the platform were to increase defense spending, oppose gun control, retention of the Panama Canal, and constitutional amendments to ban bussing and abortion.1 The real campaign for the Presidency started in September. A Gallop Poll was taken and showed Jimmy Carter leading with a support of 49% of the population, while Gerald Ford trailed with 39%.6 In one of Gerald Fords speeches he said, The question in this campaign is not who has the better vision of America. The question is who will act to make the vision a reality. Over the next two months not much was done and one newspaper said that it put the voters to sleep. Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford talked together and decided to have a series of debates, like the ones held between Richard Nixon and John Kennedy. It had been over a decade and the revival created a tradition of debates that is still used today. This was also the first time a debate was held in a public setting instead of in a studio. The debates would be over both domestic and foreign policy issues affecting America. The first debate occurred on September 27th in Philadelphia over domestic issues. It got off to a slow start with a 27 minute delay because the sound system shut off. Jimmy Carter spent his time talking of how Washington hadnt had a real leader in four years and called Ford out on his so called insensitivity to the unemployed. Ford replied by accusing Carter of not knowing the facts and having the details to back it up. Ford pushed for more jobs by expanding the private sector, controlling government spending, and lowering the federal tax. At the end of the first debate, most people believed Ford won and that Carter was too nervous and very hesitant with his answers. This caused Ford to become more popular and make the race much closer.8 The next debate took place in San Francisco and covered International Policy. Before the debate took place, it was inferred that Gerald Ford would easily win this debate. However, things quickly went south and President Ford made a huge mistake. From the start, Jimmy Carter went on the offensive and challenged Ford by saying Ford had surrendered International Affairs to the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Later in the debate Ford stumbled over a question about the Soviet Union and made a mistake. Many think this mistake kept him from becoming President. This caused many voters to believe that Ford was unintelligent and news of his costly mistake was talked about by many news reporters. Another Gallop Poll was taken after this debate showing that Carter was in the lead with 48% versus Fords 42%.8 In the third and final debate, the topic was about everything and anything. Ford was asked questions on his defense of Nixon and the Watergate Scandal while Carter was asked why he thought his lead had dropped down so far. This debate also asked questions on gun control, the Supreme Court, and possible amendments to the Constitution. To wrap up the debate, both candidates were asked what sacrifices they would require of the nation when times were difficult. Ford responded, Those necessary sacrifices to preserve the peace an adequate military capability and a few billion dollars more in defense funding. On the domestic side, sacrifices would be those that would hold the lid on spending so that we could have a long overdue and totally justified tax decrease for the middle-income people. Jimmy Carter responded by saying there wouldnt be as many sacrifices in his Administration. His main goal was to create more jobs and work on getting inflation lower with strong leadership. The only sacrifice would be to have a couple guidelines and a voluntary price restraint. Overall, this debate was very subdued with minimal accusations compared to the other two.8 After these three debates, many voters were still undecided. This election would be no landslide victory. Jimmy Carter just needed to get to Election Day fast, while Gerald Ford needed just a few more days to bridge the gap. On the day of the election, there was a big voter turnout with over four million more people voting than the year before. However, that was from more people coming of age. There was a higher percentage of voting age people voting in 1972 than in 1976. The numbers for the popular vote was very close between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter with Gerald Ford picking up 48%, Jimmy Carter 50%, and Eugine McCarthy picking up the other two. However, while the Electoral College votes were still close, there was a wider gap with Jimmy Carter holding 297 votes versus Gerald Fords 240.7 The strange thing about this election was that it wasnt based as much off of north and south. It was split up into east and west, which hasnt happened very often in the history of Presidential E lections. With that Jimmy Carter won the Presidency even though at the beginning it seemed hopeless. The Election of 1976 was very similar to the Election of 2012. In both election years, the voting was extremely close which made it not much of a victory for the two men elected. Another striking similarity is that the elections occurred during a time of war and turmoil. In 1976 the Watergate Scandal had just blown over leaving the public with a bad taste in its mouth. Now, in the year 2012, our country is currently at war with Afghanistan due to the terrorist acts of Al-Qaida. On September 11th 2012, on the eleventh year anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center, terrorists attacked again and killed the ambassador of Libya along with other violence around the globe. Both of the Elections occurred during momentous times in history. One last similarity between these two elections was the debates. In 1976, the debates had a huge impact on the election. Jimmy Carter himself, believed that if there hadnt been the debates, he wouldnt have become President. In 2012, the deba tes were similar in the way it helped the challenger for the Presidency and gave each a significant bump in the polls. However, in 2012, the incumbent, President Obama, won the election, while in 1976, the challenger, President Carter, won the election. Overall, the election of 1976 was a very important Election, just like every other Election in history. It was memorable in the way it started the precedent for debates in an election, not only between the Presidents, but also the Vice-Presidents. In this election, there was a fierce battle between two very deserving candidates. In the end, the Incumbent President, Gerald Ford fell to a new era that marked the beginning of the Democratic Hold of Office. In the next two elections the Republicans regained control of the Presidency, but the Republican Partys popularity has continued to dwindle. Once again, a Democrat (President Obama) has been voted President. Sources: David C. Whitney (2009), The American Presidents 11th Edition: Biographies of the Chief Executives, form George Washington through Barack Obama. William A. Degregorio (2009), The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents: 7th Edition. Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley (2008), The Presidency A To Z Fourth Edition. By: Ginny Glockzin

