Monday, September 30, 2019

Factors That Impact on and Influence the Organisation

The business environment is often an uncertain one, where managers are faced with many factors that impact on and influence the organisation. The micro-environment includes suppliers, customers and stakeholders, all of which influence the organisation directly. The macro-environment, however, includes factors that influence the organisation but are out of its direct control. The micro-environment is often determined by the industry the organisation operates within. Competition becomes a critical influencing factor. Johnson et al (2002) states that managers should understand the competitive forces that exist between organisations in the same industry because this will determine its attractiveness. De Swaan Arons, et al (1999) refer to Porter’s Five Forces framework as a tool to assess profit potential within an organisation. These forces include; supplier and buyer power; threat of substitutes; and barriers to entry. At the centre of the five forces is competitive rivalry between organisations in the same industry/sector. The level of competitive aggressiveness will be determined by factors such as the number of competitors, industry growth, high fixed costs, and amount of differentiation (De Swaan Arons, et al, 1999, pp 3). According to Harrison (2003), success in the hotel industry is often provided by being located near existing hotel properties. This may be as a result of a tested market-place and assurance that if hotels can profit in that area, then it becomes an attractive market to enter. Supplier and buyer power are closely linked due to the resulting relationship they have in influencing the organisation. Porter’s Five Forces Framework states that supplier power is high when there is a concentration of suppliers within the same industry. However; following the comments of Harrison (2003), several hotel properties within the same geographic area will be competing for customers, often basing their strategy on price; hence the customer has the power to influence the supplier, otherwise known as buyer power. A high concentration of suppliers in one geographic area often results in a saturated market. The Life-Cycle Model highlights the importance between growth and maturity stages. Johnson et al (2002) illustrate that in market growth situations, an organisation is likely to achieve growth through the resulting growth of the marketplace. However, when markets are mature, organisational growth can only be achieved by taking market share from competitors. Research conducted within the Swiss Hotel Industry, (Sund, 2004), showed that it had been experiencing a period of stagnation and even decline. Sund (2004) suggests this is due to the concentration of hotel properties in the area as a result of increased international travel post-World War II and the increase in hotel chains and franchises. In research carried out by Audretsch et al (1996), where the innovative activity takes place is a key contributor to the phase of the industry life cycle. Substitution reduces demand for a particular type of product or service. For example, the presence of all-inclusive hotel resorts is a threat to small independent Bed & Bedfast establishments. Barriers to entry consist of a number of factors, for example; economies of scale, capital requirement, access to distribution channels, experience expected, retaliation, legislation/government action, and differentiation (Johnson et al, 2002, pp 115). For the hotel industry, the threat of entry is likely to be high in places where there is a high concentration of hotel accommodation. However; some may argue that high concentration may be a reason not to enter the market because competition is fierce. According to Harrison (2003), Porter’s Five Forces model has limitations in terms of its practical application. Although the five forces aims to provide organisations with a definition of competitive factors, it does not include an evaluation of other stakeholders equally as important. This may include unions, financial institutions, the media and local communities. Harrison (2003) also identifies the importance of political factors. Where micro analysis of the organisation consists of direct factors such as customers, stakeholders and competition, the macro environment considers elements of the environment on a wider scale. The PESTEL model is a useful tool for use in strategic decision making. It consists of political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal issues affecting drivers of change within an organisation. Political factors refer to governments, society or regulators that can take action to influence an organisation’s performance. Political decisions can also affect a company’s success and future planning as shown in many war zone scenarios. A country’s decision to go to war curbs travel and thus, hotels, restaurants and tourist attractions suffer. Harrison (2003) quotes the example of the 1991 war in the Persian Gulf. Hotels were left empty until the war ended and travellers felt confident to venture into that geographic region again. Economic factors include interest rates, taxation changes, economic growth, inflation and exchange rates. These factors can be critical to the success of companies operating within the hospitality industry. A hotel company may have to review its pricing strategy dependant on consumer demand. This relates to Porter’s forces where buyer and supplier power are linked as a result of where most of the concentration is. Social factors relate to social trends such as the demand for a company's products and services. Awareness of societal factors is also important in reputation management where a company aims to promote itself as interested in the values of its customers. Marriott Hotels (cited in Harrison, 2003), considered societal trends in its development of housing for people who may require a form of assisted living. This development was due to Marriott’s recognition of the ageing baby-boom era. Technological factors are important to consider when new markets are being established. New technologies create new products and new processes. Technological developments can benefit consumers as well as the organisations providing the products. In the hotel industry, technology advancement should be centred on customer service and the experience one should expect. According to Connolly et al (2000), the hospitality industry should be preparing for the future by readying itself for technological advancements. This way, hotel companies will be well positioned to meet the needs of their customers. One of the most popular advances in technology for the hotel industry would be computer advances and the wide use of Internet. Hotels are now expected to have online booking facilities, which are easy to use, install confidence and assurances for the online customer that their booking has been received and processed accordingly. Websites are commonly an organisation’s first point of contact with potential customers. Therefore, branding and corporate image is important. Customer relationship management is possible with the advancement of computer technology. Marketing strategies centre around the potential to follow-up on previous customer’s hotel stays by offering return offers and discounts for loyalty. The Ritz-Carlton, for example, uses their contact database to maintain customer profiles that details individual tastes and preferences (Harrison, 2003). They also use this technology to speed up check-in procedures for regular guests. Differentiation within the hotel industry is also possible through the use of technology. Harrison (2003) uses the example of Wingate Inns who attracted business customers by offering free to use, high-speed Internet in every room. Environmental factors such as climate change have the potential to impact on every industry and should be considered as a driver for change. Becoming ‘greener’ has been a significant change in the running of many hotel chains throughout the world. Advertising the use of environmentally friendly products and processes is affecting customer demand. This produces more business opportunities and creates greater supplier power. Legal factors are related to the legal environment in which companies operate. Health and Safety legislation is a major driver of change in all industries, especially service-based industries such as hospitality. Not only does this affect the company’s workforce, it also affects the customer and his/her experience. Hotel owners are duty holders in providing a safe environment for their employees and customers. In the event of an accident or a breach of legislation, a hotel company can incur substantial penalties, which will ultimately affect future profits and corporate reputation. Analysis of the external environment, using tools such as PESTEL, allows organisations to make important decisions and strategic changes to create competitive advantage. In evaluating growth strategies, an analysis involving suitability, acceptability and feasibility is vital. Although these models of analysis help organisations to understand the factors that may impact and influence their business strategies, it is also important to understand in more detail what will result in success and failure. One of the many approaches is to perform a SWOT analysis. Another is to identify opportunities and threats via strategic gaps. Johnson et al (2002) refer to this as identifying ‘new market space’. Strategic gaps are found by looking across the industry for potential substitutes, new product/service offerings and new market segments. According to Pryce (2001), many hotel operators are lagging behind other industries with regards to corporate sustainability. Research has suggested that there is a significant gap between attitudes and action (Pryce, 2001), which provides hotel owners with promotional opportunities and drivers for change to capitalise on environmental management.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Storm Born Chapter Twenty

