Saturday, December 28, 2019

Construction And Environmental Performance Of A Typical...

The Similarities and Differences Between the Design, Construction and Environmental Performance of a Typical Mesopotamian ‘Courtyard’ House and a Roman ‘Peristyle’ House. To consider the similarities and differences of the aforementioned aspects of the house types, it necessitates first to define the terms under which the comparisons are made. Considering the era in question, 10000BC until 550AD, it seems incomprehensible, whilst appreciating similarities due to influence of climate, geographical location and peoples of the area, not to expect differences in the design. Here I use the definition of design as an image created to communicate the appearance and function of a building, due to the advancement of civilization in that time, and the increase in material want. Likewise, advances in skill and technology (even at a very basic pre BC level, was huge, influencing the construction; Construction I would define as - the action of building something, for example a building or large structure. Lastly over time, the ancient civilizations would have become increasingly aware of the potential and viability of adapting their buildings to reap the benefits of environmental factors whilst at the same time and over time, incorporating environmental performance; that is how the building reacts to its geographical location and clima te. Placing both houses in a historical context, the Mesopotamian ‘courtyard’ house dates more specifically to the time 10000BC to 600BC, whilst the

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Anonymous Solves a Rape Case - 968 Words

Anonymous can seem like a strange or unsettling concept to some who may fear that someone or something mysterious exists behind a screen that has the power to destroy anyone or anything in a matter of minutes. In this particular case, anonymous shows their true power and potential by solving a two year cold rape case in under two hours. This Canadian rape case involved a young girl, Rehtaeh Parsons, who attended a party where alcohol was present and was gang raped by four of her male classmates. These four males took pictures of the gang sexual assault and then proceeded to share and send these photos to everyone in the school. Two years passed by that Parsons was brutally bullied and assaulted every day. Parsons eventually attempted suicide by hanging herself, and died a few days after when she was taken off life support. The Parsons family attempts at getting justice for their daughter against the four classmates failed when the police did not think enough evidence existed to charge anyone of the crime. The case was given up on due to lack of evidence and no relief or justice was served from the police. Anonymous was allegedly able to confirm the identities of the rapists in just two hours. People close to the perpetrators contacted Anonymous and flooded anonymous accounts with stories and testimonies. Anonymous said they would restrain from making the names public in hopes of forcing official investigators to re-open the case and review the evidence again.Show MoreRelatedA Perfect Example Of Civic Hacking1001 Words   |  5 PagesBigApps, sponsored by the New York City Economic Development Commission, is designed to foster civic hackers’ ideas to solve specific problems each year (â€Å"BigApps NYC 2015†). 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Accounting Information System for Cash Flow System