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Obsession in Araby of James Joyces Dubliners Essay -- Joyce Dubliner

Obsession in Araby    In James Joyce’s short story "Araby," the main character is a young boy who confuses obsession with love. This boy thinks he is in love with a young girl, but all of his thoughts, ideas, and actions show that he is merely obsessed. Throughout this short story, there are many examples that show the boy’s obsession for the girl. There is also evidence that shows the boy does not really understand love or all of the feelings that go along with it. When the boy first describes the girl, you can see his obsession for her. He seems to notice every detail such as "her dress swung as she moved her body and the soft rope of her hair tossed from side to side" (Joyce 548). You do not usually remember every minute detail of someone unless you are very intrigued by them. Also, note the way he describes her hair as "soft rope." This shows the intricate way the boy views her. Another way you can see the young boy’s obsession for the girl is through his actions. Every morning, he waits for the girl to appear, and then he follows her. The way in which the boy waits for the girl definitely shows that he is obsessed with her. The young boy lies "on the floor in the front parlour watching her. The blind was pulled down to within an inch of the sash so that [he] could not be seen" (Joyce 548). This sounds like spying, and spying on someone usually indicates that you have a fixation with that person. In this case, the young boy does demonstrate this fixation. For instance, while the young boy is following her, this is the way he describes his adventure: "I kept her brown figure always in my eye, and when we came near the point at which our ways diverged, I quickened my pace and passed her. This happened morning ... ...ights go out, and he is in the dark. As he stands there in the darkness, he sees himself "as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and [his] eyes burn with anguish and anger" (Joyce 551). I think this is when the young boy realizes that his whole trip to Araby was foolish because a gift from the bazaar is not going to make the young girl love him. The young boy finally realizes that everything he has done has been driven by some foolish notion that he thinks is love, but now he knows it is just a pathetic obsession for the young girl. The young boy’s eyes are burning because he feels so foolish about everything he has done supposedly for love, when he finally realizes all of his thoughts, actions, and ideas were just an obsession. Works Cited Joyce, James. "Araby." The Harper Anthology of Fiction. Ed Sylvan Barnet. New York: HarperCollins, 1986.      

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Should the U.S. Increase Spending on the Space Program

Should the U. S. Government Increase Spending On The Space Program A group of children lie in the tall grass on a moonless night, staring in wonder up at the hundreds of diamond pinpoints glittering across the heavens. This peaceful scene could have taken place at any point in history, from the cave dwelling Neanderthal, to a family celebrating a warm summer evening together at a local park. The Heavens have always been a source of passionate fascination and wonderment for intelligent beings. Nearly every culture throughout known time has had legends about the heavens or the stars.In fact, to many cultures, Greek and Roman for example, the night skies were so magical that the heavens were the focal point of their creation myths. In more recent times, we have begun to be less superstitious about the star studded expanse above us, astrology aside, and begun to apply scientific fact and mathematical certainties to that very mysterious beyond. We began to have the technological advanceme nts that would make it possible to actually begin decoding the mysteries of, and then amazingly, foraying into that last frontier which culminated in the U. S. eing the only country to have ever put a man on the moon. So why did it essentially end there? Think about this, every time you use your smart phone, you are holding in the palm of your hand more technology than was used to navigate the first moon landing. Yet, despite our marked leaps forward in the applied sciences in the last fifteen years, which have the potential to make frequent, smaller scale, passenger accompanied space travel plausible and much safer, the space program in the United States seems to merit less and less government funding every passing year.So with all of space waiting to be discovered, decoded, and explored, why do we as a country, seem to be turning our backs on the space program? Arguments abound as to why the space program is a waste of our precious time, government resources and technology. Those opposed to the space program argue that the funds used to put equipment into orbit around the earth and used to build space shuttles and design rocket fuel powerful enough to launch hundreds of thousands of pounds of metal tens of thousands of miles, hould instead be used to revitalize a sluggish economy, fix our severely inadequate public education system or be used to fund research geared toward helping to reverse some of the damage mankind has done to the planet we already inhabit. Proponents of shutting down space programs completely and diverting funds elsewhere also make points that if we had