I became merely mortal the next morning, the last lingering memories of magic recalled only in theory, not in feeling. I wanted to try to explain the dream-memory to Kiyo, how I'd at last recalled what happened between Storm King and me before Roland killed him. But I didn't know how to explain it. I barely understood magic at all and found recapturing that terrifying yet glorious feeling nearly impossible. Besides, I had other things to worry about today. It was Beltane Eve. I found myself busy almost from the crack of dawn. Beltane – or May Day – ushers in the return of life to the year; many western European cultures consider it a peak day for fertility and conception. Apparently many Otherworldly creatures do too. Like Halloween – or Samhain – the gates between the worlds open, facilitating passage between humans and the Otherworldly alike. Midnight on May 1 was the ultimate opening, but the passages steadily increased throughout the day on April 30. Since my presence at Dorian's party tonight was common knowledge, many must have decided to get in their chance before I left the human world. Fortunately, most of these same gentry and assorted creatures were those who could not have passed through under normal circumstances. This meant they were considerably weaker and hence easier to banish or destroy. Unfortunately, when they came in a steady stream, they also became a huge and exhausting annoyance. I got home around dinnertime, not long before I was supposed to show up in the Otherworld. Hastily, I shed my sweaty clothes and took the world's fastest shower. Afterward, I managed a makeup job rivaling the last one, but it cost me time. With minutes ticking away, I threw on the dress Lara had procured and ran a quick brush through my damp hair. There was nothing else to be done with it. I threw a little mousse into it to avoid frizz, and then I was off to the desert. Dorian had wisely put my Slinky anchor in a more secure place than a flimsy table. I appeared in a small chamber where a servant had awaited my arrival. He gave me a polite bow and then took me straight to Dorian's room. Inside it, I found pandemonium. Male and female servants ran in and out, doing God only knew what. Dorian stood in front of a giant mirror, checking himself out in an azure blue robe. A stout man hovered nearby with about a dozen other robes weighing down his arm. It was the same man, I realized, whose place I'd taken in croquet. â€Å"Eugenie Markham,† announced my escort. Dorian gave me half a glance. â€Å"Lady Markham, so nice to – sweet gods. She's wearing beige.† I looked down. Lara had found me a clingy silk dress in a shade she termed â€Å"champagne†: a warm ivory tinged with gold. I wouldn't have thought the color worked for me, but she apparently knew me better than I did. The strapless bodice was gathered and decorated with a bit of iridescent beading meant to imitate buttons down the middle. From the waist down, the skirt cascaded in smooth, shining folds. It fit snugly against my silhouette, flaring slightly only when it hit my ankles. â€Å"It's ‘champagne,'† I corrected. â€Å"And what's wrong with it?† â€Å"Nothing. It's lovely.† He turned back frantically to his valet. â€Å"It's not going to match any of these, Muran. What else do we have?† Muran bit his lip. â€Å"There's the green velvet, your majesty. Its trim has that shade in it. Paired with an ivory shirt, it would look quite stunning.† Dorian made a face. â€Å"Silk or satin would be better. Grab it anyway, and see if there's anything else we're missing. Oh, and send someone to do Lady Markham's hair.† â€Å"What's wrong with my hair?† â€Å"Nothing, were you sprawled in my bed after a night of passion.† A young woman hurried forward, and he jerked his head in my direction. â€Å"See to her, Nia.† Nia, a tiny thing with olive skin, curtsied to me and led me to the parlor where Dorian and I had first chatted. I couldn't see what she did, but her fingers worked as deftly and intricately in my hair as Dorian did when tying the cords around me. I'd only once had my hair done by a stylist, and it had been for a wedding in which a cruel friend had required me to wear orange taffeta. The event still woke me with nightmares. A slight tingle occasionally brushed my skin as Nia worked, and I realized she used magic in the styling. I supposed it was handier than a curling iron, but geez. What a disappointment to discover you had the magical equivalent of cosmetology when other gentry got healing and the ability to tear buildings apart. â€Å"There you are, my lady.† She took me to a mirror, nervously assessing my reaction. Scattered braids ran toward the back of my head where the rest of my hair had been gathered up into a high ponytail. She'd smoothed and curled most of that hanging hair, but a few tiny braids hung in it here and there. Long, smooth locks framed my face, curled slightly at their ends. Violets and dark ivory sweetheart roses adorned some of the braids. â€Å"Wow,† I said. Nia wrung her hands. â€Å"My lady likes?† â€Å"Very much.† She beamed. With her petite frame and smooth face, she looked about sixteen but could probably actually boast a century. â€Å"I didn't know how humans wore it.† I smiled and gave her arm a small pat. â€Å"It's wonderful.† She looked ready to swoon with joy, and I recalled how eagerly Dorian's staff always jumped to obey his commands. Was I inspiring that kind of loyalty? Or fear? Dorian swept into the room then, resplendent in a forest green robe made of silk. The edging contained an intricate pattern of ivory, russet, and gold, set off by the black slacks and ivory shirt underneath. â€Å"Much better,† he said, taking my hand. â€Å"Come, we're late.† Muran and a few others followed as we headed for the throne room. Dorian didn't actually run, but an urgency underscored his movement. â€Å"Why the rush?† I asked. â€Å"Don't they wait on your every pleasure?† â€Å"Certainly. But I have to be in there before the other monarchs arrive, or we'll create a complication of etiquette. Everyone will bow when we enter, but the other monarchs don't have to. If they're in there before me, it'll be awkward.† â€Å"What do you mean by ‘bow'? Does that mean – â€Å" A herald hurled open the double doors and announced in a booming voice: â€Å"His royal majesty, King Dorian of the House of Arkady, caller of Earth, protector of the Oak Land, blessed of the gods.† â€Å"Whoa,† I breathed. Dorian squeezed my hand. † – with Eugenie Markham, called Odile Dark Swan, daughter of Tirigan the Storm King.† I didn't think I'd ever get used to being titled, but my astonishment over that faded compared to what happened next. Everyone in the room turned toward us and fell to their knees, heads bowed. Dead silence followed. Slowly, almost in a glide step, we walked down the center aisle, and I tried to look straight ahead and not at the sea of obeisance. Civilizations rose and fell in the time it took us to reach the throne. When we did, Dorian turned us around to face the assembly and made a small, nondescript gesture. I don't know how the others saw it with their heads so low, but they all rose and the drone of life and music promptly returned. People moved again, mingling and laughing. Servants scurried to and fro with drinks and trays. It could have been any human party, save for the occasional troll and wraith sipping wine. The men dressed in variations of the Renaissance look Dorian seemed to favor, but the women's gowns ran the gamut of bell sleeves and velvet to Grecian wraps and gauze. â€Å"And now, my dear, we must part ways.† I jerked my gaze away from the assembled throng. â€Å"What are you talking about?† He waved his hand. â€Å"These are the greatest nobles in my kingdom, not to mention the other kingdoms. I must mingle, listen to their simpering, act like I care. You know how it is.† Panic seized me as I looked back at all those gentry faces. â€Å"Why can't I go with you? I mean, we coordinate and everything.† â€Å"Because if I keep you on my arm all night, I'll look possessive and insecure. Leaving you on your own shows I have absolute confidence that you'll leave with me tonight, regardless of other solicitations.† â€Å"Oh, my God†¦I'm going to be hit on all night.† He laughed. â€Å"Don't worry, that's all they'll do – unless you wish otherwise. Anyone who touches you against your will would incur the wrath of my entire guard, not to mention most of the guests. It would be a shocking insult.† â€Å"And yet I could apparently go off with anyone if I wanted to.† â€Å"Of course. You're free to choose as you like.† â€Å"Wouldn't that be an insult to your manhood or something?† â€Å"A bit. But then I'd just take five or so women to my bed and redeem myself fairly quickly.† â€Å"Whoa. I feel like I'll be holding you back.† â€Å"Don't worry. I'll recover once you're gone tomorrow.† I swallowed and looked around, the jokes unable to allay my anxiety. â€Å"I don't even know anybody.† He turned me to him and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. I had to consciously work to keep my body relaxed. It was still a shock each time he did that. â€Å"You'll just have to meet them, then,† he said. He strolled off toward the first group of people he saw, and I heard a flurry of exuberant greetings at his approach. Feeling stupid and awkward, I wondered where I should go and whom I should talk to. I didn't really do big parties. Too much of my time was spent in solitude to really know how to interact in a group like this. That wasn't even taking into account that these were all Otherworldly residents. Two of my deepest phobias combined into one long evening. â€Å"Wine?† asked a servant who had suddenly appeared at my side. â€Å"Yes, please.† I seized one of the goblets from her proffered tray and took a hasty gulp of a sweet, fruity red. Picking a direction at random, I took five steps and was immediately intercepted by a tall gentry in scarlet velvet. He had black hair and a neatly trimmed beard. â€Å"Lady Markham,† he oozed, taking my free hand and kissing it. â€Å"It's a pleasure to meet you at last. I am Marcus, lord of Danzia in the Rowan Land.† â€Å"Hi,† I said, knowing I would never again remember his name once he left. He kept holding my hand and let his eyes run over me from head to toe. I suddenly wished the dress wasn't so tight or the neckline so low. â€Å"I must say,† he murmured, â€Å"I'd heard reports of your beauty, but they are paltry things compared to the reality.† â€Å"Thanks.† I tried to take back my hand, but he held on to it. â€Å"My family's nobility extends all the way back to the migration to this world. We are renowned for our fierce warriors. Magic runs strong in our blood, usually calling to one of the elements. My own inclinations run toward control of the air.† As if to emphasize the point, I suddenly felt the slightest of breezes blow against my arms. â€Å"My heirs will inherit a vast estate. My house has always served in an advisory capacity to royalty. Even now, I am a close personal friend of Katrice, the Rowan Queen. She is a powerful ally.† I realized then he was laying out his pedigree for me, quickly and efficiently, much as a breeder might show off a prize dog's papers. I opened my mouth, ready to tell him I wasn't interested, but he just kept going. â€Å"Some men would fear having a warrior consort. They would seek to control you and seize the power for their own uses.† He inclined his head ever so suggestively toward where Dorian conversed with a tall, dark-skinned woman. â€Å"Not me. I would not use you to further my own ends. You would rule by my side as an equal, sharing in the guidance of our children.† Yikes. This wasn't even our first date. I managed to break my hand free of his. â€Å"Thank you, but this is all kind of sudden. It's been really great talking to you, though.† Anxiousness flooded his face. â€Å"But I haven't even told you about my famed reputation as a lover – â€Å" â€Å"I've got to be somewhere right now. Sorry.† I took two steps back, turned, and practically ran into another man. Beyond him, a few others attempted to linger inconspicuously. In fact this one, I realized, had simply been waiting for me to reject Marcus. He gave me a dazzling smile. â€Å"Lady Markham, it's a pleasure to meet you at last†¦.† I sort of lost track of time after that. I never got much farther than that spot and my wine remained forgotten and undrunk. Listening politely to each guy's sales pitch, I amused myself by considering just how much I could push the limits of the hospitality rule before getting in trouble with Dorian. Yet, no matter how annoying each guy got, I squashed my rebellious instincts and kept to good behavior. After a couple hours, I caught sight of Shaya, the black-haired woman who had captured me that first night. She walked alone through the room. Brushing off my current suitor, I broke free of the next contender and hurried over to her. â€Å"Hey, Shaya, how's it going?† She looked at me in astonishment, not surprising considering I hadn't spoken to her since my capture. Her gown was midnight blue velvet with a full skirt, tight sleeves, and a high collar. I didn't entirely understand her whole background, but apparently she was the younger daughter of some noble and had ended up in a military career as part of Dorian's guard. â€Å"Lady Markham,† she returned. Mild curiosity showed on her face. â€Å"What can I do for you?† â€Å"Oh, nothing. Just thought we'd†¦you know, talk.† One delicate eyebrow rose. She glanced over at the eager throng of men and turned back to me with a half-smile. â€Å"It seems like you have plenty of guests to talk to.† â€Å"Please,† I whispered. â€Å"I know we aren't friends, but just talk to me like we are. Just for a minute. I can't stand it. I need a break. I'm so tired of hearing about how big each guy's estate is†¦not to mention other things.† She laughed, the sound rich and sweet. Linking her arm through mine, she led me idly around, like we were indeed friends. â€Å"I've heard stories about the things you've faced down. And yet, in the end, it's a group of desperate nobles who undo you.† She allowed me a few minutes' solitude, and we talked about trivial things. As we did, I realized something: She was really funny. And intelligent. And†¦nice. I'd dismissed her upon our first meeting as a prissy gentry bitch, my attitude fueled partially by my capture and partially by the antagonism at dinner. But here she was, hanging out with me like any other person would, her comments both witty and astute. â€Å"I have to go. Rurik's looking for me,† she said at last, letting go of me. She smiled again, amused and compassionate. â€Å"Put up with them a little longer. They're nothing more than a nuisance.† I shook my head. â€Å"They're so blunt and straightforward. It's strange.† Kiyo and I had once mocked the pretenses in dating, but right now, a little less honesty had its appeal. â€Å"Then be blunt back. If you're too nice, they'll think they have a chance and will try another time. Most now consider you a high-ranking noble; arrogance is expected. They won't think you're rude.† I thanked her and watched her leave, just as a hand tapped my shoulder. I sighed. Time to face the wolves again. Or fox, as it turned out. â€Å"Hey,† I said. â€Å"Nice threads.† Kiyo stood before me in a beautifully tailored tux, its clean black and white lines standing out in sharp contrast beside the flowing colors of the other men. â€Å"I wore it for you. Figured you might like a change from velvet and silk. And as for you†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His smoky eyes did a quick assessment of me. â€Å"I've been hearing a lot of guys drool over your dress tonight.† â€Å"You've been here for a while? And didn't come talk to me?† He grinned. â€Å"You looked pretty busy.† â€Å"Well, stay with me now. Maybe they'll leave me alone if they think I'm occupied with someone.† We found a two-seated bench against a wall, padded with brocade-covered cushions. I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. He put an arm around me. â€Å"I wish I was out patrolling like I usually do tonight. Fighting spirits and whatnot isn't half as exhausting as this.† â€Å"And so Tucson goes undefended, eh?† â€Å"Roland's on it, much to my mother's dismay. I just hope I've drawn a lot of the action here instead of back there.† We sat quietly for a while, watching the party. It reminded me of the bar. Alone but not alone. Like any other party, people were getting more drunk as the night progressed. That unabashed sexual contact popped up more and more frequently, and a number of people danced wherever they found room. They moved in graceful strides, reminiscent of ballroom styles I knew. â€Å"I've been thinking†¦about last night.† I looked up at him. â€Å"Yeah. I've thought about that a few times myself.† â€Å"You were†¦I don't know. I've never seen you like that. Not that we've done it all that much, but†¦wow. You marked me up pretty good.† â€Å"Is that a bad thing?† He smiled. â€Å"No. I don't think so.† His fingers brushed my chin and tipped my face up. â€Å"But what was going on? How'd a nightmare bring that on?† I turned my face away. â€Å"It wasn't exactly a nightmare.† â€Å"What, then?† â€Å"Just a dream†¦or a memory. It was about my father. And magic.† â€Å"What happened?† â€Å"I†¦well, it's hard to explain.† â€Å"Eugenie – â€Å" I kept my demeanor light and playful. â€Å"Forget about it. For tonight at least, okay? It isn't the right time. We can talk later.† He hesitated, then nodded. I moved my face closer, and he brushed his lips against my forehead, down to my cheek. I closed my eyes and sighed, luxuriating as his lips moved delicately down the side of my neck. We turned toward each other, our mouths drawn by some unseen force. And as we kissed, I forgot all about the crazy propositions tonight. There was only this. Me and Kiyo. â€Å"No groping,† I warned, seeing his hand slyly move toward forbidden areas. â€Å"I don't care how many other people are doing it. Or how much attention we don't draw to it.† â€Å"Then let's go somewhere private,† he murmured, trailing kisses along my shoulder. â€Å"I can't. You know I have to leave with Dorian. Nothing's going to happen,† I added, seeing him open his mouth. â€Å"It's just for appearances. We can get together tomorrow.† He considered and nodded. â€Å"All right. But I'm giving you a good sendoff tonight.† He moved back, and we continued our kissing for a bit until a voice said, â€Å"The gods know I've seen some strange things in my life, but never did I expect to find a kitsune trying to make himself ruler over all of us.† We looked up in surprise. I hadn't expected another suitor while clearly busy with Kiyo. Aeson stood there.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The phrase “be like water…”

