Friday, May 15, 2020

Unit 4 Project Advance Directives - 936 Words

In your project this week, you will explore advanced directives, torts and your role in healthcare while respecting patient’s rights. You will be evaluated on each project on the accuracy of your responses, the completeness of your responses, your ability to think critically about each situation and your overall writing ability. Your responses to the questions below should be constructed in complete sentences using proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. In addition to the grading standards found in the syllabus, projects will also be graded on accuracy and application of course materials. Each answer should be at least one paragraph in length, include supporting facts from the textbook, and an in-text citation. Your project†¦show more content†¦You as a professional can give them the pros and cons and the benefits and risks of all situations at hand. 7. If surgery was performed on the patient without his consent, what type of tort would you classify this action as? (assault, battery, fraud, defamation of character, false imprisonment or invasion of privacy) Why? The proper tort for complete failure of consent is called battery. Battery is intentional unpermitted touching. It boils down to is the healthcare professional needs to discuss with patient and get consent. 8. Would you classify the action to be an intentional or unintentional tort? Why? The action is an intentional tort. This means doing a civil wrong and validating a legal duty to another party. 9. Would this be considered a matter of civil or criminal law? Why? Civil law deals with breaches. Crimes are prosecuted by the state. The problem is civil tort law has a wide variety of legal claims. Assault, battery, trespass, and theft are all types of intentional tort civil law. 10. If this situation were to result in a lawsuit, what type of statute would determine how much time the patient would have to file a claim? How much time would a patient have to file a claim in the state in which you reside? Every state has its limits on filing a claim. ThisShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource Performance : The Role Of Cultural Differences1462 Words   |  6 Pages This paper will explain how the challenge of the best performances project reported on this special issue to identify which human resource performances stood out transversely which countries and why. It will be determined as the universal best performances, or virtuously situation detailed performances that were pointless out of ethnic backgrounds. Such studies de facto mandate deliberation of a quantity of background, ethnic, and administrative variables. The research predicaments related withinRead MoreHow To Dissimilar Motivational Influence For Personnel In Work?1621 Words   |  7 Pages they take accomplishment to create the revelation announcement emanated factual. (Heathfield, 2017). 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