these brilliant minds working on projects like the U. S. Infrastructure or clean energy instead of frittering away their talents on useless space projects, that we could quickly solve some very large problems facing our country.Most of these arguments are well thought out and make very valid points however, they seem to miss the fact that our way of life would be very different if NASA ha d never existed. Take for example during the early Apollo missions. NASA scientists realized that they needed better, clearer pictures of the moons surface in order to determine if landing a man on the moon was even a feasible idea. They put their heads together and in the 1960's they came up with digital image processing. A revolutionary step in technology that would allow the scientists to use computers to enhance pictures of the moons surface.Soon after the discovery this technology exploded on the scene in the medical industry as medical researchers discovered that they could modify NASA's technology to better see organs in the human body without surgery. These breakthroughs are still used today. We know them as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) scans which save millions of lives every single year. Speaking of lives, another lifesaving device came from modified NASA technology, though not in the medical field.An engineer saw the massive rocket launche rs that propel massive spacecrafts into deep space and it gave him an idea. He approached the government with the idea and was granted permission to partner with and research his vision. In a few short years they has modified the rocket propulsion system, minimized it and it is now used across the united states to fight fires. It propels the water at such a high pressure that it has revolutionized putting out fires. It's quicker, safer and it also wastes no precious water.Even our comfort levels have been raised due to NASA's research. They needed something to reduce the bone jarring impact of spacecrafts landing. So they created a polyurethane, silicone, plastic blend to help protect astronauts and cargo. We know this today as memory foam and it is in everything from car seats to protect the most innocent among us to mattresses, motorcycle helmets, recliners and even Fido's bed. There are dozens, if not hundreds of examples of how space exploration technology vastly improved daily life in America.Even if you choose not to look at the way NASA launched the American people into a safer, more comfortable America you would have to be wearing blinders to not recognize how NASA launched the U. S. Into the lead politically. The space race between the United States and the Soviet Union had it's origins in the missile based Arms Race that occurred at the end of World War II. The Space Race marked unprecedented spending on education and pure research which accelerated scientific advancement at a rate previously unheard of.In other words, most of the technology we have today in the United States as well as the comfortable way that we live is due to NASA and to our govenrment investing well in the future of its future generations. Spending on both programs has been cut steeply in the last fifteen years and we have had little new technology advance and also we are generating graduates that are unskilled for the hightech jobs and positions that need to be filled in order t o keep the U. S. Advancing forward.Take a look at the numbers. In 1012 NASA was allocated 18. 7 Billion from the Federal Government. I know that sounds huge but it's actually less then 1% of the entire U. S. Budget. 69. 8 billion went to education and that's obviously a lot more than NASA's funding but if you look at the bigger picture the Defense got 670 billion. To put it another way, science, advancement and technology received less than one percent of the nations budget. Education is doing a bit better at nearly five percent but Defense?That's almost twenty seven percent of our nations budget. I think we as a society need to come together and ask our government to help us launch America forward again by investing in out space programs. After all, as The President of the United States himself said â€Å"For pennies on the dollar, the space program has improved our lives, advanced our society, strengthened our economy, and inspired generations of Americans. † I would ask hi m to ensure that that never stops.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Cabinet essays

Cabinet essays 1. What factors does a Prime Minister take into account when appointing The cabinet is at the apex of machinery of government as the central controlling body of the executive. It has a dual purpose - it is both administrative and a political unit brining together policy formulation and policy implementation at the highest level. As the cabinet is comprised of between 20 and 24 senior ministers, who are selected by the Prime Minister, it is imperative that when appointing his cabinet, his decision is governed by political and administrative considerations. Politically the heads of the main spending departments will be included as they contribute to and implement government policy as it effects their own area. Theoretically a Prime Minister will also balance the Cabinet to ensure all shades of party opinion have an outlet at the highest level. In practice, both Margaret Thatcher after 1983 and John Major from 1995 tended to balance their cabinets to the right and center respectively. Tony Blairs first New Labour Cabinet of 1997 included a balance of new and old left, but after his second election victory in 2001 he gave the impression that he was less concerned with driving forward government policy with a Cabinet of loyal Blairites. Therefore a Prime Minister must take political considerations into account i.e. he must include the leading members of the party e.g. the chancellor, as the economic dominion is frequently inclusive in much of the policy decision making process. Loyalty and therefore close allies of the Prime Minister are likely candidates of the cabinet as the Prime Minister must seem invariably on message and in agreement with decisions, views and policy in order to maintain collective responsibility and a defiant public image. Inclusion of opposing ministers is also considered as in cabinet they are unable to ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Peter the Great