â€Å"Be like water†¦ † is a widely used but unfortunately usually misinterpreted expression. Many novices at single combat often use it trying to show that they are clued-up. And they can’t be accused of it as the phrase has an impressive sounding and in any case represents also impressive, though partial, understanding of Eastern way of thinking.Many such beginners think that this way was formed by Bruce Lee. However, a great martial arts actor and instructor just quoted the Eastern philosophy created much earlier (Wishop 2). The wrong usage of the phraseI became interested in this expression having read the case about one man who said that he wanted to learn martial arts because he wanted to â€Å"be like water†. This phrase seems interesting but its sense is very doubtful and I guess that this man understood it very superficially (Loeb 18).The question is if we can call the wish to â€Å"be like water† a feasible purpose. If to consider the strict sense of a phrase, every person who wants to ‘be like water’ should lay on the ground and try to flow like a stream, because we can’t be ‘like water† when we stand (Loeb 18).The real meaning and the cause of misunderstanding So, what does it really mean to â€Å"be like water†? It must be related to the Taoist philosophy and its idea about five equal elements. They are wood, metal, earth, fire and water. Each of them is very important and strongly connected to others (Greene 5). Possibly, the main issue in that water is usually associated with something soft. We say â€Å"want to be like water† when we want to move easily, without any obstacles.However, we forget that water has other qualities, which appear to be not so attractive. Bruce Lee stated: â€Å"water can flow, or it can crash† (Wishop 14). Unfortunately, people usually pay attention only to the first part of his statement, while it is necessary for everybody who wants to â€Å"be like water† to think about the fact that water can also be destructive (Loeb 20).Many people die and suffer because of floods every year and one usually trembles thinking of huge, destructive sea waves. ConclusionMany phrases are frequently misunderstood and misused because people are inclined to pick new words and utterances very quickly and do not ever try to find out more about their origin. That creates the misuse of the world and finally it can loose its primary meaning. It would be better if we were more scrupulous and curious about new words and phrases we use.Works Cited Wishop, James. Bruce Lee: Dynamic Becoming. Dallas: Promethean Press, 2004 Greene, Neil. Taoist philosophy. London: Oxford UP, 1996 Loeb, Martha. The Ways to Avoid Misunderstanding. New York: Nerd Press, 2003

Friday, September 27, 2019

Manage Quailty Customer Service - Identify and evaluate Customer Essay

Manage Quailty Customer Service - Identify and evaluate Customer service - Essay Example As all these prospective customers cannot be get hold by the marketing department at a single place, questionnaires has to be distributed to or featured in all the prospective places, where they will frequent. For example, as the Kingsley Hills as a whole was being developed and promoted by State Tourist authority, the questionnaires along with a pamphlet about the Guest house, can be placed at their various offices and outlets with their permission. It could also be placed in the offices of various travel or tour operators. In addition, when Tourism related fairs are conducted, Ralph and Momo can open up outlets there, and distribute these questionnaires among the visitors. In all these places, they can appoint a person to supply these forms to the customers, requesting them to fill and give in-person or can ask them to post. In addition, Ralph and Momo can open a website for this guest house, and also incorporate a questionnaire in them. Although, all the prospective customers may not respond, the responses of the ones who responded, should be collected and analyzed to assess the customers’ needs and could also help to figure out the target customer base. Customer Service Plan Executive Summary Kingsley Hills Guest House, owned and managed by Ralph and Momo, have opportunities to develop because of the features it is endowed with. The serene and comfortable guest houses with dining and spas can relax and rejuvenate the target customer base of professionals, businesspeople, their families, friends, etc. If these customer segments are treated effectively through various optimal facilities and importantly effective customer service, they will surely enjoy their stay, without any complaints. Even if complaints are raised by the customers, the personnel should handle them aptly. In addition, if the customer service personnel are monitored and motivated, they could provide good output. Introduction For organizations in any sector, customers are the Kings. On ly if the target customer base is found out and enticed through effective marketing strategies, any organization can succeed, or even survive. Marketing strategies will not be successful and importantly it cannot be formulated aptly, without the marketing department conducting market research. Once the market research is done, and the target customer is cornered and importantly their expectations and needs are found out, marketing strategies can be initiated. In service industry, customers will have heightened expectations, and so naturally they will have high grievances as well. So, organizations have to fulfill all those expectations and solve those complaints with the aid of an optimal customer service plan. Customer service plan involves formulating guidelines on the needs and expectations of the customer as defined by the customer. Based on or even using that plan, organizations need to know what their customers want, what they expect, so the organization and in particular the customer service can provide that to them on a consistent basis. (Saleem, 2007). Target market and likely potential guests of Kingsley Hills The target market or the potential guests of Kingsley Hills are professionals, businesspeople, their families, friends, etc., who want to have a relaxed and rejuvenating vacation or picnic in the countryside. As stated in the case, the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

A Rose For Emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Rose For Emily - Essay Example She was even able to keep Homer around despite her odd behavior. Emily was an outsider. Not only did she hide herself behind her decrepit house, but she hid herself behind her attitude that suggested that nothing was amiss in her life. She gave off an attitude in hopes of being admired by the townspeople. However, both her house and attitude would suggest the kind of woman that Emily was: sheltered, aged beyond her years, barely able to stand on her own too feet, much like her house on its foundation. Despite this, though, Emily requires attention, mainly from men. She ignores her neighbors and the community until Homer comes along, fulfilling her needs. Emily was also a necrophiliac, having a sexual attraction to dead bodies, which could have developed after her father’s dead body was properly disposed of. Having everything that she loved constantly taken from her, it is almost unsurprising that she would keep Homer’s body long after his death. She did not want yet ano ther of her loved possessions removed from her. The arsenic that she had bought prior to Homer’s arrival, which never made an appearance again in the story, could assumed to have been the cause of Homer’s death.

