Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Tiananmen Square Massacre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tiananmen Square Massacre - Essay Example because of his people-oriented policies. But, later in life, he was forced to resign, without any clear causes. Initially, people began to gather in Tiananmen Square to mourn Hu Yaobang and attend his funeral. However, their sorrow soon turned to rage against the government as they started to wonder why he really was forced to resign and to demand more civil liberties. In late April 1989, hundreds of thousands protesters, mostly students, wielding placards and banners, began to gather at Tiananmen Square. In addition to Hu Yaobang's death, the protesters chose this time for their demonstrations because Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev would be visiting, and the attention of the world media would be on China2. As such, leaders were instantly chosen, and a series of dialogues were set up with the government, however, these were largely unsuccessful. The protesters were largely peaceful, but a few minor scuffles with police, resulting in injuries, were reported Soon, the students were joined by people from all walks of life-people who were looking for reforms in the government--teachers, doctors, factory workers, judges, and even some police officers and soldiers. Thousands of tents were enacted as they were intending to stay in the square for several days. Unhappy with the proceedings, the government resorted to cutting off the water supply to the square in an attempt to make the students disperse, but the protesters simply brought in water from other sources in Beijing. They engaged in dialogues with the government, but when the government, at first, refused to comply with their demands for democracy, they decided to go on a hunger strike-the goal was to force the government to cooperate with the protesters, or face thousands...Journal Title: World Affairs. Volume: 152. Issue: 3. Publication Year: 1989. Page Number: 148. This is a very useful journal on the hunger strike. It contains detailed account of the purpose of the hunger strike, and as such, quite useful for anyone who wishes to know the ultimate motives of the agitators.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Conservation of natural resources and physical environment Essay Example for Free

Conservation of natural resources and physical environment Essay It is a fact that population growth or its decline is a resultant effect of both births and deaths or in some countries; immigration and emigration are indeed significant factors of this phenomenon. The carrying capacity as defined by specialists is that maximum number of persons that can be comfortably supported in a particular environment without posing any possible threats of depletion of the available resources in the near future. It thus not only considers space availability but also emphasizes on the importance of relating the numbers to the available resources as well as the potential of the earth system as a whole to support them (S. P. Hays, 1986). It is therefore important to realize that human beings are part and parcel of the world’s ecosystem and its only valuable for them to preserve its best. The ecosystems has constantly undergone modifications by humans not only as a consequence of population expansion but also due to enhanced technological know how and human consumption. It is the human race that has in the past destroyed habitats, polluted his own environment that has adversely changed the atmosphere hence threatening global stability. Experts have further warned that these observable negative impacts could see the ecosystem undergo irreversible damages if not quickly addressed. Conservation of natural resources involves good management, wise and proper utility of the abundant earth resources by man (D. W. Ehrenfeld, 1972). Read more: Essay About  Conservation of Natural Resources This is not only for economic reasons but also for the survival of the new generation to come. Wood and wood products for instance, form the fundamental economic gain from forests but it is also worth noting that most forest zones are the major water catchment points and since water is life, then, it is only fair to preserve forests so as to support life. The human race has therefore developed interest in the study of his environment with the intention of understanding it better. These studies have not been fruitless sine certain scientific fields like ecology which deeply analyses living organisms in relation to each other and their physical environment have significantly improved man’s understanding of the ecosystem by bringing out clearly the vital roles of specific organisms in the universe. Through this information, man has comprehended that his survival depends on the other part of the system as well. The principle â€Å"Energy is neither created nor destroyed† suggests the capacity of the earth’s self renewal but also raises a particular concern over nonrenewable energy resources that are fast getting depleted! It is for this noble purpose that various nations have set up their own policies on environmental conservation with the major aim of achieving better and healthy lives for their citizens now and in the future. However some countries like Iraq and others in record have no restrictions to various areas considered ‘special’ environmentally especially considering the fact that some wildlife in those parts are at a risk of getting extinct. This therefore brings the big debate on whether its really necessary to conserve our environment? Since the mid-nineteenth century, the globe has recorded increasing mean atmospheric temperatures, a phenomenon attributed to the emission at extremely high levels, of greenhouse gases. This warming trend has been traced to originate from human activities. As much as we are fast to point blame on industries and other businesses, research has it that everyone creates pollution through various activities that we undertake daily and therefore contribute to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This is because every manufactured product finds its way to us and by all means leaves behind some carbon footprint however small (John Darabaris, 2007). Thus man being aware of the deadly impacts of this phenomenon on his environment is constantly struggling to reduce carbon footprint to he smallest possible amounts. Modern science has sophisticated instrumentation that can precisely predict harsh weather events that may result from global warming. Industrialization that has seen man adopt modern farming techniques, improved infrastructure amongst many other human practices is here to stay and even advance further, yet it must be controlled and channeled appropriately into activities that will not deplete the scarce resources. History has it that man, through industrialization, has enhanced erosion activities at the coast and affected the duration of planting seasons in many agriculturally dependant zones, thanks to the constantly warming globe. Human race is very much aware that if these trends persist, more destructive and violent storms are yet to be observed, dreadful and deadly diseases are also likely to attack depending on the new temperatures of the earth which may favor the existence of new pathogens. This not only poses human race at great risk but also predicts real danger to the vast resources that we have on earth. Permafrost for instance, is a major factor that controls several environmental processes and thus changes in nutrients, water content and even temperature will for sure have some effect on the soil composition (Bolter, M. 1999). It is also expected that a warmer globe will initiate more energy to be pumped into tropical storms hence developing stronger and more destructive and vicious storms. The warm condition also, according to scientific predictions, could make earth observe long periods of drought and this will definitely cause global food shortages. Such persistent drought conditions also put the globe at the risk of experiencing more wild fires that will destroy property and other natural resources. Wildlife is one of the most treasured natural resource not only because of its economic importance but also because of its aesthetic value and ecological significance. However, the current trajectory path traced by global warming effects could result into the extinction of rare planet species that would otherwise fail to adapt to the new environment due to the shift in ecosystem. The physical topography is not spared either since man now understands that the warming trend has significantly speeded the melting of polar ice bringing along with it severe and unbearable weather conditions. Science and engineering technology has significantly contributed to the advancement of humanity thereby increasing the understanding of our world, ambitions and inspirations, and our ability to satisfy our diverse needs in our lifetime (Clift, 1998). Our survival on the planet earth will indeed to a great extent depend on how we effectively relate to all the other living organisms and even to the physical environment. As much as man has been innovative, new technologies do come with diverse environmental challenges. The increasing world population for instance, has seen a significant rise in energy demand. A clean and reliable yet sustainable energy source is thus essential to meet this demand, the selection of which must be carefully made. Innovative solutions are therefore called upon from the concern industrial sectors, governments and even communities. Europe, America, China, India and other industrialized nations depend almost entirely on fossil fuels; the developing nations are reportedly increasing their consumption of the same! Arguably, the methods used to produce and consume these fuels are not the best and have significantly contributed to the destruction of the ecosystem. It is for this reason that man has used the available technology to develop alternative means of producing energy with minimal or no impact at all on the environment. Using this knowledge man has resorted to energy sources that are found naturally in the environment (Carroll, 1993). For instance, using solar panels has made it possible to harness solar energy safely into viable use. This is a significant step made in protecting and saving the environment since it does not cause pollution and is also considered an infinite source of energy. However, this invention came with its own challenges such as unpredictable climatic patterns especially in the twentieth century , a phenomenon associated to global warming thereby forcing man to diversify into other energy sources such as the nuclear energy, wind power, sea power amongst many others. Nuclear power alone has attracted many developed countries with most of them claiming it is the answer to the global energy crisis. The only controversy that arises on nuclear energy production is the after effects it has on the environment. Storing and effectively damping radioactive material for as long as a thousand years is still a threat to the environment and the planet at large. Most people are now aware of various threats resulting from environmental problems. Many people are reported to panic in some cases, though it makes them have a clear understanding of the necessity to conserve and protect the little we have or else face permanent destruction from the cruel nature we have created. Since we can’t afford to despair, this extraordinary times calls for extraordinary solutions that promises a better tomorrow. Experts have issued warnings about the changing climate for example, and our understanding is that we have the solution with us. Therefore, by taking individual responsibility, there is hope, these damages can either be slowed down or completely reversed (Engel, 1990). The current generation understands so well that the generation tomorrow will enjoy the natural resources we have today only if we live in a sustainable way and this is irrespective of whatever modernity dictates. Indeed, with this kind of rapid loss of biodiversity, the global community full of researchers and practioneers must move with speed before the situation gats out of hand (Jacobson 1995). By conserving the resources and managing them sustainably, the future is secure of having clean water, clean energy, clean air and even fertile soils for productive agriculture. Modern man has also realized that diversity in culture and biological diversity are greatly linked (Mc Neely, 1995). Different societies within this very globe possess very unique cultural practices, beliefs and knowledge about the environment that is very valuable especially in solving certain environmental problems. Redesigning industrial systems to obtain safe technology reduces waste and encourages recycling of refuse in biological lines. This is a concept full of hope that will see the world maximize the use of raw materials, reduce the consumption of energy and with minimal or no negative impacts on the environment (D. Worsher, 1977). Different cultures for example, find different uses of different plans which essentially constitute the ecosystem. By preserving the diverse or sometimes complex cultural practices and lifeways, biological systems will then be protected in the process. It is imperative to note that human beings have constantly adjusted and adapted to their environment almost simultaneously as it changes. This justifies the argument by scholars that ‘nature and culture are indivisible’ and thus the necessity to narrow down human ecology to the analyses of socio-natural systems (Bennett, 1996). Due to fundamental shifts in the interrelationship between industrialization and the other part of the ecosystem, experts have identified possible radical changes that may accompany these historical moments and therefore suggested thorough rebuilding of all industrial systems. Mediterranean region for example, has been greatly eroded due to poor farming methods like overgrazing and deforestation. Siltation and salanization are also some observable effects from irrigation activity at the region (Hillel, 1991). Different regions thus have dispatched relevant authorities to help sensitize and educate the communities living around such valuable resources on the importance of conservation measures and proper management. Conservation of the environment is therefore not debatable if the treasured human race needs to protect its self against possible harm in the future. The rapid race at which global climate has changed, the ever expanding global population amongst many other critical environmental declines are some of the critical issues that need addressing as a mater of urgency. Intensive research work carried out by various scientific groups indicates for instance, that the world losses 22 million acres forest area yearly (Elizabeth, 2006). Similarly, very toxic chemicals find their way into the atmosphere yearly some of which last over decades in the environment. It is therefore very serious to realize that we are obviously threatened when our natural resources are threatened since we greatly depend as major sources of medicine, food, shelter, fuel, just to mention a few. Nature is known to be unforgiving and respects no boundaries; environmental problems threaten global economy, health and even security. The tropical forests which are rapidly disappearing hold the source of close to twenty-five percent of prescription drugs (George P, 1973). A world without energy, food, safe clean water or inhabitable environment exposes its people to political unrest as well as economic instability. This could see the world spend an enormous sum of money inform of peacekeeping, humanitarian aid or even in attempt to revive global markets. With this kind of understanding, man has realized the significance of working together with a lot of commitment by all countries to provide lasting solutions to fundamental problems and also offer sustainable management of the scarce natural resources. This indeed is an assurance of hope that promises better future to all the human society. References D. W. Ehrenfeld, (1972), Conserving Life on Earth; D. Worsher, (1977), Natures Economy; Roderick Nash, (2001). Wilderness and the American Mind, NY: Yale University Press,). R. Nash, (1982), Wilderness and the American Mind; NY. S. P. Hays, (1986), Conservation and the Gospel of Efficiency. Bolter, M. (1999). Consequences of Global Warming on Soil Processes in Arctic Regions, Polarforschung, 66, 1/2, 1-10. Jacobson SK (ed). (1995). Conserving wildlife: international education and communication approaches. New York NY: Columbia University Press. Noss RF. (1997). The failure of universities to produce conservation biologists. Cons Biol 11(6) Hillel, Daniel. 1991. Out of the Earth: Civilization and the Life of the Soil. Free Press. NY. Bennett and Flatley, G. W. , J. W. (1996) ‘Using Contingent Valuation to Determine Australian Tourists Values for Forest Conservation in Vanuatu’. Economic Analysis and Policy 26 (2) Donald Worster, (1994) Nature’s Economy, NY: Cambridge University Press. William Cronon. (1991) Nature’s Metropolis. NY: Norton. Elizabeth Kolbert (2006). Field Notes on a Catastrophe: Man, Nature, and Climate Change. NY, Bloomsbury. Carroll, W. J. (1993). ‘World Engineering Partnership for Sustainable Development. ’ Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 119 Clift, R. (1998). Engineering for the environment: The new model engineer and her role. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 76(B2)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