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Information System for Cash Flow System. Answer: Introduction The report explains the risk analysis of cash flow system of JK Saddlery. The risk assessment shows the factors for risk in cash flow system (Li 2014.). The cashiering system in JK Saddlery has to undergo risk management for assessing the risk factor of their commercial operations. According to Chen et al. (2012), the control plan made in the report would help in decreasing the effect of risk in factor. Part A: Systems Documentation Context Level DFD Figure 1: Context Level DFD of JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Context Level DFD of JK Saddlery The context DFD of JK Saddlery shows a single process flow. The customers and the cashiers are the main elements of the context diagram. The operations of data flow diagram are, Customer places the sales order Cashier notes down the order details Cashier create receipts/invoices for the sales Customer collects the payment/Invoice receipt Level 0 DFD Figure 2: Level 0 DFD of JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Level 0 DFD of JK Saddlery Sales person is responsible for preparing the sales order in the sale process. The cashier collects the sales order. Cashier makes the invoice receipt for the customers. The customers make the payment to the cashier by cash, cheque or credit card. The cahier again is responsible for the collecting the cash from the bank. Process Map of JK Saddlery Figure 3: Process Map for JK Saddlery (Source: Created by the author) Explanation of Process Map for JK Saddlery The process diagram for JK Saddlery has shown that there are three levels of operations. Cashier is responsible for maintainsing all the major operations in the system of JK Saddlery. The operations include Checking and maintaining sales record and emails, payment procedure and invoicing system, and reporting of all the processes. The customer and sales person are also the part of the process system. Part B: Analysis Narrative Risk factors and consequence in JK Saddlery According to Guerron-Quintana (2012), any business operations consist of risk and uncertainty. The cash flow system of JK Saddlery also have various risk factors for information and cash management. According to Schneider et al. (2012), these include theft and misplacing of money, dishonesty of employee, inadequate separation of activities in JK Saddlery, and error of the cash management. Theft or misplace of money: the money collected at the cash counter could be stolen or misplaced or even stolen if proper attention is given (Brushwood et al. 2014). Manual cash system has the major risk factor of cash being misplaced or lost. It has been seen many times that the cash from the locker may get lost. Sometimes, the burglars or thieves get into the shop for stealing the money by force. It is a very common risk factor that has been noticed in the retail shops and stores. Dishonesty of Employee: Since only one employee is responsible for maintaining the cash and credit card transaction there is always a probability for error (Jehn and Scott 2015). The risk factor of dishonesty of employee would have serious offense on the cash flow transaction of the company. JK Saddlery may have to face problems like cash or product lost due to dishonesty of the employee. The employee may take or use some money for personal gain and it would cause negative effect on the business operations of the JK Saddlery. Inadequate separation: The pressure of keeping track of all the information and money may lead to miss of information storage (Tubaldi Barbato and Ghazizadeh 2012). The employee might miss track of any commodity. As the data entry is not automatic, the information has to be stored manually in the operations of JK Saddlery. It would cause storing the information with any error of fault. Hence there is a risk of storage of data and information. The data and information storage would cause in diluting the chances of steady flow because the data is maintained by single authority. Error in cash flow management: The risk factor can affect the data management of the JK Saddlery. The management and maintenance of operations in sales invoicing of the JK Saddlery can be helpful for sorting this error (Shah et al. 2016). The lack of information system can largely effect the process of managing the data and information about cash maintenance. However for JK Saddlery, the information has to be manually maintained, which may result in occurrence of error. The employee and the managers of JK Saddlery would have to manage the situation of faults that may arise from the errors in management of cash flow operations. Control plan for managing the risks of JK Saddlery The control plan for managing the risk factors of JK Saddlery can be managed by the implementation of integrated information system management (Satyadi 2014). It would help in forming a system that would be capable of maintaining the information system in JK Saddlery. It would enhance the system management of sales invoice of JK Saddlery. There are 5 principles that could be implemented for managing the cash handling system of JK Saddlery. Record and document the transactions: the transactions