Wal-mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Wal-mart - Essay Example The company has a wide customer base with over 200 million customers served on a weekly basis (Walmartstores). In 2010 Wal-Mart Corporation achieved sales of $405 billion. This sales figure represents an improvement of 1% in comparison with 2009 and 8.34% in comparison with fiscal year 2008. These figures are impressive considering that during this period the world was in the middle of a global recession. Typically the retail business in one of the hardest sectors hit during a recession. Wal-Mart was able to keep growing despite the recession. In 2010 Wal-Mart had a return on return on assets of 8.9%. Wal-Mart obtained a small increase in sales in 2010, but its profitability when up a lot. The net income of the company was $14,335 million. The company achieved an increase in net income in 2010 of 6.97%. The cash reserves of the corporation increased from $7,275 million in 2009 to $7907 million in 2010. The total assets of the company went up by 4.45% in 2010. The debt to equity ratio of the corporation in 2010 was 1.34. This figure is bit above the normal desirable ratio of 1.0. The industry debt to equity ratio of the retail industry is 0.48 (Dun & Bradstreet). This means that Wal-Mart’s debt to equity ratio is below the industry. Due to the fact that the company is such an established business the company has the ability to finance its operation beyond the norm. The ratio means that the company has chosen to more of its operations with debt than with equity. The current ratio which measures the company’s ability to pay off its short term debt is 0.87. The 8.9% return of assets metric of Wal-Mart is much better than the industry norm of 3.6%. In 2010 the company had a return on equity of 19.65%. This figure is much better than the industry norm of 4.2%. Wal-Mart Corporation is one of the most successful businesses in America. The common stocks of the firm are a good

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Meaning of Labels Aspergers Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Meaning of Labels Aspergers Syndrome - Essay Example There are five different types of pervasive development disorders (PDD) that are more often referred to as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) (nimh, 2006). Asperger's syndrome is the mildest form of the disorder. All the disorders "are characterized by varying degrees of impairment in communication skills, social interactions, and restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior."(nimh, 2006) Another definition makes similar points: "A disorder that is present from birth or very early in development that affects essential human behaviors such as social interaction, the ability to communicate ideas and feelings, imagination, and the establishment of relationships with others." The spectrum of conditions that make up autism often lead to great family disruption and to unfulfilled lives for many children, so any teaching methods that may alleviate the effect of the condition are very important. One of the problems with the whole of autism, and with Asperger Syndrome in general, is the fact that it describes a pattern of symptoms rather than just a single symptom (Powers, 2001). In most ways Asperger's resembles autism, but in a very mild form. Thus a child displays qualitative impairment in social interaction, and often repetitive/limited activities and interests (Tsantsanis, 2003). As it is rather mild autism, children with Asperger's may actually be reasonable functional. At the moment there is actual study that addresses the long-term prognosis for a child with Asperger syndrome. These children appear have a greater tendency towards psychiatric conditions such as depression, anxiety and perhaps schizophrenia (Klin, 2006). Treatment options tend to include educational development and a search to exploit the often singular talents that some children with Asperger's display. PART 2. Critically discuss the concepts of labels and labeling in relation to Aspergers The concepts of labels and labeling are always controversial when they regard children and possible mental conditions. The results of labeling a child as "autistic" or "Asperger's" will be profound and will effect the child for the rest of his/her school years and beyond. Thus it is important that the 'labels' be given in an accurate manner, and, concomitantly, that they are associated with clearly defined conditions. With Asperger's Syndrome it is diagnosis at the very mildest and most severe form that is most important. For the mildest cases, it may be difficult to distinguish between actual Asperger's and a simple eccentric or anachronistic view of the world being displayed by the child (Muller, 2007). Unfortunately, the syndrome is so loosely defined that it may be simply a matter of subjective opinion rather than objective fact as to whether a child is labeled as displaying Asperger's Syndrom

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Adolescent health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Adolescent health - Essay Example In the OECD countries, 1 in 2 adult is overweight and 1 in 6 is obese. In some countries, the rate of overweight people is estimated to increase by a further 1% per year for the next 10 years (Robb, 2010). According to various surveys and statistics, 101,310 deaths were reported in UK due to Coronary Heart Disease, the leading cause of death for both sexes, in 2005. Cerebrovascular disease which is the second leading cause of mortality in U K killed 21,966 men and 35,902 women in 2005. Lung cancer was the third leading cause of death in U K which caused 7.15 % death rate in males and 4.65 in women in 2005 (Hawe, 2008) According to the Health Survey of England (2009) childhood and adult obesity have increased drastically over the past 30 years. In England, about 31.4% of boys and 28.2% of the girls are either overweight or obese in 2009. The well-established Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC)  conducted a study on the effects of childhood obesity on proven card iovascular risk factors. The study showed that, in most cases childhood obesity is tracked into adulthood and onward; therefore, risk factors would already be present in youth will continue and finally increase risks for both cardiovascular events and diabetes in adulthood. (Logue and  Sattar, 2011) Figures from the report Statistics on Smoking: England 2010 showed that in 2009, smoking contributed to over 81,400 deaths per year in UK. The latest guidelines from the British Hypertension Society emphasize the importance of changing lifestyle choices in order to reduce the occurrence of serious cardio vascular events.( NHS, 2009) This paper emphasises the need of further action in childhood obesity control both at a population level by changing eating and exercise behaviours and at an individual level by reducing weight in a safe, successful way and thereby; reducing the risk of developing diabetes and cardio vascular diseases in adulthood. It also describes the campaigns and progra mmes arranged by public health institutions and other institutions for providing awareness about the hazards of tobacco, alcohol etc and also the necessity to follow a healthy diet from childhood in order to avoid the high risk of some diseases. Role of Public Health Services in Promoting Healthcare from early adolescents The National Health Service (NHS) Stop Smoking Services provides support to help people quit smoking. This includes intensive support through group therapy or one-to-one support provided by trained personnel, such as specialist smoking cessation advisors and trained nurses and pharmacists. During the period April 2008 to March 2009, 337,054 people successfully quit smoking with NHS Stop Smoking Services. The statistics proved that the success rate of quitting smoking increased with age, from 39% for those below 18, to 53% of those above 60. About 37% of those below 18 were failed in their quit attempt. (NHS, 2009) The Government is concerned about the increased rat e of obesity in U K. In 2007, the Government-commissioned Foresight report forecasted that 60% of men, 50% of women and 25% of children would be obese by 2050, if no action was taken. By considering the impact of obesity on people’s health, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and heart and liver disease, it has become a priority for the government to take action to reduce obesity. The government works in partnership with local government, charities and business institutions with the aim to reduce obesity by providing clear, consistent messages to people on why they should change their lifestyle, how to do so, and come up with strategies and approaches make this easier.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Spotify Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Spotify - Essay Example The premium version was free of advertisements and allowed users to customize playlists as well as gain sneak previews. After downloading Spotify’s application to their computers, listeners could select genres, create playlists, or listen to music â€Å"streamed† over the Internet. Users were not allowed to download or copy songs. Initially, the company was intent on controlling their customer base. To achieve this, Spotify was offered on an invitation basis only. In the first three years of operation, Spotify had spent $7500 on marketing, leveraging instead word of mouth and its members-only model to build a buzz in the press and the on-line blogosphere. The audience was growing by about 25% a month since its launch in March 2009, reaching the 1 million mark on August the same year. Critical to its business model was the cooperation of major music labels, which Ek secured following extensive negotiations. Under these agreements, Spoify committed to paying royalty for e very song played, regardless of advertising revenue earned (Aaker & McLoughlin .p.122). It was evident from the collapse of competitors that an ad-supported model was not sustainable in an uncertain economic climate. Furthermore, with revenues from advertising underperforming, Spotify realized that, in order to grow and fund that growth, it needed to secure relationships with suppliers and other business network partners. By the end of summer 2009, an equity deal was agreed with one major music label, and a partnership had been formed with another company to sell tracks alongside its ad-supported and subscription based services (Aaker & McLoughlin .p.123). Management was confident that the next phase of their strategy could be implemented. Within the first three years of operation the company had reached a total user base of 20 million with 5 million of these users paying the monthly subscription fee of $4.99 or $9.99. In its short history, the company had grown and changed rapidly. In terms of the future directions, it was faced with a number of complementary opportunities; entering the US market, launching a mobile-phone-friendly version of its software, and partnering with investors like Li Ka-Shing to develop new business opportunities (Aaker & McLoughlin .p.124). Digital music industry The digital music industry can be split into two segments: the streaming market with so many competitors and the digital download whose main players are Amazon and iTunes. The industry has demonstrated potential with an 8% growth in revenues in 2011, in the same year the overall industry was valued at $5.2 billion. Presently, the streaming market is only responsible for 10% of the total revenues generated by the digital music industry. Optimistically, the market holds the biggest growth potential as compared to the download market. The numerous competitors in the streaming industry apply very similar business models. They rely on slight differentiations based on packaging, licensed music libraries, operating regions, and features to cut an alternate niche (Hartley et al 2003.p.243). There are high switching costs for customers as there is less compatibility making transfers difficult. Additionally, streaming companies are continually investing in new network effects across their service by incorporating social components. A number of streaming companies allow individuals to follow what their friends are listening and also accord them a chance to create collaborative playlists. This network effect can