America The Beautiful :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A terrible terrorist act was committed on American soil on September 11, 2001. Airplanes were hijacked, taken to important cities, and crashed into important buildings. This dreadful happening shocked all of America. Most are still in denial and grieving over the tragedy. It seemed that America was getting little support from other countries; unlike the support America gives many other nations when they are in trouble. One reporter from Canada, Gordon Sinclair, thought this was a terrible injustice. In a report given by Sinclair, many times America has helped out, even its enemies, were pointed out. Sinclair points out the fact that America has some of the best technology, the fact that America has helped its enemies with restitution after wars and bombings, as well as the fact that America is a watchdog that helps those who have domestic problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon – not once, but several times – and safely home again,† states Sinclair. This statement shows the vast amount of technologies America possesses. Later in the same paragraph, Sinclair remarks about the fact that America did not even pursue its draft dodgers for the fact that they ran to Canada. This shows that America’s domestic problems are not as important as helping others around the world. America lays its scandals on the table for all to view. To speak more on the issue of technology, America is the largest producer of airplanes in the world. America does not boast about its technological advances, it merely allows other nations to share in its glory.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on the earth. Germany, Japan, and to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts,† states Sinclair. This quote refers to the restitution mentioned in the beginning of this expose. After bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, America gave much money to the Japanese to help rebuild their cities. Can a country that rebuilds its enemies be that bad, or is it simple minded and blind? In my opinion, America is just a good neighbor.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Skating Party

The short story â€Å"The Skating Party† by Merna Summers is about a love triangle conveying the theme that it is essential for individuals to make rational decisions because they will have to endure the consequences for the rest of their lives. Having been raised on a farm in Willow Bunch, Nathan Singleton aspired to become a farmer with a devoted wife. Contrary to his goal, he left his home and relocated to the city to become a teacher. Then, he ultimately returned to Willow Bunch to focus on his farming career. â€Å"In some ways it seemed as if he had never really left Willow Bunch†¦I found it hard to imagine him as I knew he must be in his classroom: wearing a suit, chalk dust on his sleeve, putting seat work on the blackboard. He didn't even talk like a teacher. † (Summers 187-188) The significance of character revelation in this quote highlights Nathan's personality traits that are reminiscent of a stereotypical farmer. This justifies why Maida found it diff icult to visualize Nathan possessing personality traits pertaining to a stereotypical teacher. With further inference, it can be concluded that his specific traits didn't effectively complement his teaching career.This incompatibility influenced him to return to Willow Bunch, where his childhood aspiration almost came to fruition when he became engaged with Eunice Lathem. Though unfortunately, he receded to teaching in the city once again after her demise. Nathan's indecisive demeanour regarding his career is symbolized by engraving a tattoo on your body. The consequence was the absence of occupational stability in his life, a reminder which is symbolized by the fact that a tattoo is permanently etched onto your skin.Secondly, the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party† is reinforced through Delia's decision to skate with Nathan at the skating party. Due to the lengthy duration of time they spent together, Eunice became infuriated because she detected intimacy. Delia then agreed to skate with Eunice in order to calm her down. Eventually, they both fell through the ice; Eunice's death was the price for Delia's survival. â€Å"Eunice Lathem's sister, whose name was Delia Sykes, moved away from Willow Bunch right after the accident. † (Summers 191) This quote represents Delia's character development.From a very extroverted, flamboyant character, she confined herself in a shell due to the torment caused by the outcome of her decision and its role in Eunice's death. This categorizes her as a dynamic character. She then left Willow Bunch, believing that isolating herself from her friends and family would be the only way to atone for her mistake. Delia made an irrational decision to skate with Nathan which is symbolized by choosing to have a tattoo drawn onto your skin. Her decision indirectly resulted in Eunice's death, a traumatizing experience she endured for the rest of her life that is symbolized by the adherence of a tattoo.It will always be with her; o ne glance at it will remind her of the skating party. Lastly, the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party† is accentuated through Nathan's decision to save Delia instead of Eunice. â€Å"The one pair of arms had white fur around them. And I reached for the other pair† (Summers 199) This quote revealed Nathan's true desire and who he valued the most in his life. It also implies the inner conflict he experiences, such as reflecting on the credibility of his decision and evaluating possible outcomes if he acted differently.Such thoughts prevent him from achieving tranquility. Like a tattoo, the remorse Nathan's burdened with will stay for the remainder of his life as a result of choosing to save Delia and allowing Eunice to perish. Nathan's inability to choose a career, Delia's decision to skate with Nathan, and Nathan's decision to save Delia instead of Eunice emphasizes the theme of â€Å"The Skating Party†: it is necessary to make decisions rationally in order to avoid regrets and live a satisfying life.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dehumanization in Slavery based on Accounts from Clotel