Peter the Great Free Online Research Papers Pyoter Alekseyevich, or Peter the Great, was the king of Russia in the Late 1600s and Early 1700s. Under his rule, Russia went under great change when he â€Å"westernized† society. He also achieved in government and politics. Peter the Great was a very powerful and influential absolute monarch. Peter the great had much strength. A notable area of strength was his military power. He reformed the Russian military. He westernized the military through officers brought to Russia. The quality of Russian artillery was improved. He also established military schools to train government officials and military officers. Peter the Great succeeded in many areas. He succeeded in social reformation, reforming government and politics and capturing more Russian territories. His work consisted of claiming territories on the Black Seas and on the Baltic, in order to establish direct links with central and Western Europe to end Russia’s isolation. His government and social structure remained intact until the Revolution of 1917. His remarkable military victories and the nature and impact on his reforms raised a lot of controversy in his time. Peter the Great had a huge impact on the Russian society during and after his reign. Before, Russia was controlled by Mongolians. Overthrown by Ivan the Terrible, Russia was no longer under their oppression. When Peter the Great took the thrown, he wanted to break the isolation of Russia. He reformed society and westernized the culture after taking a trip to the West. Peter decided to take on â€Å"selective westernization† of his country. He changed financial and political ways, he controlled foreign and domestic trade, and he strengthened the military and changed society in general. He also transferred the capital of Russia to the new city of St. Petersburg, where he later died. This also symbolized the Western orientation of Peter’s reign. The reforms of Russia were not only designed to strengthen Russia as a nation, but strengthen his rule. Peter’s methods withstood till modern times, and his reforms definitely had an impact on Russia’s history, caus ing Russia to emerge from its Byzantine-Asiatic medieval past. Peter the Great made a lot of changes to Russia, for the better. His reign was known as â€Å"The Great Reformation†. His rule was absolute monarchy. Although Russia’s reformations were good, all the changes were in his eyes. Peter demanded total loyalty. He punished those whole feel into disfavor or suspected of disloyalty. Peter the Great actually had his own son tortured and killed because he suspected he was involved with a plot to repeal his reformations and cooperate with Russia’s foreign enemies. Not only did he have unjust accusations, but he forced upper-class to wear western styles. He brought down the power of the richer upper-class and gave opportunities to the lower-class; the upper-class was not pleased with this movement. Peter the Great had a prominent impact on Russian society and history, and was a great ruler in his time. Research Papers on Peter the GreatAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Effects of Illegal ImmigrationQuebec and CanadaBringing Democracy to AfricaCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPETSTEL analysis of IndiaArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided Era

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated Bibliography - Research Paper Example The web also helps in the presentation of the relevant information to the people participating in the research work. The article studies 22 traits in various genes and identification of the novel relations for the hair morphology. The studies have revealed that most of the human, physical characteristics such as hair morphology can indeed be inherited from the parent organisms. A survey had been carried out for many people, and together with the company’s examinations, participants revealed associations in certain Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs). Sheka, Sri N. et al. (2008). Linkage and Association Analysis of Spectrophotometrically Quantified Hair Color in Australian Adolescents: the Effect of OCA2 and HERC. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 128, 2807–2814. The article provides the results of investigation by the Genetic Epidemiology unit in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It shows how the genetic studies of pigmentation have benefited from the spectrophotometric measures of light to dark hair color. The article insists on having accurate reference measurements when carrying out any studies concerning the variations due to the genetic influences. According to the studies, the investigations concerning the hair color have turned to the spectrophotometric measurements, as well as the biochemical quantification. In using spectrophotometric methods, a wavelength of 650nm is used as it has the greatest power to differentiate the different amounts of dermal melanin. The associations were analyzed that the OCA2 and HERC2 to determine the allele difference in various populations. However, the spectrophotometric method cannot be said to be a confirmation therefore, further methods should be carried out to determine the complement of genes infl uencing hair color. The study also should determine if the spectrophotometry has any importance over prepared ratings. The study also quantifies the amount of pigments for the light and dark

Friday, November 1, 2019

Proposal to use mobile application health to help or support Research