of the JK Saddlery should be managed by recording and documenting of the day to day transactions (Rault and Loughman 2013). Hence, the chances of the loss of data by any means could be stopped. The JK Saddlery can manage the transactions by the implementation of information system. Authorization in transaction management: the authorization feature would prevent the theft of cash or information (Ginter et al. 2013). The data and information system of the JK Saddlery can be managed by the use of information system. The problems faced by the theft of information could be easily stopped by implementing the authorization function available in information system. Reviewing the Documents: The reviewing and verification of the documents can be easily implemented by the information system management (Wang et al. 2012). It would be helpful for sorting out the errors in management of invoice system. The billing and invoice system had been managed solely by an employee in JK Saddlery. However, if information system is implemented, the system would be faster and accurate for managing the cash flow system of JK Saddlery. Segregate Duties: The duties and responsibilities of information system management could be managed by implementing the information system over the operations of billing and invoicing of JK Saddlery (Svrakic et al. 2013). The managers and the employees are responsible for managing the information and cash system of JK Saddlery. But being a human they are liable for making mistakes and errors. However, the information system is fault free mechanism and there is no scope for errors. Time Saving: The information system perform all the operations without any errors and faults (Kallhoff and Byrne 2015). The time taken for storing the information on the information system would be comparably less that manual entry. Hence, it would save much time of operations. The JK Saddlery would require less time for forming the information database of the sales invoice and cash flow. Conclusion The report had stated the risk assessment of manual cash system in JK Saddlery. It has resulted in forming the errors by the risk factors like theft and misplacing of money, dishonesty of employee, inadequate separation of activities in JK Saddlery, and error of the cash management. These risk factors have resulted in causing problems and issues in cash flow system of JK Saddlery. However, the five principles such as record and document the transactions, authorization in transaction management, reviewing the documents, segregate duties, and time saving. References Brushwood, J.D., Dhaliwal, D.S., Fairhurst, D.J. and Serfling, M.A., 2014.Property theft and the cost of equity capital. Working Paper, The University of Arizona. Retrieved from https://aaahq. org/AM2014/display. cfm. Chen, C.W., Tseng, C.P., Hsu, W.K. and Chiang, W.L., 2012. A novel strategy to determine the insurance and risk control plan for natural disaster risk management.Natural Hazards,64(2), pp.1391-1403. Ginter, K.L., Shear, V.H., Spahn, F.J. and Van Wie, D.M., Intertrust Technologies Corporation, 2013.System and methods for secure transaction management and electronics rights protection. U.S. Patent 8,543,842. Guerron-Quintana, P., 2012. Risk and uncertainty.Business Review, (Q1), pp.9-18. Jehn, K.A. and Scott, E.D., 2015. Lies in the Sky: Effects of Employee Dishonesty on Organizational Reputation in the Airline Industry.Business and Society Review,120(1), pp.115-136. Kallhoff, K.S. and Byrne, P., 2015. The College and Career Ready System: Time Saving Tool Used to Identify Potential At-Risk Students. Li, W., 2014.Risk assessment of power systems: models, methods, and applications. John Wiley Sons. Rault, D.F. and Loughman, R.P., 2013. The OMPS Limb Profiler environmental data record algorithm theoretical basis document and expected performance.IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,51(5), pp.2505-2527. Satyadi, C., 2014. Improving Patient Safety: Proficiency Testing Management Utilizing Ishikawa/Fishbone Methodology and Risk Management System (RMS) in Alignment to Internal Quality Control Plan (IQCP).American Journal of Clinical Pathology,142(suppl 1), pp.A142-A142. Schneider, S., Peters, J., Bromberg, U., Brassen, S., Miedl, S.F., Banaschewski, T., Barker, G.J., Conrod, P., Flor, H., Garavan, H. and Heinz, A., 2012. Risk taking and the adolescent reward system: a potential common link to substance abuse.American Journal of Psychiatry. Shah, D., Kumar, V., Kim, K.H. and Choi, J.B., 2016. Linking Customer Behaviors to Cash Flow Level Volatility: Implications for Marketing Practices.Journal of Marketing Research. Svrakic, D.M., Zorumski, C.F., Svrakic, N.M., Zwir, I. and Cloninger, C.R., 2013. Risk architecture of schizophrenia: the role of epigenetics.Current opinion in psychiatry,26(2), pp.188-195. Tubaldi, E., Barbato, M. and Ghazizadeh, S., 2012. A probabilistic performance-based risk assessment approach for seismic pounding with efficient application to linear systems.Structural Safety,36, pp.14-22. Wang, L., Ricart, G., Thompson, C.A., Wishon, K. and Laube, S., Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp, 2012.System and method for comparing and reviewing documents. U.S. Patent 8,196,030