William Wells Brown warns us that slavery does not only victimize the weak and blacks. In his novel, he points out that â€Å"no one is safe† from slavery, whether â€Å"white or black† (Schweninger 23). In the face of this fact, it seem ironic that the country that is now called the â€Å"land of the free† and â€Å"home of the brave† was once a country where slaves were sold and treated almost with cold blood (Schweninger 23). Indeed, no one is safe, for even a president’s daughter has been sold to be a slave. What could be more painful than to be parted from your beloved and your daughter and be sold as a slave, knowing that your daughter would be treated as ill as a servant? This is the Calvary that Clotel had to bear as a slave, though she was, by popular lore, a daughter of the president. And if it were true that she was indeed a daughter of the president (Schweninger 28), would it not be more painful on her part, knowing that she was the daughter of the most powerful man in country, yet she had to be a slave and a concubine? The very thought of this situation dehumanizes Gods masterpiece. There is a rich literature about Brown’s novel, both digital and printed. Most of them bank on the cruelty of slavery. Articlemyriad. com reminds the readers that the novel is fiction, but description of slavery with all its vividness in the accounts of the characters’ lives is true. It can be well understood how something fictitious can capture the truth behind every word and expression. The writer himself was once a slave, and in fact, the first part of the novel is a biographical account of how he escaped slavery (Analysis and Themes 1). Hence, we see slavery, not in the eyes of someone who has just seen it, but someone who had been a slave, someone who had as firsthand experience of the dehumanizing treatment to slaves. It is not, however, the hard work that Brown resents, but the fact that humans, free or slave are not to be sold (Schweninger 22). At this juncture, it is important to focus more on the historicity of the accounts in the novel. As Articlemyriad. com points out, the novel is fiction, but the accounts are real. No president of the United States would have had a slave daughter, but the experiences of the characters in the novel, from the most â€Å"optimistic† to the most â€Å"pessimistic† were not products of imagination (Analysis and Themes 3). As Clotel became a mistress, and was sold, later tried to escape and then commit suicide in despair, Brown was showing a concrete example of what happened to slaves. It was not their fault to be born as mulatto or black or yellow skin, but they faced the discrimination and social prejudice and stereotyping. One example of this stereotyping is stated in the website mentioned. Society does not frown upon the man who sits with his mulatto child upon his knee whilst its mother stands a slave behind his chair† (Brown 55). We can see from this statement that there is something bout being a mulatto child and a slave mother. A slave, though mother of the master’s child, remains to be a slave and does not seem to have the right to be wife, and only has the right to be a mistress, a whore. If a white were mother to child of a master, then the master would have to marry her in most cases, of the master would have to face suit, but slaves had no liberty to fight for their rights no matter how disgraced they have been. Though the article points out that the novel is fiction, it gives way to Brown’s claims that the novel is â€Å"no fiction† (Analysis and Themes 2), for it is â€Å"founded in truth† (Analysis and Themes 2). The truthfulness of accounts in the novel is what the other two articles by Schweninger and Giulla, although Giulla’s accounts are rather more focused on the language of the blacks. Schweninger puts forth that in as much as the events in the novel could have taken place to slaves; the accounts in the novel were not historically accurate as far as chronology of events is concerned. She mentions several inconsistencies in the chronology of events, one of which is the impossibility of Clotel’s birth in 1798 and â€Å"have her mother witness the 1842 burning when her daughter was only 16† (Schweninger 27). Therefore, according to Schweninger, the point of Brown is not to make a accurate historical account (although he told the readers that the novel is not fiction), but to stress the inhumane treatment to slaves, especially to African Americans and the mulatto. In fact, in the preface of the novel, Brown states â€Å"Were it not for persons in high places owning slaves†¦ Slavery would have long been abolished. (Schweninger iv). And who were these persons in high places? Brown identifies them as â€Å"professed Christians† who give the system (slavery) â€Å"a reputation† (Schweninger iv). Schweninger suggests that the â€Å"undercutting of the chronology of events stresses that it is not the chronology that is important in the no vel but the universality of the topic and slavery in any year or era would have been the same† (Schweninger iv). The people would have suffered just as much and the abusers would have abused the slaves just as much. And as Brown has said, slavery remained not condemned, because the people who had the power to stop it knew its evil but did not want to lose their slaves. They would be hurt in material loses. The battle cry of Brown is not for people to be freed from work. Everyone has to work, but no one deserves to be sold as a slave. Schweninger traces the story of Clotel to another popular lore called Child, where Clotel was originally named Rosalie. She attests that the story of Child was copied word for word except for some insertions by the Brown to express his political views (Schweninger 28). For instance, Scweninger narrates, when Clotel urged the master to move from one place to another, Brown inserted some statements that would highlight the anti-slavery theme of the novel. So, in the original text from Child, the line says â€Å"the slave mistress urged her master ‘to remove to France or England (Scweninger 64)†, but in the text of Brown, there is the insertion â€Å"where both her child would be free and where colour was not a crime (Brown 85). Horatio, the master responded to this suggesting her why not reamin her mistress even after he got married. To this, Brown added a text saying, â€Å"True, she was his slave; bones, and sinews had been purchased by his gold, yet she had the heart of a true woman† (Brown 112). Schweninger also points out that Brown inserted Clotel’s consideration of remaining as a mistress a criminal act (Schweninger 28). Another important matter about the novel is the choice of places to mention. Schweninger confirms the accuracy of the accounts in the place where Currer (Clote’s mother) was – Natchez (Schweninger 29). It was a place, according to Buckingham (from Schweninger 29) where gambling and all sorts of vices were rampant, but most especially, it was a place where people were cruel to slaves. Hence, it was also the site where a runaway slave was burned. Another place mentioned that can be noted for accuracy is Richmond, where Clotel’s daughter was sold. Richmond was, according to Marie Tyler-McGraw (in Schweninger 29) the center of slave trade. It was a powerful place, then, primarily because it was the center of slave brokerage. However, there was some mistake in Brown’s choice for the time when Clotel was caught in Richmond. According to Schweninger, Clotel could not have been caught during the time of the Turner uprising in 1831, because she was mentioning names of presidential candidates of 1839 (Schweninger 30). Yet, Schweninger argues that this â€Å"misplacement† is of no importance because what was being pointed out here was the she was accused of being a part of the uprising and that was why she was hiding in disguise (Schweninger 30. ). It clear here that Brown’s intention is to show that slaves, too, are humans, capable of upholding morality, and want to uphold morality. They want to do what is right and to be in a place where they can be free, but the people who hold them captives refuse to let them do what they believe is right. Slaves are capable of love and reason, but all that the people who own them see in them is flesh and blood, not human beings with a soul, heart and mind. They were treated as properties and not as members of the society. I believe it pays to go back to Brown’s own words that the institutionalization and rationalization of slavery stated with the people on top, so to stop slavery, then the â€Å"guilt† should be â€Å"fastened† to the people in the â€Å"higher circle† (Brown iv). When Horatio got married, his wife saw Clotel as a threat so she had her sold. She tried to escape by disguising herself many times. She so got caught by the slave hunters and later committed suicide. This is seen by Articlemyriad. om as the evidence of the idea that the novel does not present optimism or pessimism in whole (Analysis and Themes 1). There were optimistic moments such as those when she was able to escape, yet she still wound up dead by her own will. However, another critique sees the disguises done by Clotel in a different way. Berthold sees every change in costume as a representation of the adversities that Clotel had to face as a female slave (Berthold 19). Guilla argues that male s were connotative for slaves then, so any woman portrayed as a slave would be something new in literature. So, in Berthold’s explanations, he points out that each time Clotel changes costume, there was something to show about the society and something about her personality and slavery (Berthold 19), even making reference to Brown in the 1880 My Southern Home, â€Å"Extravagance in dress, is a great and growing evil with our people† (Brown 232). For instance, most of Clotel’s disguises were as a white male, just to get out of the situation she was in. It is shown here how people are also judged by their clothing, and so goes with the stereotyping, the gender roles and the power in the gender role. So, if we look into the disguises that Clotel had, she first disguised herself as Mr. Johnson, then as an Italian or Spanish. She actually faced more danger when she disguised herself because she was wearing the shoes of someone whose roles she was not familiar with. When she disguised as a Spanish or Italian, the tension must have been great for she had to speak Italian or Spanish if ever any Spanish or Italian spoke to her. It also, then put her life in danger. Yet, the dangerous attempt got her what she wanted. However, in the end, when she committed suicide, Berthold saw this as â€Å"undisguising† herself, one that ascertained freedom for her, for she died as herself, not as anyone else (Berthold 30). Giulla sees the arrangement of the plot as a product of the author’s effort to expose the life of a community of slaves and need â€Å"to structure the fictional text around the evolution of the individual fate (Guilla 639)† and in so doing, explain the shifts from romance to realism in a exhaustively detailed depiction of slavery and the made-up â€Å"re-unions of long lost relatives and lovers (Guilla 639). If we examine the novel, the members of the family were separated because they were sold to different masters and had different fates. They must have yearned to be with each other as a mother wants to be with her daughter and a daughter with her mother, but the cruelty of slavery kept them from being together, even to the point of their death. This brings us back t o the pessimistic ending that Articlemyriad is talking about. In fact, when one is a slave, what optimism can pone really expect, but a life of hard work and subhuman treatment unless, of course one meets an extraordinary master. But even in the case Clotel, she had romance with Horatio, but the man did not consider his affair with her as something valuable, for if he did, he would have agreed to take her to France or England. We now go back to what I said earlier that slaves were seen as flesh and blood but not as humans with soul and mind. Brown’s style in writing the novel presents and extraordinary mixture of fact and fiction. The story is based on a popular lore that the people then knew, yet he gave it a different touch that made the people understand what was going on. Instead of using male slaves as heroes in the story to enable them to engage in physical confrontations and rebellions, Brown used the female slave to show the beauty and morality behind the mulatto and blacks, that though they were slaves, they had good hearts, and they were good people capable of love and ion need of love, especially in need of love. A show of rebellion could have shown what the society would be if slavery continued, but that was something that was expected to happen (although he made a novel end with a civil war). Brown deemed it more important to show, not the violence that will rise if slavery does not stop, but the impact of slavery to the lives of the people who had been being treated as animals for decades and even centuries by people who profess that they are Christians. To this, it makes a reference to the situation when Clotel disguised herself as Spanish or Italian. These people are known for their devotion in Catholicism. Here, I want to point out that the people who profess that they love God are also the ones who have been showing cruelty to the weak. They were actually hypocrites in a time when religion was strictly followed. We can see from the accounts mentioned by Schweninger that Brown had good accounts in geographical locations, but seems to have had some problems with historical accuracy. However, whether he had problems with chronology of events or he intended them to be such to stress certain points (like in the case of Clotel’s capture during the Turner uprising), his work remains to be a living testament of what happened to the blacks and mulattos in the United States. His work remains to be a loud cry during his time, transcending the boundaries of time to portray the evils of slavery. After all that the blacks and mulattos have experienced, they only deserve to have a part in the land once said to be flowing with milk and honey. The land of opportunity belongs, not only to the whites but also the clacks, and their children. Clotel is a literary treasure, not only to the blacks, but also to the world. It is a legacy, which through it history-based narrative has shown the plight of people in a certain place at a certain point of time. It can be considered a dark age of history, but it is also proof that whenever there is something wrong, the right will also shine.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prejudice Essays - Discrimination, To Kill A Mockingbird, Racism