To use mobile application health to help or support disability patients in Saudi Arabia. Or how to use technology to help or support disability patients in saudi arabia - Research Proposal Example 89). These developments on the other hand require government interventions so as to be legally implemented and supported. Trying to determine how many people are disabled can be difficult because it is problematic to determine the level of disability as the means of data collection and the definition varies from country to country. Disability is a key problem for the Saudi Arabian healthcare area. Information concerning the cases and frequency of impairment, disability, and socio-demographic features of persons with disabilities are rare and inadequate since the real weight of disability is also mis-calculated. Guidelines and regulations have reinforced the equivalent privileges and rights of disabled individuals, but fruitless application of these regulations has resulted to a gap amongst the proposed goals and the real services provision. Evidently, more examination is required to plot for applicable management platforms, effective employment of basic inhibition strategies, and correct distribution of health facilities in this region. There are applications that have been made to carter for people wi th disabilities, for instance, Prologue2Go, which is a text-to-speech application that helps people with speech disabilities. Enabling disabled people to download applications to smartphones or tablet PCs means having smaller and convenient equipment to store much of what you require than having many pieces of a stand-alone-equipment (Mitchell, 2012, p. 9). This makes it more effective, efficient and, cheaper for people with disabilities to perform various tasks. Mobile technology can also help to remove the stigma in these challenged persons. Before the introduction of smart phones, disabled persons used a lot of instruments to help them in seeing. To achieve this, they needed to carry a magnifier, a money recognition device and a screen

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tiananmen Square Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Essay Example because of his people-oriented policies. But, later in life, he was forced to resign, without any clear causes. Initially, people began to gather in Tiananmen Square to mourn Hu Yaobang and attend his funeral. However, their sorrow soon turned to rage against the government as they started to wonder why he really was forced to resign and to demand more civil liberties. In late April 1989, hundreds of thousands protesters, mostly students, wielding placards and banners, began to gather at Tiananmen Square. In addition to Hu Yaobang's death, the protesters chose this time for their demonstrations because Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev would be visiting, and the attention of the world media would be on China2. As such, leaders were instantly chosen, and a series of dialogues were set up with the government, however, these were largely unsuccessful. The protesters were largely peaceful, but a few minor scuffles with police, resulting in injuries, were reported Soon, the students were joined by people from all walks of life-people who were looking for reforms in the government--teachers, doctors, factory workers, judges, and even some police officers and soldiers. Thousands of tents were enacted as they were intending to stay in the square for several days. Unhappy with the proceedings, the government resorted to cutting off the water supply to the square in an attempt to make the students disperse, but the protesters simply brought in water from other sources in Beijing. They engaged in dialogues with the government, but when the government, at first, refused to comply with their demands for democracy, they decided to go on a hunger strike-the goal was to force the government to cooperate with the protesters, or face thousands...Journal Title: World Affairs. Volume: 152. Issue: 3. Publication Year: 1989. Page Number: 148. This is a very useful journal on the hunger strike. It contains detailed account of the purpose of the hunger strike, and as such, quite useful for anyone who wishes to know the ultimate motives of the agitators.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Conservation of natural resources and physical environment Essay Example for Free

Conservation of natural resources and physical environment Essay It is a fact that population growth or its decline is a resultant effect of both births and deaths or in some countries; immigration and emigration are indeed significant factors of this phenomenon. The carrying capacity as defined by specialists is that maximum number of persons that can be comfortably supported in a particular environment without posing any possible threats of depletion of the available resources in the near future. It thus not only considers space availability but also emphasizes on the importance of relating the numbers to the available resources as well as the potential of the earth system as a whole to support them (S. P. Hays, 1986). It is therefore important to realize that human beings are part and parcel of the world’s ecosystem and its only valuable for them to preserve its best. The ecosystems has constantly undergone modifications by humans not only as a consequence of population expansion but also due to enhanced technological know how and human consumption. It is the human race that has in the past destroyed habitats, polluted his own environment that has adversely changed the atmosphere hence threatening global stability. Experts have further warned that these observable negative impacts could see the ecosystem undergo irreversible damages if not quickly addressed. Conservation of natural resources involves good management, wise and proper utility of the abundant earth resources by man (D. W. Ehrenfeld, 1972). Read more: Essay About  Conservation of Natural Resources This is not only for economic reasons but also for the survival of the new generation to come. Wood and wood products for instance, form the fundamental economic gain from forests but it is also worth noting that most forest zones are the major water catchment points and since water is life, then, it is only fair to preserve forests so as to support life. The human race has therefore developed interest in the study of his environment with the intention of understanding it better. These studies have not been fruitless sine certain scientific fields like ecology which deeply analyses living organisms in relation to each other and their physical environment have significantly improved man’s understanding of the ecosystem by bringing out clearly the vital roles of specific organisms in the universe. Through this information, man has comprehended that his survival depends on the other part of the system as well. The principle â€Å"Energy is neither created nor destroyed† suggests the capacity of the earth’s self renewal but also raises a