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Theories and Values System Essay Example for Free

Theories and Values System Essay The objective of the theory is to guide us to make decisions and judgments about actions in certain situations, i. e to try to determine what we and other people ought to do. We not only act as an agent, but also as witness, adviser, teacher, judge, and critic in morality. (we= agent moral). Social Morality Theory The words ethics (ethos) and moral (more which mean customs, habit, courtesy, character, etc. , are connected with regulations and standards followed by society. It is proper we use social morality theory (or traditional/conventional morality) to explain the concept of ethics in a society. Member of a society normally observe a system of moral standards with general ethical principles related to moral norms. According to M. G. Velasquez (1992), these moral standards have many functions in society. 1) The moral standards system in the society identifies situations so that each person wards off self-interest to strengthen a system of behavior that brigs benefit to self as well as to other people. With proper moral standards, members of the society will co-operate and help each other so that there is freedom and justice. When members of the society internalize all the moral standards and live by them, a system of behaviors that ensures the interests of all emerges. 2) Secondly, moral standards serve to resolve conflict in the society by giving justifications that are acceptable to the public as bases for action. This theory is a theory which attempts to relate moral standards, regulation of society, and the countries or universal law with ethical concepts. Stress the individual’s responsibility to follow orders from an authoritative body. This means that to strengthen the system of moral standards, the atmosphere of society becomes rather bureaucratic. Also pays special attention to the interest and benefits of society, not the interest of individual. However, a society that is closely controlled by regulations, particularly regulations that restrict the freedom of members of the society will result in a dogmatic and authoritative.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Violence in Video Games