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Surgical Wound Care Essay Sample free essay sample

Types of Wounds* Harmonizing to how they are acquired* Abrasion. laceration. cut/incision. injury* Harmonizing to the grade of lesion taint* Dependent for how the is the lesion. if there is any antibiotic. other interventions* Harmonizing to deepness* Dermis. cuticle. hypodermic. musculusAim* Promote lesion healing* To advance optimum status Factors impacting lesion healing* Developmental considerations* Nutrition* Lifestyle* Medicines* Infections Complications of Wound Care Healing* Bleeding* Hypovolemic Shock* Hematoma* Infection* Dehiscence with possible evisceration Types of Dressing* Gauze* Synthetic Dressings* Hydrocolloids* Foams* Alginates* Hydrogels Manners of Using the Drain* Dry to dry* Use clean gauze* Pat prohibitionist inner to outer* Wet to dry* Use the unfertile bowl* Place sterile gauze* Put NSS to the gauze at the unfertile bowl* Prepare another unfertile gauze. Keep it dry.* Use 2 forceps. Catch the terminal of the gauze with forcep A. so another terminal with forcep B * Pigain ng Hindi gumagamit nanogram kamay. Merely turn overing the forceps * Place the moisture gauze at the lesion site * Then cover the wet gauze with a dry gauze. We will write a custom essay sample on Surgical Wound Care Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Wet to muffle* Wet to wet Kinds of Wound Drainage* Serous exudation* Clear in colour* Purulent exudation* Yellow* Might need the swab* You do non necessitate to clean the country when you are traveling to acquire a sample / civilization * Sanguineous exudation Wound Drains* To egest extra fluids and promote healing* Jackson Pratts* Do non crimp when run outing* Penrose drain* To run out extra fluids* Pin – to keep in topographic point* Serve a stopper* T-Tube* Hemovac* Gomco Suction Device Change of Dressing* First 24 hours. station op dressing do non touch because it is a force per unit area dressing * For preventative steps* Type depends upon the type of lesion that you patient has. * Principle: CLEAN TO DIRTY* Inscision site is the cleanest country* Sterile prohibitionist dressing* Use of antiseptic and so use dry gauze* Before you change the dressing. look into first status of the patient * Post op site is worse. name the doctorMethods* Sterile technique* Clean Technique Abdominal Binder* For station op abdominal surgery* Scultetus Binder* Cloth merely* OB Case – top to bottom ( involution )* Post Abdominal Surgery – underside to exceed ( to fasten the abdominal musculuss ) Care of the Unconscious* Eye Care* Make a mitten ( to avoid the trickle of the extra fluids of the patient. to forestall in drying easy of the washrag. inner to outer ) * Moisten the muta foremost before taking it* Unconscious client = diminished winking automatic apply eyepad * In using oculus trickles hyperextend the cervix to decrease winking automatic * Non dominant to take down the conjunction. dominant manus to squash the oculus bead * After puting the solution. state the patient to shut the eyes gently. revolve the orbs * Eye unction inner to outer canthus * Ophthalmic solution foremost so oculus unction* Oral Care* Toothette* Position of patient* Conscious = semi Fowlers* Unconscious = side lying. level or supine while the caput is on the side ( to advance drainage of secernments ) * Place the towel on the thorax* Patient has unreal dental plates* Use the cushioned lingua depressor or toothette ( merely foam ) * Dip on the H2O so imperativeness on the side* Use as a tooth coppice* Artificial dental plates* Brush it* Conscious patient* Semi Fowlers* Place kidney basin at the chin portion* Unconscious* Do non put the unreal dental plates* Dentures = topographic point in an opaque container with H2O ( to maintain it humidify. maintain from waterlessness ) * Make sure non to bury the suction machine is ever available at bedside * Can use crude oil jelly * Nasal Care* Use cotton buds* Can wash with salinase* Treatment of Pressure Ulcers* Stage 1* Reddened. difficult* Stage 2* Stage 3* Stage 4* Apply antiseptic solutions. antibiotics* flushing* Pinakamadumi Air National Guard interpolation site kapag draigage – so inner to outer Psoriasis* Use of K permanganate* Use baseball mitts* Has drying consequence* Use pat H2O. so topographic point little spots of K permanganate ( will turn violet. but it should be light pink ) Post Mortem Care Signs of Absolute Death* CBF ( Cerebral Blood Flow )* Normal intellectual blood flow survey demoing cranial infinite filled with blood * Flat EEG* Cerebral blood flow study demoing no blood come ining the encephalon Body Changes after Death* Algor Mortis* Rigor Mortis* Livor mortis Post Mortem Care* Talk to it even when it is already dead* Give some clip to grief* After some clip. state the household that you have to fix the patient * Accomplish the corpse signifier* Time of decease* Give it a bath* Oral attention* Nasal attention* If for necropsy* Cut all the tubings. do non take* It non for necropsy* Remove all Death related Rituals and Funerals of selected spiritual groups * Muslim* Diing individual must squeal wickednesss and inquire forgiveness in presence of household. household washes and prepares organic structure and turns organic structure towards Mecca * Judaism* Body ceremonially washes by members of ritual burial society ; burial every bit shortly as possible * Lutheran. Methodist. Presbyterian* Roman Catholic