particular concern over nonrenewable energy resources that are fast getting depleted! It is for this noble purpose that various nations have set up their own policies on environmental conservation with the major aim of achieving better and healthy lives for their citizens now and in the future. However some countries like Iraq and others in record have no restrictions to various areas considered ‘special’ environmentally especially considering the fact that some wildlife in those parts are at a risk of getting extinct. This therefore brings the big debate on whether its really necessary to conserve our environment? Since the mid-nineteenth century, the globe has recorded increasing mean atmospheric temperatures, a phenomenon attributed to the emission at extremely high levels, of greenhouse gases. This warming trend has been traced to originate from human activities. As much as we are fast to point blame on industries and other businesses, research has it that everyone creates pollution through various activities that we undertake daily and therefore contribute to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is because every manufactured product finds its way to us and by all means leaves behind some carbon footprint however small (John Darabaris, 2007). Thus man being aware of the deadly impacts of this phenomenon on his environment is constantly struggling to reduce carbon footprint to he smallest possible amounts. Modern science has sophisticated instrumentation that can precisely predict harsh weather events that may result from global warming. Industrialization that has seen man adopt modern farming techniques, improved infrastructure amongst many other human practices is here to stay and even advance further, yet it must be controlled and channeled appropriately into activities that will not deplete the scarce resources. History has it that man, through industrialization, has enhanced erosion activities at the coast and affected the duration of planting seasons in many agriculturally dependant zones, thanks to the constantly warming globe. Human race is very much aware that if these trends persist, more destructive and violent storms are yet to be observed, dreadful and deadly diseases are also likely to attack depending on the new temperatures of the earth which may favor the existence of new pathogens. This not only poses human race at great risk but also predicts real danger to the vast resources that we have on earth. Permafrost for instance, is a major factor that controls several environmental processes and thus changes in nutrients, water content and even temperature will for sure have some effect on the soil composition (Bolter, M. 1999). It is also expected that a warmer globe will initiate more energy to be pumped into tropical storms hence developing stronger and more destructive and vicious storms. The warm condition also, according to scientific predictions, could make earth observe long periods of drought and this will definitely cause global food shortages. Such persistent drought conditions also put the globe at the risk of experiencing more wild fires that will destroy property and other natural resources. Wildlife is one of the most treasured natural resource not only because of its economic importance but also because of its aesthetic value and ecological significance. However, the current trajectory path traced by global warming effects could result into the extinction of rare planet species that would otherwise fail to adapt to the new environment due to the shift in ecosystem. The physical topography is not spared either since man now understands that the warming trend has significantly speeded the melting of polar ice bringing along with it severe and unbearable weather conditions. Science and engineering technology has significantly contributed to the advancement of humanity thereby increasing the understanding of our world, ambitions and inspirations, and our ability to satisfy our diverse needs in our lifetime (Clift, 1998). Our survival on the planet earth will indeed to a great extent depend on how we effectively relate to all the other living organisms and even to the physical environment. As much as man has been innovative, new technologies do come with diverse environmental challenges. The increasing world population for instance, has seen a significant rise in energy demand. A clean and reliable yet sustainable energy source is thus essential to meet this demand, the selection of which must be carefully made. Innovative solutions are therefore called upon from the concern industrial sectors, governments and even communities. Europe, America, China, India and other industrialized nations depend almost entirely on fossil fuels; the developing nations are reportedly increasing their consumption of the same! Arguably, the methods used to produce and consume these fuels are not the best and have significantly contributed to the destruction of the ecosystem. It is for this reason that man has used the available technology to develop alternative means of producing energy with minimal or no impact at all on the environment. Using this knowledge man has resorted to energy sources that are found naturally in the environment (Carroll, 1993). For instance, using solar panels has made it possible to harness solar energy safely into viable use. This is a significant step made in protecting and saving the environment since it does not cause pollution and is also considered an infinite source of energy. However, this invention came with its own challenges such as unpredictable climatic patterns especially in the twentieth century , a phenomenon associated to global warming thereby forcing man to diversify into other energy sources such as the nuclear energy, wind power, sea power amongst many others. Nuclear power alone has attracted many developed countries with most of them claiming it is the answer to the global energy crisis. The only controversy that arises on nuclear energy production is the after effects it has on the environment. Storing and effectively damping radioactive material for as long as a thousand years is still a threat to the environment and the planet at large. Most people are now aware of various threats resulting from environmental problems. Many people are reported to panic in some