Violence in Video Games The concern over how much of a child’s actions, if any, are influenced by the violence contained in the video games they choose to play, has been become a topic of debate in recent times. Certain heartbreaking events, such as the Columbine High School shooting in April of 1999 where two students open fired on their fellow classmates killing in total 13 victims followed by their own suicides, sparked a renewed interest in researching if video games could cause acts of violence in adolescents. (Baertlein, 2007) This apprehension is mostly due in part, because children are in theory, more inclined to behavioral influences when they actively participate, as opposed to when they are merely observing. The belief has been that, a child playing violent video games can have more of a tendency to commit violent acts. On the contrary, there has been no clear-cut substantiation to show these violent video games are to blame for youth violence. The fact remains; it is actually not an easy task to prove a real world connection between violence and video gaming. Youth violence reports show crimes rates have decreased while video game playing has become trendier. (Baertlein, 2007) In January of 2001, the Surgeon General David Satcher released his report findings concluding that, youth crime rate was not rising, and that the increase youth crime rate was merely a myth. â€Å"Since 1993, when the epidemic peaked, youth violence has declined significantly nationwide, as signaled by downward trends in arrest records, victimization data, and hospital emergency room records† (Satcher, 2001). Moreover, the study showed the amount of lethal violence has declined. This was primarily attributable to the decline in use of firearms among youth. (Snyder, 2006) This goes contrary to the claims of those who say that violent video games are teaching youth to use guns. The study performed by Surgeon General Satcher, along with other research performed on the topic, further substantiates the argument that violent content found within video games is not the cause for violent acts committed by the youth. According to the Surgeon General, the strongest risk factors for scho ol shootings centered on mental stability and the quality of home life, not media exposure. (Satcher, 2001) The reality is recent reporting has shown a decrease regarding violence in teens since games have become more graphic. The violent crime rate has decreased from a rate of 51 victimizations per 1,000 members of the population age 12 and over in 1994, down to 21 per 1,000 members in 2005. (Bureau of Statistics, 2006) In addition, the Juvenile Violent Crime Index has also shown a declining rate since 1994. Crimes of murder committed by juvenile offenders have actually fallen 65% from 1994 to 2002. (Snyder Sickmund, 2006) Although the crime rate has declined, concern regarding violent acts by juveniles is still an issue; the public continues to hold fast on its views that children participating in playing violent video games are being led to commit violent acts. Theorists such as Bruce Barthalow, Mark Sestir and Edward Davis have based their opinions according to a large quantity of research performed by many esteemed scholars. They state that a connection has been made known between real life violent crimes and violent content in video games. (Barthalow, Sestir Davis, 2005) The main positions in the argument for these theorists are derived from results of several types of studies, lab experiments, field studies as well as correlation studies. Correlations are a measure of how strongly associated two events are. However, co relational studies and other studies such as those cannot account for whether or not violent video games can cause aggression. Furthermore, some co relational studies find no sign ificant relationship with aggression. Even still, those studies cannot prove violence contained in video games is the cause of true-life violence. After all, what is lacking from the studies used video game research? Crucial factors are missing in research studies conducted on violent video games. The players in these particular studies are not in control. Their free will and freedom of choice are not included when researches test their theories. They are selected to play a video game not of their choosing, when the action of play is in essence, a self directed and voluntary activity. The element of forced exposure to a video game can alter the player’s reaction to the experience. Play is not an action that can be recreated in an experiment held in a laboratory. There are other questionable factors regarding the testing video games as well. For example, â€Å"the duration of play is too short, typically 5-15 minutes, for anything like the play experience to be duplicated† (Calvert Tan, 1994). In these laboratory studies, no individual really â€Å"plays†. A video game is played by individuals for entertain ment and therefore, being instructed to â€Å"play† a video game defeats the purpose of electing to play for amusement. The studies performed do not take in to consideration why individuals play video games at all. (Calvert Tan, 1994) Research on video games also fail to recognize that a player of video games participates freely and ceases to play when they so desire. (Calvert Tan, 1994) Players are free to enter the world they create for themselves in these games, and this freedom remains missing from the laboratory studies conducted on violent video games. Studies completed have concluded that there has been no definitive link between violent acts and violent content found in video games, and that some fashion; violent video games may actually provide a venue for children to vent their aggressions, rather than taking physically taking action. (OBrien, 2007) In studies performed by the U.S. Department of Justice’s, Office of Justice Programs, it is reported that the largest influential factor in adolescent delinquency is the family dynamics within the children’s homes. (Snyder, 2006) Parents have a certain obligation to their children. They play an important role in the child’s life and are responsible to provide them with guidance as to what is wrong or right. If children cannot clearly determine the differences between fantasy life in video games and reality, they cannot be blamed for committed violent acts such as those contained within video games. Without parental guidance, children are susceptible to misinterpret scenarios they come across in real life. (Anderson, et al., 2003) Violence from video games will not make submissive adolescents violent when they have been made aware of the limits within a fictional world. Many factors can cause a child’s incapacity to make a distinction regarding right from wrong, reality from fiction. An adolescent or teenager may be lacking the maturity level necessary to understand the impact of their actions, or perhaps can suffer from mental instability limiting their perception of reality. However, is it the violent content found within video games to blame? The studies suggest that when parents actively participate in a child’s life, discuss real life conflicts, the inappropriateness violent solutions, and help the child generate alternative solutions to violent actions, it can help reduce the actual impact of media violence on the youth. (Anderson, et al., 2003) Psychologists have also concluded that, children whose parents have regulated the length of time video games are played are less likely to show aggressive behavior. (Anderson, et al., 2003) It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their children and to educate them. It is a par ent’s role to discipline their children and to teach them social norms and values. After all, it would be impossible maintain a child from the outside world. There will always be negative influences out there. It is the parent’s duty to their children, to ensure they are taught the consequences of their behavior, as well as right from wrong. Parents should be the ultimate decision makers of what they allow their child to watch, play or do. Parents have the responsibility to be aware of the content involved in the games their child plays. Video games are labeled to describe the content within them, as well as specify when they include strong language, violence, mature sexual themes, as well as other subject matter that may be unsuitable for a child. In 1994, the video game industry established the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB), a self-regulating labeling body. (Entertainment Software Association, 2006) The ESRB ratings method is astonishingly all-inclusive. According to the ESRB, it rates over 1,000 games per year. Practically every title produced by major game developers for retail sale today carries an ESRB rating and content descriptors. â€Å"The ESRB rating system helps parents and other consumers choose the games that are right for their families. ESRB ratings have two parts: rating symbols that suggest what age group the game is best for, and content descriptors that indicate elements in a game that may have triggered a particular rating and/or may be of interest or concern† (Entertainment Software Association, 2006). These ratings provide the parents with information they need to determine whether the video games is suitable for their child to play. Even with the ratings and the violent content, some parents still purchase these games for their young children without screening the video games. According to the Entertainment Software Association, 89% of the time parents are present at the time games are purchased or rented, 61% of parents believe games are a positive part of their children’s lives, and 87% of the time children receive their parents’ permission before purchasing or renting a game. (Entertainment Software Association, 2006) Parents, teachers, guardians, mentors or anyone else a child may look to for guidance, should be able to provide them with proper direction, lessons about choice and consequences in life that could affect them and those they hold close as well. â€Å"When the fantasy world is brought into the picture, these lessons should let the child know that certain actions in a fantasy world are not appropriate in the real world, thus the separation† (Goldstein, 2001). Video game violence contains simulated acts of aggression. Video games cannot actually emphasize acts of aggression if there is none to begin with. (Delamere, 2005) The same features that hold back the audience from rushing the stage during a murder scene in a play are present in video games. When and adolescent plays a video game that is labeled as violent, it is actually containing simulated acts of violence. (Goldstein, 2001) There is not an actual physically performed action taken, since the child is in an imaginary wor ld. They cannot abuse, damage or violate because there is nothing to abuse, damage or violate. (Goldstein, 2001) The child has ultimate control what occurs which is a major deciding point in separating reality from video games. In the real world, consequences are certain. When a child commits and act, either good or bad, something will happen. In video games, the player can suspend the game play and even bypass consequences. These factors provide cues that the game play is not real, and that they child is merely doing something for amusement. (Goldstein, 2001) Video games can actually be beneficial to children.They provide cognitive benefits such as system thinking, pattern recognition, strategy, decision making, and even patience. A book written by author Steven Johnson makes another point in favor of viewing video games from a new perspective. Johnson argues that video games are growing progressively more refined, they present players a mental exercise that is far more invigorating, satisfying, and even more educational than much of the media content they were force fed in the past. (Johnson, 2005) Particularly, Johnson states, modern games, including those filled with violent material demand children to mange resources, evaluate multifaceted social networks, and recognize long-term patterns. (Johnson, 2005) A common video game presents a predicament to be solved and diverse means to accomplish the resolution. Children playing video games are driven to play video games because they can achieve the impossible. (Simpson, 2005) Distribution of resources, trial and error and completing tasks are all part of the learning experience. (Simpson, 2005) The software embedded in these video games clearly establishes roles, powers, and limitations. Video game players have the ability decide their course of actions and recognize that they must take accountability for their own actions. The children playing these games are aware that there are both harmful and helpful consequences during game play. Games can mimic real-life consequences, and playing them teaches children that patience and perseverance lead to successful results. (Simpson, 2005) Violence in video games is not cause of violence in adolescents; this is a rumor or myth made by people looking for an excuse or a solution to why things happen. With the level of violence in video games increasing, adults have been linking the acts of violence contained in video games with violent acts that have been committed by children. Rather than look in to all the determining factors that can be reasons for children to act aggressively, they would rather lay blame on something new. The public has not even taken a moment to reflect on the past and realize that video games are just another source of media added to the list excuses justifying a child’s actions. Films, radio, novels, television programming, have all had been faulted for leading young people off course and stirring up aggressive or unsociable behavior. Video games violence is a handy scapegoat for individuals who do not care to explore deeper into the quandary of where the desire to murder comes from. The myth that video games reveal a new, excessive collective fixation with violent entertainment is untrue. Harold Schechter, in the manuscript Savage Pastimes: A Cultural History of Violent Entertainment, painstakingly documents the incidence of violent media all the way through the history of art and entertainment. Schechter remarks that even the purportedly quiet days of the 1950s were complete with violent media, most of it aimed at children. (Schechter, 2005) â€Å"The fact is that, contrary to popular belief, there was a shockingly high level of sadistic violence and gore in some of the most popular commercial entertainments of the 1950s† (Schechter, 2005). Violence and aggressive media and behavior have always been a part of civilization, so why it is receiving so much attention these days? Perhaps the degree of youth violence has not changed at all, but the factors mentioned above have simply created a heightened awareness of violence amongst youth. Perhaps a heightene d awareness and a lower tolerance for such acts have simply caused an increase in reporting violence, creating an illusion of an increase in youth violent behavior. There are extreme cases of youth violence in recent years that stand out, and were covered extensively by the media. The Columbine incident is an example. This type of incident is rare, but the media attention it received contributed to the perception of an increase in youth violence. Youth violence did not increase during this time; it just became more of social issue. Many factors contributed to those crimes, leaving the public many ways of laying blame. Youth violence is not caused by content found within a video game; it is more of an issue with the individual committing the violent acts. The underlying problem deals with the individual having a firm grip on reality and knowing the difference between those actions and the ones found within a video game. The adolescents are less apt to see violent video games in an unconstructive way if the individual is there not already a predisposition to violent acts. (Zarozinski, 2001) â€Å"Media in all forms can move people to consider things they had not considered before. But media cannot take over a mind and make anyone do something hes not predisposed to do† (Zarozinski, 2001). Stating, in essence, violent video games do not create violent children, however they may add to the troubles of an already violent youth. (Zarozinski, 2001) The public is quick to fault violence in the planet on video games, movies, television and music for the reason that they are effortless plausible targ ets. Although these media sources can influence and individual to a certain degree, the public has to look further than this particular focal point and start searching for the real cause for the violent behavior in civilization. A game cannot and will not make a human being kill another. Numerous individuals view violent images on a regular basis, yet only a small percentage of those actually commit crimes of violence. As studies by respected academics show, people that are already predisposed to violence are those that tend to gravitate towards playing video games. (Delamere, 2005) â€Å"The violence present in these media sources may help instigate a violent act; it is never the only cause† (Delamere, 2005). However, the groups of alarmed individuals that plead for the government to take action to against video games will not openly admit that the source for their civilizations problems may be due to their own actions. The people want a scapegoat that will appease their conscience and at the same token, avert the fingers of blame from pointing in their direction. This day and age, humankind is a world where real violence is everywhere, from neighborhood shootings to the war in Iraq. People are mostly helpless to stop it, and just have to live through it, but when a juvenile turns on a violent video game and spends endless hours playing, the question remains, does it change their perception of the real world and cause them to become delinquent? Violence in video games has been at the forefront of a lot of controversy recently. Incidents, like the Columbine High School shooting has come and gone, reopening old wounds and revisiting unanswered questions. What could have caused two seemingly average kids to go on such a rampage? Some of the blame has fallen on violent video games. Are these games actually part of the problem, or just an easy target? Fueled by myths of increased youth violence, and tragedies such as school shootings, youth violence is an increasing concern in for the public. Nevertheless, there is a lack of hard evidence to suppor t the supposed increase in youth violence, much less, that violence in video game plays a part in it. Violence in Video Games Violence in Video Games RQ: Should