Prejudice Essays - Discrimination, To Kill A Mockingbird, Racism Prejudice Prejudice is defined in the dictionary as hatred or unfair treatment of a particular group, such as members of a race or religion. Although prejudice has a definite definition in the dictionary, the novel;To Kill A Mockingbird teaches us that there are many diferent form of prejudice. In the novel, Harper Lee used many different types of prejudice such as stereotyping, racism, and segregation. During the novel, Harper Lee uses segregation as a form of prejudice. One of the many examples of segregation was when the black people were confined to a diferent church. White people went to whites churches and balck people went to balack churches. Balck people were also segregated during the Tom Robinson trial. The balck people of the town had to sit up in the balcony while the white people sta below them. Another way the balack people were segregated form the white people was when Boo Radeley was put in the basement of the court instead of the jail beacuse black people were being held. Throughout the novel, there were many different forms of stereotyping. Aunt Alexandria believed everyone in Maycomb had an "Incestous Streak." " Everyboby it seemed had a streak: a drinking streak, a gambling starek..."Scut recited. Aunt Alexandria is steroetying the people of Maycomb because she is judging them on their realtives beahvior. Another example of stereotyping was ehn Scout said " Wlater's one of thme Cunninghams, Miss Caroline". Scout was reffering to the poorness of Walter's family. They never take donations and everyone is suppoeds to know that. In conclusion, the novel, To kill a Mocking Bird, shows that there are many forms of prejudice such as streotyping, racism, and segregation. There are many more types of prejudice that were used through otu the novel. Even though the dictionary provides a precise defintion of the word prejudice, Harper Lee teaches us that there are many differnet forms of prejudice.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Top 4 Activities to Reach Reluctant Readers

Top 4 Activities to Reach Reluctant Readers We have all had those students who have a love for reading, and the ones who dont. There may be many factors that correlate with why some students are reluctant to read. The book may be too hard for them, parents at home may not actively encourage reading, or the student is just not interested in what they are reading. As teachers, it is our job to help nurture and develop a love of reading in our students. By employing strategies and creating a few fun hands-on activities, we can motivate students to want to read, and not just because we make them read. The following four hands-on reading activities will encourage even the most reluctant readers to be excited about reading: Storia for iPad Technology today is unbelievable! There are so many ways to make books exciting that Scholastic book clubs decided to join in on the fun of ebooks! This app is exciting because not only is it free to download, but the amenities seem endless! There are literally thousands of books to download, from picture books to chapter books. Storia offers interactive read aloud books, a built-in highlighter and dictionary, along with learning activities to accompany the book. If you give a student the opportunity to choose a hands-on book of their choice, you will see it is a powerful way to encourage even the most reluctant reader. Record Students Reading Books Allowing children to choose what they want to read based upon their own interests will encourage them to want to read. A fun activity to try is to let the student select a book of their choice and record them reading the book aloud. Then play back the recording and have the student follow along to their voice. Research has shown that when students listen to themselves read, their reading becomes better. This is the perfect activity to add to your learning centers. Place a tape recorder and several different books in the reading center and allow students to take turns taping themselves read. Teacher Read Aloud Listening to stories from a teacher may be one of a students favorite parts of the school day. To instill this kind of passion for reading with your students, give them the opportunity to choose which book you read to the class. Choose two or three books that you feel are appropriate for your students and let them vote on the best one. Try to sway the vote towards the students who you know are the reluctant ones to read. Have a Scavenger Hunt Games are a fun way to engage students in learning while still having fun. Try creating a classroom scavenger hunt where each team has to read the clues to find out where the items they are searching for are. The students that do not like to read will not even realize they are practicing their reading skills.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Cite a Book in AGLC Referencing

How to Cite a Book in AGLC Referencing How to Cite a Book in AGLC Referencing As a legal referencing system, AGLC has specific rules for citing cases and legislation. But what about other sources, like textbooks? These are known as secondary sources. And while you can cite them, the rules are a little different. Here, we look at how to cite a book with AGLC. Footnote References for a Book in AGLC AGLC indicates references using superscript numbers (e.g., 1, 2, 3) in the main text of your essay. These numbers point to a footnote, where you will need to provide full source information. To cite a book, for instance, you would need to include the following information in the first footnote: n. Author’s Name, Title of Book (Publisher, Edition, Year) Pinpoint. In the above, edition only applies if the book has more than one published version, while â€Å"pinpoint† refers to the specific page(s) cited. For instance: 1. Rory McJudge, Knowing the Law (NexusLexus, 2nd ed, 2014) 534. Here, we’ve included â€Å"2nd ed† to show that we’re citing the second edition. And the â€Å"534† at the end shows we’re citing page 534 of the source. If a source has four or more authors, meanwhile, simply name the first author followed by â€Å"et al† to indicate that other names have been excluded. Repeat Citations in AGLC To save duplicating information if you cite a source more than once, AGLC uses a shortened footnote format for repeat citations. The rules for this depend on whether you’re citing the same source twice in a row or returning to something after citing a different source: For consecutive citations of the same source (i.e., two or more citations in a row), use the Latin term â€Å"ibid,† which means â€Å"in the same place.† For non-consecutive citations, give the author’s surname and a bracketed cross reference to the first citation (e.g., â€Å"n 1† = first footnote). If you’re referring to a different part of the same text in either case, you should also give a new pinpoint reference. In practice, then, repeat citations of a source would look something like the following: 1. Rory McJudge, Knowing the Law (NexusLexus, 2nd ed, 2014) 534. 2. Ibid. 3. Navigation Act 2012 (Cth) s 14. 4. McJudge (n 1) 454. 5. Ibid, 243-244. Here, citations 2 and 5 are consecutive citations (i.e., they refer to the previously cited book). Citation 4, meanwhile, is a non-consecutive repeat citation of the book from footnote 1. If citing more than one source by the same author, moreover, you can use a shortened version of the title in non-consecutive citations to show which source you are citing. Books in an AGLC Bibliography As well as citing books in footnotes, AGLC requires you to add all sources to a bibliography at the end of your document. Books go in the first section (i.e., Articles, Books and Reports), listed alphabetically by author surname. The information you need to include here is similar to the first footnote, but with the author’s names inverted, no pinpoint reference, and no full stop: Surname, First Name/Initial, Title of Book (Publisher, Edition, Year) Thus, the bibliography entry for the book cited above would be: McJudge, Rory, Knowing the Law (NexusLexus, 2nd ed, 2014) If a source has more than one author, you should only reverse the names of the first person listed. And as with footnote references, sources with four or more authors should use â€Å"et al† after naming the first listed author to show that other contributors have been excluded. Hopefully, this post has cleared up the basics of citing a book in AGLC. If you need any help checking the referencing in a document, though, we can help.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research Articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research Articles - Essay Example Qualitative evaluation based on ethnographic method at two suburban high schools. The setting for the study is two suburban school (Gance-Cleveland 2004 p.380). Children are persuaded to share the details of the problems in the family in a trusting and supportive environment and by creating a less stigmatizing and more positive environment for the participants. The research was approved by IRB (Institutional review board) and prior permission was obtained from cofacilitators, administrators and students for each interview. The anonymity of the participant was safeguarded in theoretical sampling in focus groups through by using code numbers in the data (Gance-Cleveland 2004 p.382). Patients were reviewed from an academic health center. Inclusion criteria are used with a face to face interview prior to the hospitalization and the measurement of pain through various methods preoperatively and post operatively (Ridge & Goodson 2000 p.71). The sample size constituted various numbers of participants for each study. The size of the sample seems to be adequate considering the age and probability of the hip replacement surgery. The study was conducted in an academic health centre ((Ridge & Goodson 2000 p.72). Five data collection instruments were used. They are Functional Status Index, Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale, Health Assessment Questionnaire, Sickness Impact Profile and Index of Well Being. The data was collected once before the surgery and twice after the surgery (Ridge & Goodson 2000 p.72) The ethical rights of the patients was safeguarded during the research since it is evident that patients were not forced to participate and even participants who dropped during the course of the research were not included in the final analysis ((Ridge & Goodson 2000 p.74). The research was conducted in a written format through the selection of statements in outcome measurement instrument that reduces the changes of bias in the data. The sampling