cases, though it makes them have a clear understanding of the necessity to conserve and protect the little we have or else face permanent destruction from the cruel nature we have created. Since we can’t afford to despair, this extraordinary times calls for extraordinary solutions that promises a better tomorrow. Experts have issued warnings about the changing climate for example, and our understanding is that we have the solution with us. Therefore, by taking individual responsibility, there is hope, these damages can either be slowed down or completely reversed (Engel, 1990). The current generation understands so well that the generation tomorrow will enjoy the natural resources we have today only if we live in a sustainable way and this is irrespective of whatever modernity dictates. Indeed, with this kind of rapid loss of biodiversity, the global community full of researchers and practioneers must move with speed before the situation gats out of hand (Jacobson 1995). By conserving the resources and managing them sustainably, the future is secure of having clean water, clean energy, clean air and even fertile soils for productive agriculture. Modern man has also realized that diversity in culture and biological diversity are greatly linked (Mc Neely, 1995). Different societies within this very globe possess very unique cultural practices, beliefs and knowledge about the environment that is very valuable especially in solving certain environmental problems. Redesigning industrial systems to obtain safe technology reduces waste and encourages recycling of refuse in biological lines. This is a concept full of hope that will see the world maximize the use of raw materials, reduce the consumption of energy and with minimal or no negative impacts on the environment (D. Worsher, 1977). Different cultures for example, find different uses of different plans which essentially constitute the ecosystem. By preserving the diverse or sometimes complex cultural practices and lifeways, biological systems will then be protected in the process. It is imperative to note that human beings have constantly adjusted and adapted to their environment almost simultaneously as it changes. This justifies the argument by scholars that ‘nature and culture are indivisible’ and thus the necessity to narrow down human ecology to the analyses of socio-natural systems (Bennett, 1996). Due to fundamental shifts in the interrelationship between industrialization and the other part of the ecosystem, experts have identified possible radical changes that may accompany these historical moments and therefore suggested thorough rebuilding of all industrial systems. Mediterranean region for example, has been greatly eroded due to poor farming methods like overgrazing and deforestation. Siltation and salanization are also some observable effects from irrigation activity at the region (Hillel, 1991). Different regions thus have dispatched relevant authorities to help sensitize and educate the communities living around such valuable resources on the importance of conservation measures and proper management. Conservation of the environment is therefore not debatable if the treasured human race needs to protect its self against possible harm in the future. The rapid race at which global climate has changed, the ever expanding global population amongst many other critical environmental declines are some of the critical issues that need addressing as a mater of urgency. Intensive research work carried out by various scientific groups indicates for instance, that the world losses 22 million acres forest area yearly (Elizabeth, 2006). Similarly, very toxic chemicals find their way into the atmosphere yearly some of which last over decades in the environment. It is therefore very serious to realize that we are obviously threatened when our natural resources are threatened since we greatly depend as major sources of medicine, food, shelter, fuel, just to mention a few. Nature is known to be unforgiving and respects no boundaries; environmental problems threaten global economy, health and even security. The tropical forests which are rapidly disappearing hold the source of close to twenty-five percent of prescription drugs (George P, 1973). A world without energy, food, safe clean water or inhabitable environment exposes its people to political unrest as well as economic instability. This could see the world spend an enormous sum of money inform of peacekeeping, humanitarian aid or even in attempt to revive global markets. With this kind of understanding, man has realized the significance of working together with a lot of commitment by all countries to provide lasting solutions to fundamental problems and also offer sustainable management of the scarce natural resources. This indeed is an assurance of hope that promises better future to all the human society. References D. W. Ehrenfeld, (1972), Conserving Life on Earth; D. Worsher, (1977), Natures Economy; Roderick Nash, (2001). Wilderness and the American Mind, NY: Yale University Press,). R. Nash, (1982), Wilderness and the American Mind; NY. S. P. Hays, (1986), Conservation and the Gospel of Efficiency. Bolter, M. (1999). Consequences of Global Warming on Soil Processes in Arctic Regions, Polarforschung, 66, 1/2, 1-10. Jacobson SK (ed). (1995). Conserving wildlife: international education and communication approaches. New York NY: Columbia University Press. Noss RF. (1997). The failure of universities to produce conservation biologists. Cons Biol 11(6) Hillel, Daniel. 1991. Out of the Earth: Civilization and the Life of the Soil. Free Press. NY. Bennett and Flatley, G. W. , J. W. (1996) ‘Using Contingent Valuation to Determine Australian Tourists Values for Forest Conservation in Vanuatu’. Economic Analysis and Policy 26 (2) Donald Worster, (1994) Nature’s Economy, NY: Cambridge University Press. William Cronon. (1991) Nature’s Metropolis. NY: Norton. Elizabeth Kolbert (2006). Field Notes on a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change. NY, Bloomsbury. Carroll, W. J. (1993). ‘World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development. ’ Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 119 Clift, R. (1998). Engineering for the environment: The new model engineer and her role. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 76(B2)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