any restrictions be applied to violence in future video games to prevent any negative changes in childrens behavior? Abstract: Introduction: People, nowadays, are always arguing about the problem of violence in video games; and violence, in this case, includes use of drugs, blood, gore, offensive language, and many other things, that exist in modern video games. According to the statistics, over a billion people play video games, and the majority of these people are children or young teenagers. Of course, there are games, which are perfectly fit for children, games, which do not contain any type of violence, and they are usually designed specifically for kids to play. But many children prefer playing violent video games, because they think it is more enjoyable. Even though, it is usually up to their parents or guardians to decide whether these children are allowed to play violent video games or not, in most cases, parents do not want to restrict their kids from playing games, they like, so they just allow children to play almost any games, they want to play. The problem here is, that psychologically underage people might be more vulnerable to impact, coming from video games, than adults are; so violent video games might have a negative impact on shaping childrens behaviour (Publications, Harvard). Even though, millions of children play violent video games, only a few actually become violent (John Bingham). And this controversy leads me to a question: Should any restrictions be applied to violence in future video games to prevent any negative changes in childrens behaviour? I conducted the research, which provided me with the information about the ways, in which video games might affect childrens behaviour and the consequences of video game influence for children. That information will help me understand which restrictions should be applied to violence in video games, if any. Body: Even though, there is evidence of the link between violence in video games and the increase of childrens aggressive behaviour during the past two decades, there are still a lot of facts, which prove that there are many other factors, which could have caused negative effects on childrens behaviour. A lot of various psychological and media institutions, such as Oxford University, have conducted the research on the influence of violence in video games and other types of media. There are about 350 research papers conducted from 2005 to 2013, and non of them really explore every aspect of the effects of media violence on kids behaviour. For example, the combinations of effects of different risk factors, such as depression or stress with this kind of violence, or the differences between the effects on different genders. Such factors as the gender and living in poverty have greater impact on the outcomes (Bavelier, Green and Dye 692-701). In the majority of the studies kids younger than 10 years of age werent even included. The importance of these factors is certainly undeniable, especially considering the fact that there are not too many cases of chilren aggressive and violent behaviour, proved to happen due to violent video games. There was one of the high-profile incidents in the USA, which was caused by 17 year-old Dylan Klebold, and 18 year-old Harris Eric. It is called the Columbine High School Massacre. The shooting happened on the 20th of April, 1999, at Columbine High School, in Jefferson County. Two pupils killed twelve other pupils and a teacher (Library, CNN). The two shooters in the massacre were regularly playing weapon-based combat games. Specifically, the two shooters used to play Doom, which is a violent video game (The Columbine Shooters: Video Game Addicts?) Since the moment when violence was introduced to media, hundreds of studies have focused their research on viewing these acts of violence and aggression, such as Columbine High School shooting. When violent video games emerged, researchers started analyzing these acts much more closely. Many of the studies were focused on persons sex and studying male versus female aggression after viewing and playing violent video games. Some of them researched viewing violent video games against playing these games to find out if there was any link between the two ways of experiencing video game violence (Polman, de Castro and van Aken 256-264). Very little of these studies have researched the positive effects, which video games might have on chldren. For example, watching video games   improves hand eye coordination, and increases some of the persons abilities, for example some kids become better at solving puzzles (Ferguson 309-316). Ferguson found no connection between violent video games and negative behaviour. He concluded, that research made up of current studies, which have been analyzed, cannot link watching or playing violent video games to aggressive behavior afterwards (Ferguson 309-316). Each study, which has been reviewed, usually shows that there is some link between viewing violent video games and aggression. However, it doesnt completely prove the existence of this connection. Some evidence suggest that there is a link between exposure to violent video games and violent behavior (Porter and Starcevic 422-426). Can aggressive behavior with a good level of certainty be linked to watching video games? Or are there other circumstances that influence this kind of behaviour? Studies suggest a link between video watching and aggression, but researchers have not yet been able to find a direct relationship between the two. As in most behaviours, there are still loads of other factors that may contribute to the persons behaviour. Concluding, that experiencing violence in video games is linked to aggressive behaviour, is only possible if other factors, which influence a persons behaviour can be controlled. Those factors can include family history, sex, cases of aggressive behavior before watching video games, and many other potential factors that might influence childrens behavior (Persky and Blascovich 57-72). Not all studies have found a relationship (Ferguson et al. 109-122) between exposure to violent video games and aggression in children. However, the   most part of all the work actually shows a relationship. In a meta-analysis of 98 studies, which involved 36,965 participants, violent video games were convincingly shown to influence social behaviour (Greitemeyer and Mà ¼gge 578-589). The fact, that studies have taken many different forms, increases the certainty of the relationship. Jim Blascovich, at the University of California at Santa Barbara, in the study, he conducted, he concluded that the more realistic the graphics are the more of a possibility there is to display aggressive behavior right after viewing violent video games. Explicit viewing material usually looked more realistic, though letting aggressive behavior in the real world.   For example, Pacmans graphics were very simple in their content, and as graphics have become more realistic, the violence and death scenes have become a lot more realistic in modern video games (Persky Blascovich 57-72). Some of the work looks at the causal effect of game play. Some individuals have been asked to play violent games in the lab, while others were asked to play non-violent games. Then the behaviour of each group was measured in social tasks after the experiment. These studies have shown that playing violent games results in instantaneous changes to behaviour (Anderson, Carnagey and Flanagan 199-249). Young adults have shown physiological desensitisation to scenes of real life violence (Carnagey, Anderson and Bushman 489-49). Individuals who had played violent, in comparison with non-violent, games were less likely to report hearing a fight staged outside the laboratory, considered the fight more common and were slower to respond when some of them decided to help (Bushman and Anderson 273-27). Desensitisation to violence is considered to link violent game play with later aggressive behaviour (Engelhardt et al. 1033-1036). Other studies have included longitudinal effects, where individuals have been followed over a period of time; and video game play at one point in time has been related to aggression later, both in lab and in real life. The more violent play individuals took part in, the steeper the increase was in aggressive behaviour (Willoughby, Adachi and Good 1044-1057). The size of the effects found in most studies is either small or medium, but its quite consistent. This pretty much indicates that violent games do influence violent behaviour, rather than that violent children engage in video games. The most part of the negative effects, as a result of playing violent video games among children, can be blamed on the violent scenes included in these games. If a kid spends a big amount of time playing violent videogames, he or she becomes socially isolated. This basically means that this child doesnt have enough time to interact with his or her peers (Anderson and Bushman 353-359). The child who spends lots of hours per day playing videogames will have almost no time to make new friends. Such children may become more depressed and lonely in their homes. They are also very likely to stop spending time on other activities such as sports, reading, and studying.   Children stop being socially active, since they dont get involved in real-life events anymore. A child, who ends up spending most of his or her time playing videogames, does not get a chance to think creatively and independently, due to the fact that videogames reduce a childs imaginative thinking. This kind of thinking is crucial in developing a childs creativity. By encouraging isolation, videogames may also put a childs health at a serious risk. Since such kids do not lead a healthy lifestyle, due to the lack of sports and social activities, children, who are used to spending the majority of their time playing videogames, are very likely to suffer from obesity, and muscular and postural disorders. Quite a large number of videogames are addictive. Rather than studying or completing homework, a child spends time playing videogames, because the addiction wins over this child. When a child spends an large amount of time playing such videogames, he or she becomes socially isolated. Some of the negative effects as a result of playing these kind of videogames among children can be blamed on the addictiveness of these games. Due to the lack of time, which a child has while not playing games, he or she does not have an opportunity for rich social life (Anderson and Bushman 353-359). The child who spends almost the whole day playing videogames will have little time to meet and make new friends. They may very easily become more depressed and lonely in their homes. Children will also spend little time on other activities such as sports, reading, and doing homework. These children become socially inactive since they do not get involved in almost any social activities. Such video games redu ce a childs imagination as well. This basically means that children who spend most of their time playing videogames do not get a chance to think creatively or independently. Imaginative thinking is essential in developing a childs creativity. By promoting isolation, videogames may have some effects on a childs health. Quite some videogames may teach children wrong values (Gunter). Videogames encourage children to associate positive emotions such as happiness and pleasure with the ability to cause pain to others. They develop the feeling that they have to hurt other people in order to be happy themselves. Children who play videogames usually tend to develop selfish behavior (Anderson and Bushman 353-359). Videogames make the players depend on them. As a child is very often left alone, while playing a videogame, he or she can develop this dependent behavior. A study, which was done at a Minneapolis-based national institute for media, found out that kids can get addicted to videogames and exhibit social phobias. Video games are quite different from other visual types of media, because of their interactivity. The games allow players to be active participants in the storyline. In games the players, who benefit from acts of violence, are able to proceed to the next level. Violence in children behaviour has increased, as a negative result of playing videogames. There are a lot of incidents of violent and aggressive behaviour among children, who play violent videogames worldwide (Gunter).   Right after these incidents, the most of newspaper articles claimed that the key cause of that incident was violent videogames. The effects of violent games arent equal for everyone. Short-term effects in the lab are discovered to be bigger for undergraduate men than women (Bartholow and Anderson 283-290), and younger children are at a bigger risk of being affected by violent games if theyve got a high level on a personality trait, called neuroticism, and a low level on the traits agreeableness and conscientiousness (Markey and Markey 82-91). In terms of the game, playing with a customised avatar was found to cause more aggressive and violent behaviour, than when playing with a generic character (Fischer, Kastenmà ¼ller and Greitemeyer 192-195). Conclusion: Although the link between real-life violence and video game violence is still debated, and certainly other factors have a more significant influence on aggression. The impact of video games violence on the behavioural development of children is quite obvious both in the short-term and the long-term. The effectiveness of video games is a very important issue for society, and at the same time a benefit, because their effects can be both negative and positive; indeed it would be extremely hard to argue for one of these positions without the other. What is crucial is that we understand what aspects of game play behaviour have an influence, and on whom they have it. So whats the final answer to my question: Should any restrictions be applied to violence in future video games to prevent any negative changes in childrens behavior? Its quite simple. No new restrictions should be applied to violent video games in the future. Partly, its because the effects of this kind of violence are differe nt from one person to another, so they can also be positive; and partly because other factors usually affect childrens behaviour more, than video game violence. Althogh, parents can take some action to prevent possible negative impact of video games. For example, limit the number of ours, their children spend playing, or simply not allow kids to play games, which they consider too violent. Bibliography: Greitemeyer, Tobias and Dirk O. Mà ¼gge. Video Games Do Affect Social Outcomes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40.5 (2014): 578-589. Web. 22 Dec. 2016 Library, CNN. Columbine High School Shootings Fast Facts CNN.Com. CNN. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Dec. 2016 The Columbine Shooters: Video Game Addicts?. NY Daily News. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Dec. 2016 Bavelier, Daphne, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye. Children, Wired: For Better And For Worse. Neuron 67.5 (2010): 692-701. Web. 4 Dec. 2016 Polman, Hanneke, Bram Orobio de Castro, and Marcel A.G. van Aken. Experimental Study Of The Differential Effects Of Playing Versus Watching Violent Video Games On Childrens Aggressive Behavior. Aggressive Behavior 34.3 (2008): 256-264. Web. 12 Dec. 2016 Ferguson, Christopher John. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: A Meta-Analytic Review Of Positive And Negative Effects Of Violent Video Games. Psychiatric Quarterly 78.4 (2007): 309-316. Web. 17 Dec. 2016 Porter, Guy and Vladan Starcevic. Are Violent Video Games Harmful?. Australasian Psychiatry 15.5 (2007): 422-426. Web. 20 Dec. 2016 Persky, Susan and Jim Blascovich. Immersive Virtual Video Game Play And Presence: Influences On Aggressive Feelings And Behavior. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 17.1 (2008): 57-72. Web. 25 Nov. 2016 Ferguson, Christopher J. et al. Not Worth The Fuss After All? Cross-Sectional And Prospective Data On Violent Video Game Influences On Aggression, Visuospatial Cognition And Mathematics Ability In A Sample Of Youth. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 42.1 (2012): 109-122. Web. 4 Dec. 2016 Carnagey, Nicholas L., Craig A. Anderson, and Brad J. Bushman. The Effect Of Video Game Violence On Physiological Desensitization To Real-Life Violence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 43.3 (2007): 489-496. Web. 13 Dec. 2016 Anderson, Craig A, Nicholas L Carnagey, and Mindy Flanagan. Violent Video Games: Specific Effects Of Violent Content On Aggressive Thoughts And Behavior. 1st ed. 2004. Print Bushman, Brad J. and Craig A. Anderson. Comfortably Numb: Desensitizing Effects Of Violent Media On Helping Others. Psychological Science 20.3 (2009): 273-277. Web. 14 Dec. 2016 Engelhardt, Christopher R. et al. This Is Your Brain On Violent Video Games: Neural Desensitization To Violence Predicts Increased Aggression Following Violent Video Game Exposure. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47.5 (2011): 1033-1036. Web. 21 Dec. 2016 Willoughby, Teena, Paul J. C. Adachi, and Marie Good. A Longitudinal Study Of The Association Between Violent Video Game Play And Aggression Among Adolescents.. Developmental Psychology 48.4 (2012): 1044-1057. Web. 19 Dec. 2016 Anderson, C. A. and B. J. Bushman. Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological Arousal, And Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review Of The Scientific Literature. Psychological Science 12.5 (2001): 353-359. Web. 13 Dec. 2016 Gunter, Barrie. The Effects Of Video Games On Children. 1st ed. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. Print Fischer, Peter, Andreas Kastenmà ¼ller, and Tobias Greitemeyer. Media Violence And The Self: The Impact Of Personalized Gaming Characters In Aggressive Video Games On Aggressive Behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46.1 (2010): 192-195. Web. 16 Dec. 2016 Markey, Patrick M. and Charlotte N. Markey. Vulnerability To Violent Video Games: A Review And Integration Of Personality Research.. Review of General Psychology 14.2 (2010): 82-91. Web. 18 Dec. 2016 Bartholow, Bruce D. and Craig A. Anderson. Effects Of Violent Video Games On Aggressive Behavior: Potential Sex Differences. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38.3 (2002): 283-290. Web. 15 Dec. 2016 Publications, Harvard. Violent Video Games And Young People Harvard Health. Harvard Health. N.p., 2017. Web. 18 Dec. 2016 John Bingham. Study Finds No Evidence Violent Video Games Make Children Aggressive. The Telegraph. N.p., 2017. Web. 15 Dec. 2016