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications Essay

The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications - Essay Example This can be attributed to the fact that in the market, there are several products and services, which offer the same benefits to the consumer. In order for an organization to be successful, the name it offers must have a distinct meaning that pushes the consumer into buying it. Even the most successful brands in the market ought to receive rebranding because customer trends are always changing. In addition, a brand’s credibility is very important because it ensures that clients are happy when they are associated with a certain product or service. Contents The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications 1 Contents 3 1.The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications 4 2.Background 4 3.Discussion 7 4.Summary 9 5.Conclusion 9 6.References 11 1. The Power of Branding and Service in Business Communications A brand resembles a design, term, name, symbol, or any other feature that differentiates a certain product from the others in the market. Although brandi ng resulted from cattle, a lot has changed and it can be seen in products like Coca Cola from the Coca-Cola Company. It is worth noting that products are not sold but they are bought, which means that they ought to have distinct features that a customer would not fail to realize. Importance of branding is to ensure that clients are aware of the products that they are looking for in the market. Customers control communications and the processes of information gathering meaning that they cannot be avoided when branding. Since customers have a huge role to play in the marketing of products as opposed to the past, it means that they determine what brings value in the goods and services that they buy. Internet connections and the advances that have been made in the information technology sector, ensure that customers share information between themselves without the knowledge of the manufacturer. In addition, customers might act like an organization’s advocates if the services and goods they receive from that organization are up to standard. This implies that marketing is made easier when an organization focuses on serving customers’ interests. Marketing trends have been shifting over the years but customers need to be satisfied by their trusted companies. This implies that branding has a big role to play when it comes to satisfying customers (Tiwari, 2012). 2. Background Studies have shown that branding and marketing are very important aspects in any business that wishes to have a competitive edge in the market. This can be attributed to the fact that the world of business has become very competitive thanks to globalization and as a result, organizations have to make their brands known in the market at any given cost. When customers go to the market, they choose to buy or not to buy a certain product, which means that branding comes in handy. Customers are the key to the success of any given organization. A logo, a truckload of PowerPoint printouts, a nd a theme line are the most important aspects when it comes to marketing (Rossiter & Bellman, 2012). Getting the message across is very important when it comes to branding. This is because customers choose brands, which they are confident in. It means that a customer would be tempted to buy a product or service from a company that she or he is associated with. This cannot be achieved if customers do not want to be associated with a certain brand. Customers ought to understand the importance of a certain brand based on its

Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example Franklin as a discoverer, he is well known for discovering the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove. Franklin also assisted in many civic associations such as the Philadelphia’s fire department and a university. Franklin faced many challenges that he managed to overcome to achieve his goals. For instance, one of the most complicated challenges he experienced was when he appeared before the House of Commons that took place on 13 February 1766 (Isaacson, 2004). The House asked him one hundred and seventy four questions regarding taxation without representation in a limit of only two hours. There were also more series of problems that he faced; his father took him out of school when he was still young so that he could do a job and earn some money, which he was never pleased with that decision because he really liked going to school (Clark, 2004). He also faced another irritating challenge when he was at the age of 17 years for being overweight. He was extremely well-built and skinny because he spent most of his time swimming and trying to be more sporty during the last days of his life, and trying to coach other people on the basics of swimming even when he was seventy years old. Franklin was also mocked, dishonored and was ousted from his position as the postmaster general, and was held responsible by the British government for the Boston Tea Party (Clark, 2004). He was also not so good in academic work and he did not do well in academics more so in mathematics that he was scoring very low grades. Benjamin Franklin helped in major contributions and accomplishments in the history of the Unite States. For example, he was one of the founding Fathers of the U.S., assisted in the drafting of both the declaration of independence and constitution of the U.S., which was the most significant achievement of his life (McCormick, 2008). He came from a poor background and through his efforts and hard works; he became one of the great figures in the American

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Comparisons Over 1000s B.C of Years of Western and Asian Warfare Essay

Comparisons Over 1000s B.C of Years of Western and Asian Warfare - Essay Example In the ancient period, wars occurred for many reasons, some which were petty while others which had long term consequences. Some of the themes related to ancient warfare are the following: the ambitions of the various rulers of the time, the need to acquire scarce resources, wars in the name of religion, and finally the need to emulate the great empires or states that existed at the time. The personal ambitions of various rulers in the ancient world were a major factor behind the wars that occurred during that period. Rulers such as King Xerxes of Persia wanted to secure their positions at home. This was because when these rulers came to their thrones, their positions were very weak due to the fact that they had yet to prove themselves to be worthy of their positions. Very often, they had to go to as many wars as possible early in their reigns to not only to show their battle prowess, but also to prove to those that wanted to overthrow them that any sign of rebellion would be met wit h brutal force. Another way of proving their worth was by contributing to their forefathers’ legacy by adding to the territories which they had inherited. An example of this was when Xerxes who, within a few years of coming to the throne, embarked on the conquest of Greece which ended in the Persian defeat many years later. The same can be said of Alexander the Great of Macedon who within the ten years that he ruled Macedonia had conquered Persia, the largest and most powerful empire of the time. He did this not only to satisfy his ambition but also because he believed that his birth was divine and that he was therefore worthy of great deeds to prove that he was the son of a god. Until his sudden death at the age of thirty two, his greatest ambition had been to conquer the whole of the known world. A common theme closely related to the above was tyranny, especially in Ancient Greece which occurred mostly between the sixth and the fourth century. Fagan G G and Trundle M (229) state that the tyrants needed a constant supply of money to support not only themselves but also their regimes. These necessitated wars which if won would ensure a constant flow of tribute from the defeated foe. Mercenaries hired themselves to tyrants because of the good pay which they tended to receive, while the tyrants often hired them because their loyalty to their employer remained absolute so long as he kept them paid. The Persian Empire also had a long tradition of hiring mercenaries and this can be seen when one looks at the composition of the Persian army during the invasion of Greece. Soldiers from as far as India and Nubia in Africa were to be found within the Persian ranks and these, especially Nubia, were not even close to Persia. Ancient Egypt was and still is largely a desert with very few resources and heavily dependent on the River Nile as the source of its livelihood. The ancient Egyptians therefore had to look without to find those resources that could not be foun d in their country but which they really needed to make their lives more comfortable. It was with this in mind that the pharaohs, especially those of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twenty fifth dynasties embarked on a series of wars of conquest to bring other states with vital resources into the Egyptian sphere of influence. At its greatest extent, Egypt controlled Nubia in what are now southern Egypt and northern Sudan, and the whole of Palestine including the Phoenician city states. As a result, exotic goods from tribute

Compostion article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Compostion article - Essay Example Freshman students, including those studying in AUC, also experience the same problem. In addition, since most of the students are Egyptians, English is only a second language. Thus, the present study utilized a hybrid concept/mind mapping online strategy (E-mapping) in order to enhance text comprehension and develop critical reading skills. AUC has a core curriculum course required for all students, Scientific Thinking, which emphasizes on the scientific process and scientific approach in dealing with the world. This curriculum is a basis that students do not usually read texts assigned to them, or cannot analyze the texts. With the use of E-mapping, researchers aim to explore if such strategy could enhance critical thinking and text comprehension, as well as increase student participation in the Scientific Thinking course of the school. Through this study, it will also be determined if the technique would improve the quality and quantity of interaction with text and among students a nd instructors (p. 635). Review and Analysis I. Methods Because graphic strategies are said to aid in visual approaches to reading better than the traditional linear text presentations, the researchers used concept mapping and mind mapping as strategies to help improve text comprehension and retention. ... 635). In two semesters, E-mapping was incorporated into the syllabus of three Scientific Thinking sections, introduced gradually to students due to its unfamiliar approach. Initially using a pen and paper introduction and then shifting to a free online software, the students were exposed to the mapping techniques. Assignments of increasing difficulty were given to the sample of 70 students enrolled in the course. Data gathering techniques used comprised of student E-maps, early and late semester anonymous surveys, and mid-semester small group instructional diagnosis (SGID) (p. 638). Surveys were based on students’ perceptions, the SGID on their suggestions, and the E-maps evaluated their performance. II. Results and Conclusions Outcomes of the research project show that E-mapping has several strengths. The strategy encouraged the students to read the texts assigned, and participate in class discussions. In addition, they were obliged to read the text in a critical manner in or der to come up with maps as representations of the linear text. Through the maps they construct, knowledge, perceptions, or misconceptions regarding a topic are assessed. Generally, the tool has the benefits expected from it, but student’s reaction to the approach differs. The main concern of the students regarding E-maps is the workload it demands from them. They perceive it as time-consuming, and require â€Å"too much work,† concluding that E-mapping is an active learning strategy but not a unique way of testing content or critical thinking, and presenting that such technique permits students to have improved visualization skills important in communicating ideas (p. 645). III. Strengths and limitations The goals of the research project are clearly

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Comparisons Over 1000s B.C of Years of Western and Asian Warfare Essay