America The Beautiful :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A terrible terrorist act was committed on American soil on September 11, 2001. Airplanes were hijacked, taken to important cities, and crashed into important buildings. This dreadful happening shocked all of America. Most are still in denial and grieving over the tragedy. It seemed that America was getting little support from other countries; unlike the support America gives many other nations when they are in trouble. One reporter from Canada, Gordon Sinclair, thought this was a terrible injustice. In a report given by Sinclair, many times America has helped out, even its enemies, were pointed out. Sinclair points out the fact that America has some of the best technology, the fact that America has helped its enemies with restitution after wars and bombings, as well as the fact that America is a watchdog that helps those who have domestic problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon – not once, but several times – and safely home again,† states Sinclair. This statement shows the vast amount of technologies America possesses. Later in the same paragraph, Sinclair remarks about the fact that America did not even pursue its draft dodgers for the fact that they ran to Canada. This shows that America’s domestic problems are not as important as helping others around the world. America lays its scandals on the table for all to view. To speak more on the issue of technology, America is the largest producer of airplanes in the world. America does not boast about its technological advances, it merely allows other nations to share in its glory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on the earth. Germany, Japan, and to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts,† states Sinclair. This quote refers to the restitution mentioned in the beginning of this expose. After bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, America gave much money to the Japanese to help rebuild their cities. Can a country that rebuilds its enemies be that bad, or is it simple minded and blind? In my opinion, America is just a good neighbor.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Skating Party

The short story â€Å"The Skating Party† by Merna Summers is about a love triangle conveying the theme that it is essential for individuals to make rational decisions because they will have to endure the consequences for the rest of their lives. Having been raised on a farm in Willow Bunch, Nathan Singleton aspired to become a farmer with a devoted wife. Contrary to his goal, he left his home and relocated to the city to become a teacher. Then, he ultimately returned to Willow Bunch to focus on his farming career. â€Å"In some ways it seemed as if he had never really left Willow Bunch†¦I found it hard to imagine him as I knew he must be in his classroom: wearing a suit, chalk dust on his sleeve, putting seat work on the blackboard. He didn't even talk like a teacher. † (Summers 187-188) The significance of character revelation in this quote highlights Nathan's personality traits that are reminiscent of a stereotypical farmer. This justifies why Maida found it diff icult to visualize Nathan possessing personality traits pertaining to a stereotypical teacher. With further inference, it can be concluded that his specific traits didn't effectively complement his teaching career.This incompatibility influenced him to return to Willow Bunch, where his childhood aspiration almost came to fruition when he became engaged with Eunice Lathem. Though unfortunately, he receded to teaching in the city once again after her demise. Nathan's indecisive demeanour regarding his career is symbolized by engraving a tattoo on your body. The consequence was the absence of occupational stability in his life, a reminder which is symbolized by the fact that a tattoo is permanently etched onto your skin.Secondly, the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party† is reinforced through Delia's decision to skate with Nathan at the skating party. Due to the lengthy duration of time they spent together, Eunice became infuriated because she detected intimacy. Delia then agreed to skate with Eunice in order to calm her down. Eventually, they both fell through the ice; Eunice's death was the price for Delia's survival. â€Å"Eunice Lathem's sister, whose name was Delia Sykes, moved away from Willow Bunch right after the accident. † (Summers 191) This quote represents Delia's character development.From a very extroverted, flamboyant character, she confined herself in a shell due to the torment caused by the outcome of her decision and its role in Eunice's death. This categorizes her as a dynamic character. She then left Willow Bunch, believing that isolating herself from her friends and family would be the only way to atone for her mistake. Delia made an irrational decision to skate with Nathan which is symbolized by choosing to have a tattoo drawn onto your skin. Her decision indirectly resulted in Eunice's death, a traumatizing experience she endured for the rest of her life that is symbolized by the adherence of a tattoo.It will always be with her; o ne glance at it will remind her of the skating party. Lastly, the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party† is accentuated through Nathan's decision to save Delia instead of Eunice. â€Å"The one pair of arms had white fur around them. And I reached for the other pair† (Summers 199) This quote revealed Nathan's true desire and who he valued the most in his life. It also implies the inner conflict he experiences, such as reflecting on the credibility of his decision and evaluating possible outcomes if he acted differently.Such thoughts prevent him from achieving tranquility. Like a tattoo, the remorse Nathan's burdened with will stay for the remainder of his life as a result of choosing to save Delia and allowing Eunice to perish. Nathan's inability to choose a career, Delia's decision to skate with Nathan, and Nathan's decision to save Delia instead of Eunice emphasizes the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party†: it is necessary to make decisions rationally in order to avoid regrets and live a satisfying life.