Sunday, October 6, 2019

Core Assessment Social Inequality Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Core Assessment Social Inequality - Term Paper Example In the above context, Mayer quotes Arthur Stinchcombe (1987) about demographic explanations and emphasizes the importance of historical changes. However, there is no dispute that the society in which one is born is the basic reason for the inequality an individual faces in his lifetime. The next aspect is regarding demographical differences that decide the formations in society. In addition to that the internal temporal ordering of individuals guided by race, class, social status, age and gender also play an important role in deciding the social inequality. Regarding life course and social inequality it is important to consider the institutional configurations in a society. In the above context it is important to observe the personality development and social conditions that affect social inequality and its affect on course of life. Hence, one can understand that the close link between psychological and socio-psychological, social and historical perspectives need focus while analyzin g and discussing the affect of social inequality in an individual's life. The affect of social inequality in making one gaining advantage or disadvantage due to the allocation of power due to the different aspects mentioned above is important in the analysis of this paper (Karl Ulrich Mayer, 2008). The social class and family structure are interconnected as the last fifty years witnessed the changes in household and family structure. ... is context Annemette Sorenson, (2008) quotes Lestaeghe (1995) about profound changes in economic foundations of marriage and gender relations that pave the way for inequality between contemporary individuals. As a family members share resources intra-generationally as well as across the generations, the influence of family on the members is decides their behavior in the society and the inequality in life course. In this context, the class position can be estimated by the position of male head of the household and when the single parent families began to rise, the family head definition itself has been changed. However, when married women's employment has been common, the financial status of the family decided the status and class of an individual. In the above mentioned situation, the social mobility of women decided the class of children in society. However, the experiences of children state that the class position also depends on designation and financial status of parents. However , in the above context, if the parents take divorce, the resultant life affects the class of the child and it is a major challenge to face social inequality thus arises. After that the economic and social conditions arise from the point of fact that the family being and economic and social unit. Hence, class boundaries decide the economic and social status of an individual. However, if the family's class position depends on designation of husband and wife, the social mobility decides the classification. Hence, social mobility as well as the designations of working husband and wife and the financial status irrespective of work status of women decides the class of a person in the society. Though the social mobility due to women empowerment decides the class of a family, the class of family

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