Comparisons Over 1000s B.C of Years of Western and Asian Warfare - Essay Example In the ancient period, wars occurred for many reasons, some which were petty while others which had long term consequences. Some of the themes related to ancient warfare are the following: the ambitions of the various rulers of the time, the need to acquire scarce resources, wars in the name of religion, and finally the need to emulate the great empires or states that existed at the time. The personal ambitions of various rulers in the ancient world were a major factor behind the wars that occurred during that period. Rulers such as King Xerxes of Persia wanted to secure their positions at home. This was because when these rulers came to their thrones, their positions were very weak due to the fact that they had yet to prove themselves to be worthy of their positions. Very often, they had to go to as many wars as possible early in their reigns to not only to show their battle prowess, but also to prove to those that wanted to overthrow them that any sign of rebellion would be met wit h brutal force. Another way of proving their worth was by contributing to their forefathers’ legacy by adding to the territories which they had inherited. An example of this was when Xerxes who, within a few years of coming to the throne, embarked on the conquest of Greece which ended in the Persian defeat many years later. The same can be said of Alexander the Great of Macedon who within the ten years that he ruled Macedonia had conquered Persia, the largest and most powerful empire of the time. He did this not only to satisfy his ambition but also because he believed that his birth was divine and that he was therefore worthy of great deeds to prove that he was the son of a god. Until his sudden death at the age of thirty two, his greatest ambition had been to conquer the whole of the known world. A common theme closely related to the above was tyranny, especially in Ancient Greece which occurred mostly between the sixth and the fourth century. Fagan G G and Trundle M (229) state that the tyrants needed a constant supply of money to support not only themselves but also their regimes. These necessitated wars which if won would ensure a constant flow of tribute from the defeated foe. Mercenaries hired themselves to tyrants because of the good pay which they tended to receive, while the tyrants often hired them because their loyalty to their employer remained absolute so long as he kept them paid. The Persian Empire also had a long tradition of hiring mercenaries and this can be seen when one looks at the composition of the Persian army during the invasion of Greece. Soldiers from as far as India and Nubia in Africa were to be found within the Persian ranks and these, especially Nubia, were not even close to Persia. Ancient Egypt was and still is largely a desert with very few resources and heavily dependent on the River Nile as the source of its livelihood. The ancient Egyptians therefore had to look without to find those resources that could not be foun d in their country but which they really needed to make their lives more comfortable. It was with this in mind that the pharaohs, especially those of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twenty fifth dynasties embarked on a series of wars of conquest to bring other states with vital resources into the Egyptian sphere of influence. At its greatest extent, Egypt controlled Nubia in what are now southern Egypt and northern Sudan, and the whole of Palestine including the Phoenician city states. As a result, exotic goods from tribute

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Anthropology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anthropology - Assignment Example Various regions have their own endangered species for which the crisis mainly applies, but in most general definitions, it is used to refer to the killing of the great apes and other primates (Jurmain 129). Possible solutions to this problem include increased conservation measures in the parks and wildlife reservations. Additionally, swoops could be made in hotspots and those arrested be given hefty fines and long sentences to deter the practice. Both humans and primates are social beings, and this means that they exist in social settings and not in solitary existence. This trait exists between the two groups, and though it’s for defense, it also aids in realizing a form of hierarchical structure. Additionally, both primates and humans consistently groom each other, as a form of social behavior that bonds them together (Jurmain 160). This is especially due to the similarity in forelimbs, which enable both humans and primates use their fingers for grooming purposes. Moreover, both primates and humans appreciate territoriality and any two given factions have to respect the territoriality of each other. What is more, both humans and primates have a sense of communication, which is a behavioral trait that assists in maintaining the social structure of the groups. Primates have culture, and this is as defined by their behavior that is noticeable from various ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Shreeve (1991) depicts the various similarities that can be drawn from the behavior of primates and humans, and in most cases, the evidence of a culture is easily noticeable since both have one evolutionary background. One stark representation of culture is the relatively advanced aspect of deception, which is a major survival tactic for primates. It is so well advanced that it is one of the most widely used mechanisms in the wild. The social nature of primates calls for the need for some culture, since there is bound to increased levels of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Politics and Religion Essay Example for Free

Politics and Religion Essay To answer the hypothetical question whether or not, if I was a political leader in the early seventeenth century, I would use religion to my own ends would be very difficult and daunting. At the very outset, it should be noted that the 17th century was a very exciting period. It was characterized by major movements, shakers, upheavals and pivotal points. To be brief and concise, allow me to offer a timeless, albeit simplistic answer to this above mentioned hypothetical question. My answer would be NO, and I offer three reasons to back my answer. 1. Politics and Religion must never mix. Most democratic countries declare in their state principles and policy that there should be a separation of Church and State. So much so, matters of spiritual import can not and must not exist alongside matters of political and ‘worldly’ dominions. To mix both would be to invite chaos and perhaps, bigotry, social injustice and create inequities due to over zealous religiosity. 2. Lessons in History tell us that religious standards imposed by those who wield political influence crumbled in time. Such lessons definitely point out that indeed, sound judgment dictate that a political leader should not use religion to advance his own ends. We see abdications, uprising and other violent overthrows and civil uprising involving religious disquiet and bigotry towards political leaders, not only in the 17th century, but all throughout history, when religion is used by political hands. Religion, being the opium of the masses may prove beneficial at times, but in the long run, like the effect of drugs or opium, people come to their senses, and again, as earlier pointed out, there must be a separation of matters of faith and matters of state. 3. Using religion to advance one’s ends, no matter how noble is morally wrong. One should use sheer power of conviction, political will and strength of character and unbridled and sterling leadership qualities if one is to be an effective political leader. The use of spirituality or religion in advancing one’s political ends is a moral wrong. This by example, as the Spaniards once were, is called mammon after Christ/Cross. Up until now, the Roman Catholic Church is plagued and beset by the wrongs committed by the Church officials during the dark ages. This only shows that again, Religion and Politics are two ‘incompatible’ concepts, and should be avoided. While an enlightened governance or political leadership is a paradox, it should not be an impossibility. After all, conscientious leadership is a desired trait for a political leader, however, out and out, politics and religion should not be put out in one outfit, especially so in such turbulent a time as the 17th century. For the above stated reasons, I reiterate my answer; No. If I was a political leader in the 17th century, I will not use religion for my own end.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Beauty in Hong Kong

Beauty in Hong Kong Introduction The definition of beauty is not something objective or immanent because people from different place, age or social class may form its own ideal of it. The ideal beauty is analogous with people’s aesthetic feeling at that respecting duration. In our modern society, human body is the one of the most important components used to determine the attractiveness or beauty of a person. But for sure, there is not a definite answer for an ideal body type due to the cultural difference and historical discrepancy among countries and places. In this essay, discussion will focus on the ideal body types for men and women in Hong Kong and how these ideal body types are shaped by mass media, technology and medicine. Besides, based on Sandra Bartky’s findings, impact of body modification on individuals will be analyzed. Ideal body type in Hong Kong As Hong Kong was ruled by Britain in the last century, it is at the cultural border between traditional Chinese and western culture. Possessing this unique perception, Hong Kong interpretation of ideal body type is a mix. Ideal body type for men Muscularity is undoubtedly one of the criteria for ideal body type for men in Hong Kong. It is usually represented by strong muscular arms, a large firm chest, a slim waist and board shoulders which are found to be alluring to female. Waist-to-chest ratio would be one of the indicator for men to train up their body. The smaller the ratio, the more muscle is concentrated on the upper part of the body and abdomen, generally considered as â€Å"V-shape†. In the eyes of most female, it is considered as a perfect body shape. At the same time, a sporty and athletic feeling will be delivered, giving others a message that this person is healthy and self-disciplined. With the masculine body, female believes the person has the ability to protect her and feels safer. Thus, men with a muscular body is so attracting in Hong Kong. Height also plays an important role on the ideal body type in Hong Kong. It is often measured by the volume height index (VHI). According to the research done by Hong Kong Polytechnic University[1], VHI alone can explain ca. 73% of the variance of male body attractiveness ratings. The optimal VHI will be at 17.6 l m^–2 and 18.0 l m^–2 for female raters and male raters, respectively. It shows that for men who are muscular, it would be better to be taller due to their large volume. One of the reasons behind is that most female would like to have a male partner taller than her, feeling that the man should be able to protect her. Ideal body type for women Influenced by the western culture, people believe that women ideal body shape should be slim. So they might regard keeping fit as a mission or a life-long goal. The thinner they are, the more attractive their body shape. The perception of beauty can be measured by waist-to-height ratio, which is an important determinant. Generally, the Ideal waist circumference = height x 0.382. Moreover, they perceive thinness as a sign of independence, strength and accomplishment, which implicated that they are fashionable. The attraction for a proportionate body also affects an appeal for erect posture. Apart from the body mass, women with large, firm and symmetrical breasts are considered as attractive as well. Some studies show that most men enjoy the sight of female breasts.[2] According to the findings from the New Zealand’s University of Wellington, men constantly spent more time looking at the breasts of female posed in front of them and showed more fascination on female’s breasts than their head. This culture has penetrated Hong Kong thoroughly, leading a proliferation of medical treatment center provided with chest implant surgery. Affected by traditional Chinese culture, men in Hong Kong consider wide hips and firm buttocks as sexually attractive body type, which indicates a better ability of fertility. Also, wide buttocks of women are a strong implication to men that she is very much capable of reproduction. On the other hand, women with wide hips are particularly more tempting to man when they are walking due to their shaking buttocks, even if the women do not meant to shake it. It can be seen that large buttocks are really important to determine the attractiveness of women in the perspective of cultural and sexual sense. Perpetuation of the concept for body type People are not born with an innate sense of what is beautiful or not. They learn some cultural and social standards through a process of socialization. These beauty standards are cultural creations. Mass media From a very young age, children start to learn what is most valuable in their culture for sex through mass media. By watching cartoons, they learn that girls should be princesses dressed in pink tiaras with a slim body, while boys should be princes who are muscular, tall and able to protect their partners with their strong arms. Being instilled these values at such an early age, it is not surprising to see that the definition for beauty has changed, focusing on the body shape of people. On top of the early inculcation, the mass media is doing a remarkable job of making people feel badly about themselves. Through advertisement in different channels, such as free-to-air TV broadcasting, radio and so on, the ideal body types for men and women are presented to the public. These advertisement bombard people with these ideal images by repeatedly brain-washing, internalizing people’s cultural values and ideals of appearance. By then, people become more dissatisfied with themselves[3]. The purpose of the mass media is to create body dissatisfaction, leading people to spend enormous amounts of money, time, and energy to fix the flaws. Besides, the print media, such as magazines, reinforces the notion of the â€Å"ideal† male and female bodies through constant barrage of slender, scantily clad women and muscular half-naked men. As people, especially youngsters, in Hong Kong give lots of reliability and credibility to many of the popular magazines. They read them every day, using them as signifiers of what is â€Å"cool† and â€Å"hot†. According to the findings from Benjie Achtenberg Macalester College[4], students mentioned in their journals that â€Å"they read the magazines and enjoy seeing the images because their favorite celebrities were featured.† It shows that print media is influential which acts as a platform to perpetuate the aforementioned ideal body types for men and women. Technology With the advancement of technology, more weight loss methods are introduced. For example, non-invasive surgery, such as CoolSculpting procedure[5] is invented to freeze away patients’ fats and reduce the number of fat cells in the treated areas. Unlike weight loss surgery this procedure is lasting longer and safer because once the fat cells are eliminated, they are gone for good. Apart from that, gastric bypass is a surgery that also helps lose weight by minimizing the stomach and small intestine. Undoubtedly, the innovation and advancement in technology can bring a safer and better experience for people to reduce weight. It will therefore attract more people to pursue a slim body shape under the improvement. These social standards are gradually implanted to people, internalizing their thoughts. Medicine Hong Kong people, as an Asian, usually have an enlarged masseter muscle, one of the chewing muscles, causing a squaring of the facial shape. To maintain an ideal V-shaped face, it is popular for people to undergo Botox injections. It shows that the more medicine is available for maintaining a perfect body shape, the more people would do so due to the easier access to modern beauty. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Controlling Process in Management Essay -- Control Methods Technology