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Fight to Help the Snow Leopard Essay example -- Wildlife

An endangered species is â€Å"any species†¦ that is at risk of extinction because of the sudden rapid decrease in its population or loss of its habitat† (Dublin, par. 1). An animal that falls under this category is the â€Å"Panthera Uncia† (Dublin, par. 1) –more commonly known as the snow leopard. This animal is seen as a threat to many people in Central Asia –the natural habitat of the leopard. However, the conclusion is inaccurate. The snow leopard is a rare creature that is hardly seen by humans. This animal is insulated by thick fur and has tremendous paws that act like snow shoes. Snow leopards have powerful legs that allow them to jump up to at least fifty feet. Along with their unique body style, they have a long tail that helps keep their balance and can shield them from the cool mountain air (National Geographic, par. 1). This innocent animal is being destroyed by humanity. Humans are invading its home. Therefore, it needs help be fore it is too late. The snow leopard is a vital link in its natural habitat of Central Asia; immediate action must be taken by the world to prevent its extinction. The history of the snow leopard begins in1972, when it was first listed as an endangered species. There are several contributing factors to the endangerment of this beautiful mammal. These would include the destruction of their habitat and increased poaching. Although people have tried to resolve this problem, more needs to be done to save the snow leopard. The environment and habitat of the snow leopard is being ruined; consequently, resulting in their endangerment. The territory of the snow leopard is vanishing without anyone noticing. An example of this is â€Å"in Ladakh, where tourism and rapid development have taken thei... ...ters: Will Politics Prevent National Park in the High Pamirs of Tajikistan?† 44.1: EBSCO. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. Dublin, Holly. â€Å"Endangered Species.† Encyclopedia Britannica. Ed. Vol. Merriam-Webster Inc, 2012. Print. Ebrahim, Zofeen. â€Å"Endangered Snow Leopard Clawing its way Back.† The Guardian.N.p. 12 Aug. 2010. Web. 29 Jan. 2015. Feline Conservation Federation.N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. Knickerbocker, Brad. â€Å"Controversy Erupts Over Endangered Species Act.† The Christian Science Monitor (2007): Print. Matthiessen, Peter. The Snow Leopard.The Harvill press, 1996. Print. Miller, Tyler, and Scott Spoolman.Environmental Science.Brooks/Cole, 2008. Print. National Geographic.National Geographic Society, n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. Snow Leopard Conservancy.N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015. Snow Leopard Trust.N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Feb. 2015.

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Amniocentesis: Advantages vs. Disadvantages & Ethics Amniocentesis has become of the most controversial and fastest growing trends of expecting parents. The pros and cons of this contentious prenatal test have continually been increasing. Amniocentesis is a prenatal test that allows a doctor to gather information about a baby’s health and development from a sample of amniotic fluid. The test is most commonly done when the women is between 15 and 18 weeks pregnant. The test is used to determine whether the baby has genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Amniocentesis has recently caused a great deal of controversy in the news at doctor offices in the United States. After comparing the pros and cons it is eminent that amniocentesis is an important test that should be offered to those pregnant women who desire to have it. Amniocentesis offers many advantages to the expecting mother. This test determines whether the unborn baby has genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. It identifies several hundred genetic disorders including some of the most common such as Down syndrome and Edward’s syndrome. It can also identify other genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Huntington’s disease, Sickle cell disease, and cystic fibrosis. Other testing techniques such as ultrasounds pick up on these problems. Only amniocentesis is able to provide the information needed to diagnosis these problems in the womb. Amniocentesis can also indicate whether the baby is at risk for spina bifida and anencephaly. The test is more than 99 percent accurate in diagnosing these various conditions. It is the only test that can provide results which are accurate. Other important reasons to have the test include checking the well being of the baby. This is important if the mother has blood sensitization, such as Rh sensitization. Also the test can determine whether the baby’s lungs are mature enough for an early delivery if the mother appears to be in premature labor. As amniocentesis has become more popular more women opt for the test to ensure that their child is in perfect health. More than 95 percent of the high-risk women who have amniocentesis receive good news from their results. Only about 5 percent will be found to have a baby with a problem. This test is usually offered to those who are found to have a somewhat increased risk of having a baby with a chromosomal or genetic defect. :: Amniocentesis: Advantages vs. Disadvantages & Ethics Amniocentesis has become of the most controversial and fastest growing trends of expecting parents. The pros and cons of this contentious prenatal test have continually been increasing. Amniocentesis is a prenatal test that allows a doctor to gather information about a baby’s health and development from a sample of amniotic fluid. The test is most commonly done when the women is between 15 and 18 weeks pregnant. The test is used to determine whether the baby has genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Amniocentesis has recently caused a great deal of controversy in the news at doctor offices in the United States. After comparing the pros and cons it is eminent that amniocentesis is an important test that should be offered to those pregnant women who desire to have it. Amniocentesis offers many advantages to the expecting mother. This test determines whether the unborn baby has genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. It identifies several hundred genetic disorders including some of the most common such as Down syndrome and Edward’s syndrome. It can also identify other genetic disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease, Huntington’s disease, Sickle cell disease, and cystic fibrosis. Other testing techniques such as ultrasounds pick up on these problems. Only amniocentesis is able to provide the information needed to diagnosis these problems in the womb. Amniocentesis can also indicate whether the baby is at risk for spina bifida and anencephaly. The test is more than 99 percent accurate in diagnosing these various conditions. It is the only test that can provide results which are accurate. Other important reasons to have the test include checking the well being of the baby. This is important if the mother has blood sensitization, such as Rh sensitization. Also the test can determine whether the baby’s lungs are mature enough for an early delivery if the mother appears to be in premature labor. As amniocentesis has become more popular more women opt for the test to ensure that their child is in perfect health. More than 95 percent of the high-risk women who have amniocentesis receive good news from their results. Only about 5 percent will be found to have a baby with a problem. This test is usually offered to those who are found to have a somewhat increased risk of having a baby with a chromosomal or genetic defect.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Jewish Resistance Essay -- essays research papers

Jewish Resistance   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We must first realize that resistance was in no way a survival strategy. Yet, even when it seemed obvious that death was near inevitable, why did they not put up a fight? This argument is still puzzling to many holocaust historians, yet the arguments of Raul Hilberg and Yehuda Bauer offer insight to possible reasons why they did not fight and that resistance was more widespread than most people think.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First of all we will look at Raul Hilberg’s â€Å"Two Thousand Years of Jewish Appeasement,† to give us possible reasons why Jews simply willing followed orders to their death. We must see the destruction in a way that has two role-players: the perpetrators and the victims. We will closely look at the role that Jews played in sealing their own fate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hilberg gives us five possible Jewish reactions to the situation they had been confronted with. First of all we will look at the possibility of resistance. It seems as though people would not willingly walk to their death, but 2000 years of appeasement was not easily changed. Along with the history of appeasement, the Jews were totally caught by surprise. They had little organization and so, could not put up a worthwhile fight even if they had wanted to. The SS also did a good job of mental warfare in that any resistance, no matter how significant, the perpetrators knew that the repercussions would affect the whole community and so it was hard to muster support for physical opposition.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second reaction was Jewish attempt to make the struggle more of a mental battle than a physical one. They tried to avert the full plans of the German army by using written and oral appeals. Jews also tried to anticipate German wishes. The SS found that the ghettos could be very productive and tried to milk them for all they could. In this way, the Jews believed that if they were able to be productive, they would be spared long enough because of their economic value for help to arrive.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another possible reaction is flight. Only a few thousand Jews escaped from the ghettos in Russia and Poland, and very few escaped from the camps. This was the most viable survival option and yet very few took it. Von dem Bach talked about an â€Å"unguarded escape route to the Pripet Mar... ...was extremely difficult for many reasons. First of all, although there were armed undergrounds in two of the camps, they never acted, and other than this it was impossible to get arms to stage a real resistance. Second of all, the victims were so malnourished that they could not put up any reasonable fight. And lastly, they were in no mental state to fight the SS. They were instead, fighting for their life every second of the day. They had in some ways given up on life and often times willing to obey all orders because it was the easiest way to do things.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My immediate reaction is, how could they not resist when they know they are going to die. But, it is easy to say what you would do looking back at the situation. In many cases I believe that they did resist in the best way they knew how. They fought for life and did that by any means necessary. Many times they felt as though if they prolonged their life, that soon enough they would be saved. This seems as a very reasonable thought, so in my opinion I believe that they did resist more than Hilberg gives them credit for, but I believe they did it from lessons they had learned from the past 2000 years.