Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Informative Speech Special Education - 1195 Words

Initially I intended to write an email, not only to commend Connections Academy for the caliber of educators and special education staff, but to express profound gratitude for the level of acumen, insight, professionalism, commitment, and proficiency employed, specifically, by: Charity Cox (IEP case manager), AJ Schultz (IEP supervisor), and Allyson Rawlins (English 11 teacher). While I am still unpracticed with the nuances of online schooling, I am well-seasoned in the complexity of special education. I have three children (eldest 21); each one requires an IEP, all three are exceptionally bright. The past two decades, unexpectedly, redirected my life’s work to advocate and fight for my children s rights to their educational†¦show more content†¦While Charity has provided phenomenal support (and advocacy) in all classes, I will only address the quandary in English 11A. January 19th, I received an email from Charity, advising us to consider an extension request for classes Severin was still struggling to catch up in, as the February 1 semester deadline was less than two weeks away. In complete agreement, I formally emailed back requesting such. Admittedly, for some unintelligible reason, I put it in my head that Severin would receive an extension for all his classes. Subsequently, I instructed him to temporarily put aside the remaining work in his two English classes (11A, 9A) so that we could focus on history and Algebra. Understanding my child’s strengths and weaknesses, I decided Severin just needed to get over the hump of classwork he didn t like; knowing the remaining English would feel like a breeze to turn in; my ability to maintain his daily workload balance is key in my ability to keep his frustration levels under control. Consequently, it was not until the semester closed, and Severin could no longer access his English 11A assignmen ts, that we discovered the enormity of my error. As his learning coach, I instructed my son to set aside the remaining four English 11A assignments {Unit 4.9 Quick check (6%), Unit 4.11 Unit Test (24%), Unit 4.12 Portfolio Item (35%), Unit 5.2 SEMESTER EXAM (43%)} knowing he had worked diligently to catch up (earning anShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography Notes Essay1282 Words   |  6 Pagesprotections as living, breathing people       How does this source support your topic?   It supports my topic because it shows someone with power trying to take the freedom of speech away from these people and they don’t get to voice there opinion.       What information from this source would be most useful to include in your informative/explanatory article?   Campaign finance reform is one tortuous path to regaining popular control, but revoking corporations personhood and their First Amendment rightsRead MoreMy Experience With Special Education903 Words   |  4 Pagesof special education. 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