Controlling Process in Management Controlling is directly related to planning. The controlling process ensures that plans are being implemented properly. In the functions of management cycle - planning, organizing, directing, and controlling - planning moves forward into all the other functions, and controlling reaches back. Controlling is the final link in the functional chain of management activities and brings the functions of management cycle full circle. Control is the process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set, communicated, and applied. Effective control systems use mechanisms to monitor activities and take corrective action, if necessary. The supervisor observes what happens and compares that with what was supposed to happen. He or she must correct below-standard conditions and bring results up to expectations. Effective control systems allow supervisors to know how well implementation is going. Control facilitates delegating activities to employees. Since supervisors are ultimately held accountable for their employees' performance, timely feedback on employee activity is necessary. Control Process The control process is a continuous flow between measuring, comparing and action. There are four steps in the control process: establishing performance standards, measuring actual performance, comparing measured performance against established standards, and taking corrective action. Step 1. Establish Performance Standards. Standards are created when objectives are set during the planning process. A standard is any guideline established as the basis for measurement. It is a precise, explicit statement of expected results from a product, service, machine, individual, or organizational unit. It is usually expressed numerically and is set for quality, quantity, and time. Tolerance is permissible deviation from the standard. What is expected? How much deviation can be tolerated? Â · Time controls relate to deadlines and time constraints. Material controls relate to inventory and material-yield controls. Equipment controls are built into the machinery, imposed on the operator to protect the equipment or the process. Cost controls help ensure cost standards are met. Employee performance controls focus on actions and behaviors of individuals and groups of employees. Examples inclu... ...properly to be effective. When control standards are inflexible or unrealistic, employees cannot focus on the organization's goals. Control systems must prevent, not cause, the problems they were designed to detect. Performance variance can also be the result of an unrealistic standard. The natural response for employees whose performance falls short is to blame the standard or the supervisor. If the standard is appropriate, then it is up to the supervisor to stand his or her ground and take the necessary corrective action. An example of effective controls is the dashboard on a car. There are many things that can go wrong with a car. Only the most critical items to the car's operation are the focus on the dashboard (oil level, engine heat, fuel gauge, etc.). Variations in these items are most likely to inflict the most damage to the car. The critical items on the dashboard are easily understood and used by drivers. They point out a problem and specify a solution. They are accurate and timely. They call the driver's attention to variations in time to prevent serious damage. Yet, there is not so much information on the dashboard that the driver is overwhelmed. Controlling Process in Management Essay -- Control Methods Technology Controlling Process in Management Controlling is directly related to planning. The controlling process ensures that plans are being implemented properly. In the functions of management cycle - planning, organizing, directing, and controlling - planning moves forward into all the other functions, and controlling reaches back. Controlling is the final link in the functional chain of management activities and brings the functions of management cycle full circle. Control is the process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set, communicated, and applied. Effective control systems use mechanisms to monitor activities and take corrective action, if necessary. The supervisor observes what happens and compares that with what was supposed to happen. He or she must correct below-standard conditions and bring results up to expectations. Effective control systems allow supervisors to know how well implementation is going. Control facilitates delegating activities to employees. Since supervisors are ultimately held accountable for their employees' performance, timely feedback on employee activity is necessary. Control Process The control process is a continuous flow between measuring, comparing and action. There are four steps in the control process: establishing performance standards, measuring actual performance, comparing measured performance against established standards, and taking corrective action. Step 1. Establish Performance Standards. Standards are created when objectives are set during the planning process. A standard is any guideline established as the basis for measurement. It is a precise, explicit statement of expected results from a product, service, machine, individual, or organizational unit. It is usually expressed numerically and is set for quality, quantity, and time. Tolerance is permissible deviation from the standard. What is expected? How much deviation can be tolerated? Â · Time controls relate to deadlines and time constraints. Material controls relate to inventory and material-yield controls. Equipment controls are built into the machinery, imposed on the operator to protect the equipment or the process. Cost controls help ensure cost standards are met. Employee performance controls focus on actions and behaviors of individuals and groups of employees. Examples inclu... ...properly to be effective. When control standards are inflexible or unrealistic, employees cannot focus on the organization's goals. Control systems must prevent, not cause, the problems they were designed to detect. Performance variance can also be the result of an unrealistic standard. The natural response for employees whose performance falls short is to blame the standard or the supervisor. If the standard is appropriate, then it is up to the supervisor to stand his or her ground and take the necessary corrective action. An example of effective controls is the dashboard on a car. There are many things that can go wrong with a car. Only the most critical items to the car's operation are the focus on the dashboard (oil level, engine heat, fuel gauge, etc.). Variations in these items are most likely to inflict the most damage to the car. The critical items on the dashboard are easily understood and used by drivers. They point out a problem and specify a solution. They are accurate and timely. They call the driver's attention to variations in time to prevent serious damage. Yet, there is not so much information on the dashboard that the driver is overwhelmed.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Return: Nightfall Chapter 1

Damon Salvatore was lounging in midair, nominally supported by one branch of a†¦who knew the names of trees anyway? Who gave a damn? It was tall, it allowed him to peep into Caroline Forbes's third-story bedroom, and it made a comfy backrest. He lay back in the convenient tree fork, hands clasped together behind his head, one neatly booted leg dangling over thirty feet of empty space. He was comfortable as a cat, eyes half-closed as he watched. He was waiting for the magic moment of 4:44A.M . to arrive, when Caroline would perform her bizarre ritual. He'd already seen it twice and he was enthralled. Then he got a mosquito bite. Which was ridiculous because mosquitoes didn't prey on vampires. Their blood wasn't nutritious like human blood. But it certainly felt like a tiny mosquito bite on the back of his neck. He swiveled to see behind him, feeling the balmy summer night all around him – and saw nothing. The needles of some conifer. Nothing flying about. Nothing crawling on them. All right then. It must have been a conifer needle. But it certainly did hurt. And the pain got worse with time, not better. A suicidal bee? Damon felt the back of his neck carefully. No venom sack, no stinger. Just a tiny squishy lump that hurt. A moment later his attention was called back to the window. He wasn't sure exactly what was going on but he could feel the sudden buzzing of Power around the sleeping Caroline, like a high-tension wire. Several days ago, it had drawn him to this place, but once he'd arrived he couldn't seem to find the source. The clock ticked 4:40 and beeped an alarm. Caroline woke and swatted it across the room. Lucky girl, Damon thought, with wicked appreciation. If I were a rogue human instead of a vampire, then your virtue – presuming you've any left – might be in danger. Fortunately for you, I had to give up all that sort of thing nearly half a millennium ago. Damon flashed a smile at nothing in particular, held it for a twentieth of a second, and then turned it off, his black eyes going cold. He looked back into the open window. Yes†¦he'd always felt that his idiot younger brother Stefan didn't appreciate Caroline Forbes enough. There was no doubt that the girl was worth looking at: long, golden-brown limbs, a shapely body, and bronze-colored hair that fell around her face in waves. And then there was her mind. Naturally skewed, vengeful, spiteful. Delicious. For instance, if he wasn't mistaken, she was working with little voodoo dolls on her desk in there. Terrific. Damon liked to see the creative arts at work. The alien Power still buzzed, and still he couldn't get a fix on it. Was it inside – in thegirl ? Surely not. Caroline was hastily grabbing for what looked like a handful of silken green cobwebs. She stripped her T-shirt off and – almost too fast for the vampire eye to see – had herself dressed in lingerie that made her look like a jungle princess. She stared intently at her own reflection in a stand-alone full-length mirror. Now, whatcan you be waiting for, little girl? Damon wondered. Well – he might as well keep a low profile. There was a dark flutter, one ebony feather fell to the ground, and then there was nothing but an exceptionally large crow sitting in the tree. Damon watched intently from one bright bird-eye as Caroline moved forward suddenly as if she'd gotten an electric jolt, lips parted, her gaze on what seemed to be her own reflection. Then she smiled at it in greeting. Damon could pinpoint the source of Power now. It was inside the mirror. Not in the samedimension as the mirror, certainly, but contained inside it. Caroline was behaving – oddly. She tossed back her long bronze hair so that it fell in magnificent disarray down her back; she wet her lips and smiled as if at a lover. When she spoke, Damon could hear her quite clearly. â€Å"Thank you. But you're late today.† There was still no one but her in the bedroom, and Damon could hear no answer. But the lips of the Caroline in the mirror were not moving in synch with the real girl's lips. Bravo! he thought, always willing to appreciate a new trick on humans. Well done, whoever you are! Lip-reading the mirror girl's words, he caught something aboutsorry . Andlovely . Damon cocked his head. Caroline's reflection was saying, â€Å"†¦you don'thave to†¦after today.† The real Caroline answered huskily. â€Å"But what if I can't fool them?† And the reflection: â€Å"†¦have help. Don't worry, rest easy†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Okay. And nobody will get, like,fatally hurt, right? I mean, we're not talking about death – forhumans .† The reflection: â€Å"Why should we†¦?† Damon smiled inwardly. How many times had he heard exchanges likethat before? As a spider himself, he knew: First you got your fly into the parlor; then you reassured her; and before she knew it, you could have anything from her, until you didn'tneed her any longer. And then – his black eyes glittered – it was time for a new fly. Now Caroline's hands were writhing in her lap. â€Å"Just as long as you really – you know. What you promised. You really mean it about loving me?† â€Å"†¦trust me. I'll take care of you – and your enemies, too. I've already begun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Suddenly Caroline stretched, and it was a stretch that boys at Robert E. Lee High School would have paid to watch. â€Å"That's what I want to see,† she said. â€Å"I'm justso sick of hearing about Elena this, Stefan that†¦and now it's going to start all over.† Caroline broke off abruptly, as if someone had hung up on her on the phone and she'd only just realized it. For a moment her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. Then, slowly, she relaxed. Her eyes remained on the mirror, and one hand lifted until it was resting lightly on her stomach. She stared at it and slowly her features seemed to soften, to melt into an expression of apprehension and anxiety. But Damon hadn't taken his eyes off the mirror for an instant. Normal mirror, normal mirror, normal mirror – l era! Just at the last moment, as Caroline turned away, a flash of red. Flames? Now, whatcould be going on? he thought lazily, fluttering as he transformed from a sleek crow back into a drop-dead gorgeous young man lounging in a high branch of the tree. Certainly the mirror-creature wasn't from around Fell's Church. But it sounded as if it meant to make trouble for his brother, and a fragile, beautiful smile touched Damon's lips for a second. There was nothing he loved more than to watch self-righteous, sanctimonious, I'm-better-than-you-cos-I-don't-drink-human-blood Stefan get in trouble. The teenagers of Fell's Church – and some of the adults – regarded the tale of Stefan Salvatore and their local beauty Elena Gilbert as a modern Romeo-and-Juliet story. She had given her life to save his when they'd both been captured by a maniac, and afterward he had died of a broken heart. There were even whispers that Stefan had been notquite human†¦but something else. A demon lover that Elena had died to redeem. Damon knew the truth. Stefan was dead all right – but he had been dead for hundreds of years. And it was true that he was a vampire, but calling him a demon was like calling Tinkerbell armed and dangerous. Meanwhile Caroline couldn't seem to stop talking to an empty room. â€Å"Just you wait,† she whispered, walking over to the piles of untidy papers and books that littered her desk. She rummaged through the papers until she found a miniature video camera that had a green light shining at her like a single unblinking eye. Delicately, she connected the camera to her computer and began typing a password. Damon's eyesight was much better than a human's, and he could clearly see the tanned fingers with the long shining bronze nails:CFRULES . Caroline Forbes rules, he thought. Pitiful. Then she turned around, and Damon saw tears well up in her eyes. The next moment, unexpectedly, she was sobbing. She sat heavily on the bed, weeping and rocking herself back and forth, occasionally striking the mattress with a clenched fist. But mainly she just sobbed and sobbed. Damon was startled. But then custom took over and he murmured, â€Å"Caroline? Caroline, may I come in?† â€Å"What? Who?† She looked around frantically. â€Å"It's Damon. May I come in?† he asked, his voice dripping with mock sympathy, simultaneously using mind control on her. All vampires had such powers of control over mortals. How great the Power was depended on many things: the vampire's diet (human blood was by far the most potent), the strength of the victim's will, the relationship between the vampire and the victim, the fluctuation of day and night – and so many other things that even Damon didn't begin to understand. He only knew when he felt his own Power quicken, as it was quickening now. And Caroline was waiting. â€Å"I can come in?† he said in his most musical, most beguiling voice, at the same time crushing Caroline's strong will under one much stronger. â€Å"Yes,† she answered, wiping her eyes quickly, apparently seeing nothing unusual in his entrance by a third-story window. Their eyes locked. â€Å"Come in, Damon.† She had issued the necessary invitation for a vampire. With one graceful motion he swung himself over the sill. The interior of her room smelled like perfumes – and not subtle ones. He felt really quite savage now – it was surprising the way the bloodfever had come on so suddenly, so irresistibly. His upper canines had extended to about half again their size, and their edges were razor-sharp. This was no time for conversation, for loitering around as he usually did. For a gourmet, half the pleasure was in the anticipation, sure, but right now he was inneed . He drew strongly on his Power to control the human brain and gave Caroline a dazzling smile. That was all it took. Caroline had been moving toward him; now she stopped. Her lips, partly open to ask a question, remained parted; and her pupils suddenly widened as if she were in a dark room, and then contracted and remained contracted. â€Å"I†¦I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she managed. â€Å"Ohhh†¦Ã¢â‚¬  There. She was his. And so easily, too. His fangs were throbbing with a kind of pleasurable pain, a tender soreness beckoning him to strike as quickly as the lunge of a cobra, to sink his teeth to the hilt in an artery. He was hungry – no,starving – and his whole body was burning with the urge to drink as deeply as he liked. After all, there were others to choose from if he drained this vessel dry. Carefully, never taking his eyes from hers, he lifted Caroline's head to expose her throat, with the sweet pulse throbbing in its hollow. It filled all his senses: the beating of her heart, the smell of the exotic blood just under the surface, dense and ripe and sweet. His head was spinning. He'd never been so excited, so eager – So eager that it gave him pause. After all, one girl was as good as another, right? What was different about this time? What waswrong with him? And then he knew. I'll have my own mind back, thank you. Suddenly Damon's intellect was icy cold; the sensual aura in which he'd been trapped frozen over instantly. He dropped Caroline's chin and stood very still. Hehad almost fallen under the influence of the thing that was using Caroline. It had been trying to snare him into breaking his word to Elena. And again, he could just barely sense a whisk of red in the mirror. It was one of those creatures drawn to the nova of Power that Fell's Church had become – he knew that. It had been using him, spurring him on, trying to get him to drain Caroline dry. To take all her blood, to kill a human, something he hadn't done since meeting Elena. Why? Coldly furious, he centered himself, and then probed in all directions with his mind to find the parasite. It should still be here; the mirror was only a portal for it to travel small distances. And it had been controlling him – him, Damon Salvatore – so it had to be very close indeed. Still, he could find nothing. That made him even angrier than before. Absently fingering the back of his neck, he sent a dark message: I will warn you once, and once only. Stay away from ME! He sent the thought out with a blast of Power that flashed like sheet lightning in his own senses. It ought to have knocked something dead nearby – from the roof, from the air, from a branch†¦maybe even from next door. Fromsomewhere , a creature should have plummeted to the ground, and he should have been able to sense it. But although Damon could feel clouds darkening above him in response to his mood, and the wind rubbing branches together outside, there was no falling body, no attempt at dying retaliation. He could find nothing close enough to have entered his thoughts, and nothing at a distance could be that strong. Damon might amuse himself sometimes by pretending to be vain, but underneath he had a cool and logical ability to analyze himself. He was strong. He knew that. As long as he kept himself well nourished and free of weakening sentiment, there were few creatures that could stand against him – at least in this plane. Two were right here in Fell's Church,a little mocking counterpoint in his mind said, but Damon shrugged that off disdainfully. Surely there could be no other vampire Elders nearby, or he would sense them. Ordinary vampires, yes, they were already flocking. But they were all too weak to enterhis mind. He was equally certain there was no creature within range that could challenge him. He would have sensed it as he sensed the blazing ley lines of uncanny magical power that formed a nexus under Fell's Church. He looked at Caroline again, still held motionless by the trance he'd put on her. She would come out of it gradually, none the worse for the experience – for whathe'd done to her, at least. He turned and, as gracefully as a panther, swung out of the window, onto the tree – and then dropped easily thirty feet to the ground.